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Sccuffy Sun, Jan-11-04 20:42

Newbie with no idea how to start
Hi everyone,

I am a little scared right now, I am motivated and want to start to loose weight, but where do I start, do I have to buy a book and spend time reading.

Also I want to start incorporating low carb food into my family's meals.

I have to do this now, else I fear I will just spend the rest of my life working and cleaning the house, never to leave it again unless under to cover of darkness.

Please can someone tell me where to start?


suzanneM Sun, Jan-11-04 21:31

Yes, you do have to get the book! $14 bucks or whatever it is, and it will change everythign. Chump change!

Why be scared? go to and click on "how to do atkins". spells the basics out for you. No need to be scared - do this the right & healthy way, and you'll soon be feeling much better.

However, don't just stop eating things because you *think* you are doing Atkins - that's dangerous and your health & well being are nothing to play with. Isn't it time to CHANGE? Invest a bit of time on learning about this.

Excuse me, I think I'll go have a nice steak and a big salad with all the fixings on it. :lol: Man I feel good.

Sccuffy Sun, Jan-11-04 23:16


After I posted here I looked around the site more, and did find the link to Thank you for posting it though.

I will read some more about this, it is time for a change, I can't work myself into the ground and stay with my old eating habits, my life should be about more than just work, and house work.

I am in the working mom rut, it is time I take a little more care of myself, and help my family to eat better.

I am inspired by other peoples posts on this site, and it has given me great encourage ment to take this step.

Now off for a trip to buy the book, is there a specfic one? and set up a journal to help keep me motivated.

Thank you,


smoothblu Mon, Jan-12-04 00:25

On the right there is a link that says "What low carb plan is right for me".

I would suggest you check out that link. Fit a plan to your lifestyle.

It's sound like your excited and ready to begin a new WOL <way of life>

Good luck!!! and Welcome!!!

Sccuffy Mon, Jan-12-04 08:52


I am very exited to start, I have begun using, even if I don't change my eating pattern today, I will have begun to educate my self on what I really eat each day.

I think that I will use the Atkins method, as this has books that I can purchase in a store or online, and it seems from reading other people's post that this has worked for them.

It is time for me to change because when I look in the mirror I don't see me anymore, it seems that after having a baby 2 1/2 years ago by c-section, that I have been left with a big empty soft spot.

I have to go to work now.

Thank you for the words of encouragement.


Catmommy Mon, Jan-12-04 14:31

Hi Sccuffy!

I'm so glad that you posted your thoughts because they are so similar to mine. There are so many different diet options, conflicting medical reports, things to's scary! I got to the point that I was afraid to try one more diet again for fear that the scale would not budge downwards for the umpteenth time. The thought of that was just too much to bear.

Smoothblu had a great suggestion...check out the link on the different low-carb plans. It's important to pick out a plan that fits you. I'd also add that you may want to browse through and read some of the posts in the various categories in this web forum. I did it for many days and the conclusion that I came to was that these are real people with real successes and real struggles. But in both cases, I saw people cheering others on. And I saw people lifting up those who were struggling. It's truly "reality web forum" at its best! The lo-carbers on this site get all the credit for giving me the resolve to finally go for my dream once more.

Before I started, I gathered information on the other plans and finally settled on Atkins. I thought it suited me best in terms of my goals, lifestyle, food preferences, and a medical condition that I have. Also, it's a plan that I think I can stick to for life. I bought the book, "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution," and, along with the website, I feel confident that I have enough information to get started.

I suppose the proof of that is that I've been on Atkins for five days now and--I can't believe it--I have lost weight! :yay: I see that we're at similar starting weights with similar goals--so please let me know what you finally settle on.

I truly wish you all the best!!!

coolazchic Mon, Jan-12-04 15:19

Welcome to the board and congratulations on a great start to a healthier way of eating. Atkins has been one of the best choices I have ever made for an eating lifestyle. I can stick with it (most of the time :lol: ) and feel better about myself in the process. Good luck and hope to see you around!

Sccuffy Mon, Jan-12-04 21:15

I am very happy I found this site, as I will be spending all my spare time
reading about what others are doing and hopefully posting some of my own accomplishments soon.

I am really encouraged by everything I read here, I have been logging all my food today at, it really helps to keep the temptations at bay, we had cinamon buns with the nice soft white icing in the office today, and I didn't have one because that would mean I would have to put it on my food log and besides see it on my thighs (haha) I would have to see it on my total food intake for the day.

Thanks for the greating from everyone.


coolazchic Tue, Jan-13-04 11:56

You should start a journal....I really find it motivating! Good job on resisting the no-no foods!

danakins Wed, Jan-14-04 05:25


Welcome to this Way of Life (WOL)! I think you'll find that those cinnamon buns lose their hold on you after awhile, especially when you start seeing results. I suggest that you find out what kind of snacks or quick treats you can have on whichever plan you chose and make yourself a survival kit for your desk drawer. I keep a couple of low carb bars, some beef jerly and a bag o pork rinds in my survival kit. I think changing your perspective on those office treats would help too...such as, is this something that we do for comaraderie or is this just something to nibble on. If it's about comaraderie, then go grab your low carb bar and enjoy the social aspect. Either way, it's okay not to give.

On my team, we have a couple of people that are vegetarian and when we order lunch we always make sure that there is something that they can eat and now I make sure that there is something low carb as well. No questions asked.

Good luck to you! Keep coming here for suggestions and encouragement.


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