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nursey15 Sat, Dec-27-03 08:25

Let's see how many are restarting induction today or in the next couple of days?
Me! I gained 5 pounds since Christmas Eve. My fingers are all swollen (TOM or cheats who knows, does it matter it's still water retention either way)

Let's all get back on track and start the New Year off right!!!

MadCabbit Sat, Dec-27-03 08:52

I am starting over too. I made it through Thanksgiving w/o cheating, but I couldn't resist this time!! What's funny is that I didn't gain any weight at all. I'm crossing my fingers and waiting to see what happens!

golflady59 Sat, Dec-27-03 09:46

I am staying on track till New Years and then thinking about starting strict induction again for at least 2 weeks. More water and exercise. Didn't do bad over Christmas, but I really want to go down a size in jeans.

asalvato Sat, Dec-27-03 09:53

I started yesterday. I even got my DH to join me. He had breakfast of bacon and eggs. I went for a walk (70 minutes), then had 2 16 ounce glasses of water and my now ready to have my egg salad and bacon for breakfast. DH is having egg salad with me. Then we are off to the grocery.

Good luck to all.

BlitzedAng Sat, Dec-27-03 10:41

I didn't have a single cheat during the holidays or at any other time but can't seem to break my stall ..Well maybe not a stall really, I do see a size difference. But I been really tired lately,appetite has dropped, have to force myself to eat breakfast most days.Im thinking of going back to strict induction for a month and see what happens..When that TOM rolls around I see a huge water weight gain but when it's over Im right back to where I started.. No change..I know I could never handle a meat fast,lol, so I will give induction a go :)

Happygem Sat, Dec-27-03 14:04

cheated too
Oh boy did i ever cheat. I went on a glorious 4 day cheat. it started with loaves of homemade bread and ended with a box of chocolate and half a carrot cake. It's back to induction for me. I have avoided the scale don't need to see what I already know. I hope I can stay cheat free for a few months now.

nursey15 Sat, Dec-27-03 14:11

Time to Shine aka Glimmer and I are challenging ourselves to 100 cheat free days. We both started induction again today. We started a day apart 1 month ago also. We are Adtwins, and keep each other grounded and motivated in our journals. We would gladly accept any others who want to join us!!!

nawchem Sat, Dec-27-03 18:18

I would love to join you. I restarted a few days ago. It has been tough and I need some company! You could put a post in the Buddies and Challenges Thread.

redawn Sat, Dec-27-03 18:35

I had actually been thinking of this today. . .thought. . .new year. . .reread and restart. . .did fine during the holidays. . .but I would love a kick start to the new year. . .plus I have a friend who has been trying to do it with me. . .she needs to go back on induction. . .so we will suffer together. redawn;)

polisfamil Sat, Dec-27-03 18:35

I need to restart again!!!!
I am so frustrated with myself. I am trying to start up again but everytime I wake up in the morning, I cant seem to stop eating everything that is bad for me. Can anyone help???????? It is just so frustrating that I make my mind up then in the morning, bam there goes cereal or toast or donuts. I am gaining weight at a rapid pace eating all this stuff and I understand why but still cant stop. Looking for some moral support.


pre3teach Sat, Dec-27-03 18:47

I just posted aoubt blowing it over Christmas and would love to be cheat free even for two weeks!! At this point THAT would be great.

I don't know why I can't seem to get going either. It really helps for me to know some others are doing it and plan to keep it up and challange each other![COLOR=Red]

time2shine Sat, Dec-27-03 19:16

Hey Kathy Im here..:wave: :)

Looks like we have some company. :D That is great! Are we going to continue supporting each other here..or are we moving this to the Challenge Buddy Section of the Forum?

Good luck everyone...Im going for 100 cheat free days and Im currently doing a KISS version of Atkins for at least 2 weeks to ground myself and to get rid of the Christmas Bloat.

Mike ..its hard to deal with cravings until you get into ketosis and then things are MUCH better ..hunger goes way down ..cravings are almost nonexistent and certainly bearable. Do you know if youve gone into ketosis yet? Restart your induction...we are here for you.

Im rounding out my first Cheat Free Day!! 99 more to go! :D

:bhug: Hugs all around,

Rachelle Sat, Dec-27-03 19:19

I think i will be starting this with you guys as well...
Although I will not start til after New Years... I will be drinking myself into someplace unknown :) :lol:
I would suggest taking this thread to the buddies and Challenges.... Nursey.. all you need to do is ask one of the forum mod's to move it for you :)

Good Luck All!

nawchem Sat, Dec-27-03 22:02

Mike, I am very similar to you. I always start on the weekends so that I am away from the temptations at work. I think you have got to get rid of the donuts and cereal. Your health is important enough to get them out of the house at least for 5 days. After you get into ketosis you'll probably be able to resist but if there not there ever even better, for everyone. If you have kids maybe you can buy them cereal you don't like. I remember my mom going through a phase where she only bought shredded wheat.

Dr Atkins recommends L-Glutamine for cravings, maybe that will help.

ItsTheWooo Sat, Dec-27-03 23:28

Originally Posted by polisfamil
I am so frustrated with myself. I am trying to start up again but everytime I wake up in the morning, I cant seem to stop eating everything that is bad for me. Can anyone help???????? It is just so frustrating that I make my mind up then in the morning, bam there goes cereal or toast or donuts. I am gaining weight at a rapid pace eating all this stuff and I understand why but still cant stop. Looking for some moral support.


Mike, NEVER say you are going to start dieting tomorrow. That never works, trust me.

What you need to do is tell yourself right this second you are taking responsibility for your eating.

If I were you here is what I would do right after reading this post.

1) Flush all food you can't eat down the toilet. This is a needed step to get started. With no temptations, you can actually get back on the wagon.
2) I would spend a long time thinking about the big picture after cleansing my cabinets. All big changes are comprised of nothing but a bunch of small changes. What you do right now absolutley affects your future. Stop thinking about it like a diet, or losing weight, tell yourself you are making a lifestyle change. A conscious decision to change the way you are living. Diets don't work, only conscious lifestyle changes do.

Good luck to you mike, but please remember the diet you start tomorrow is the one that never works.

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