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got4girls Tue, Jan-20-04 14:43

I screwed up so bad...
I'm so upset with myself. I've been doing good, but my father is having some major health issues right now. They found a large mass on his lung...lots of problems with him. Long story, you'd have to read my journal to understand.
Anyhow, it's really gotten me down BAD. All I've been doing for two days is crying over Daddy. Unfortunately I've always had a problem with "emotional eating" so I thought I would do a good thing and get some Russel Stover candies yesturday. I ate a few and they gave me tummy trouble, but didn't cause cravings. So I ate one today, thinking that would not cause problems. Well, it caused major cravings. They were horrible. I ended up cheating today by eating chocolate icecream! I AM SO TICKED OFF THAT I ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN! I mean that damn ice cream has been in the freezer for at least three weeks and I never even wanted it. Why all of a sudden I had to have it? I can't stand that I let my emotions get the best of me.
So now what should I do? Should I go ahead and start induction to help myself with the cravings? It's so frustrating to know that I've gone so long without cheating, have been losing weight, was lossing all the cravings, but blew it. I really believe the Russel Stover candies got that sweet taste going again for me and started the cravings all over again. :cry:
Now I have to start all over again and remove my 19 days cheat free.

MisterE Tue, Jan-20-04 14:53

Cook some bacon. Eat a little "fat" to get your appetite for carbs back under control.

But you have enough bad going on in your life not to kick yourself for something that is over and done with. Start over from NOW.

Good idea. Great gift to forgive yourself. Lesson learned.

LadyWendy Tue, Jan-20-04 14:58

Hey Momma!
The first thing you have to do is give yourself a giant hug!!! You speak as if you are expected to be Superwoman. You are a human under a great deal of stress. Don't obsess on the days "cheat free", etc. Each day is a blessing and you are still doing wonderfully. You cheated, ok, move on, start again. BUT FORGIVE YOURSELF!
Also, if you have pms or are ovulating, the cravings are what got you to have that chocolate anyway. Love yourself girlfriend. Begin again. Beating yourself up only adds extra pounds. *hugs* Wendy

twinkles10 Tue, Jan-20-04 15:04


I agree with the bacon, and then DRINK DRINK DRINK your water. Drink all you can, and then drink some more.

got4girls Tue, Jan-20-04 16:07

Thanks for the advice you guys.
I did eat some bacon and I'm drinking like crazy, so I'm feeling better.
I'm so afraid this is going to add back some pounds.
Oh well, I'm just going to jump back on and never eat the SF junk again.

aalley Tue, Jan-20-04 16:25

Hey got 4 girls- I just did a similar post. Same thing happened to me after 18 cheat free days! I'm back today and feel stronger than ever! Those darn fake treats sure can do you in! The people here are so encouraging. I couldnt do it without the TDC!!!!

orchidday Tue, Jan-20-04 16:50

Hi Tonya!

Don't despair!! When we get really down is the time we are most vulnerable to returning to old habits......rather like alcoholics. You know, one rough day will not ruin all of your good work. It is when that day turns into a week, then into a month, and then the slide gets really serious.

You love your father and he loves you....he would want you to be healthy and happy. Remember - treating yourself poorly will not improve things for him. Stick with your WOL so that you will feel up to being a support to him. If you are tired and discouraged, it will be much more difficult to cope with.

I hope your Dad improves and I will keep him in my prayers. Orchid

Charran Tue, Jan-20-04 16:50

Tonya...first of all, let me say that I'm very sorry to hear the news about your dad and will keep him and your family in my prayers. Emotional eating is a problem that I think alot of people have. For myself, any emotion can bring on eating, happy, sad, bored, etc etc. I wish I had all the answers on how to deal with it, but unfortunately I don't. All I can do is offer support and say, I know how you feel. I know that the very worst thing you can do is beat yourself up over it. That won't do any good at all. Maybe at this time, be a little more lenient on yourself. Perhaps allowing a few more carbs and just maintaining weight would do you some good, rather than trying to be too strict with yourself. We all have to find ways to deal with our emotions and everyone will handle it in a different way. I hope you find your path and wish your heartfelt success!

DWRolfe Tue, Jan-20-04 19:33

Very sorry to hear of the health issues in your family...

...I can definately relate to that. And I can relate to the stress eating behavior too.

If you can, try to stop yourself the next time you find yourself turning to food for comfort. Think about why you want to trip yourself up with food at a time when you should be extra special good to yourself. It's those same old ideas that made us heavy and will prevent us from getting healthy if we don't deal with them.

Positive vibes heading your way...

got4girls Tue, Jan-20-04 19:38

Thanks you guys. It helps to talk to you all. I know you've all been there.
Next time I'm sad, I'll come here and have you guys talk me through it.
Thank God for the TDC! :-)

hummelda Tue, Jan-20-04 20:00

Hi Tonya,

Adding my support to all the others. You deserve a big hug and a bubble bath. My prayers go out to you and your family as you struggle with scary news.


tlmarshall Tue, Jan-20-04 20:03

Hey Tonya - sorry to hear about the troubling news for your family. I know it can be a very stressful time. Make sure you continue to do 'good' things for yourself! all the best...

CakkyDoodl Tue, Jan-20-04 20:10

me too me too. :( after two cheat free days, woo hoo. sorry you're gonig through such a hard hard time

Ellen-mom Tue, Jan-20-04 20:31

Add my thoughts and prayers for your family to everyone elses!!
Congrats on getting back on track, and don't stress over a little cheat.

Wenzday Tue, Jan-20-04 21:14

Just pick yourself back up, let it go and start all over tomorrow. (((HUGS))) sometimes you have to give yourself a break.

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