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tamborine Sat, Dec-13-03 08:54

MAJOR nicotine addict - need HELP
I'm 45 and have smoked 1 to 2+ packs a day since I was 12. I've been trying to quit since age 22 (when my father died at 52 of LUNG CANCER). Tried nearly EVERYTHING so far. Behavioral modification, you know, wrapping the pack with rubber bands, diary of cravings, etc. Hypnosis twice. Patches. Gum. Patches & gum simultaneously. Can't do Wellbutrin because I had a history of absence seizures as a young teen.

Currently, I work in a non-smoking environment (hospital) and chew nicotine gum all day just so I'm not always running out to smoke. Smoke whenever I'm not at work.

I tried cold turkey a few times many years ago and it was HORRIBLE, the physical and psychological cravings were unbearable. I felt as if I were going to die and/or go insane.

But, I think Cold Turkey is the only way I will finally be free of nicotine. I spend close to $5000/year on cigarettes & gum. I'm killing myself, and I realize it, but I'm just SO AFRAID. Late December 2002, I stopped smoking and only did gum for about 4 months, but cigarettes insidiously reappeared when I was under extra stress.

Yesterday, one of my coworkers said to me, "You don't want to quit. If you wanted to quit, you'd just quit." I have to agree with him: I don't want to QUIT. It's QUITTING that I'm afraid of. I just want to miraculously wake up tomorrow morning & be a non-smoker, but I have a sneaking suspicion that's never going to happen!

This board has been a great help to me with LC'ing & has kept me motivated. It's really becoming an ingrained way of life. I'm hoping someone can offer some advice to help me with my nicotine addiction, maybe how they survived cold turkey as a really heavy smoker/chewer. I've set a tentative quit date of 1/2/04, and am really getting nervous (already!). I'm working that day, and don't want to become crazed. Should I move it to 1/3, when I'm off? But then it would be too easy to break down & run out for a pack. At least at work, I'm trapped, so to speak, and occupied. Should I go back to patches for a while, and at least not be reinforcing my oral fixation?

Ironically, I'm an RN, and regularly counsel patients on the dangers of smoking, and quitting methods! Ha! If only I could practice what I preach! I feel like such a hypocrit.

Maryann in NJ

GramnGramp Sun, Dec-14-03 10:56

Hi Maryann,

I can really relate to the feelings you are having. I smoked for 43 years. Was up to 2 packs a day.

I am a firm believer that no one can convince another person to quit. For years family members and friends have been after me to quit. Just the THOUGHT of quitting would send me into a panic! I was afraid that I would fail.

Then one day I asked myself what I was afraid of. If I failed, I could just go back to smoking. So I threw the rest of the last pack in the trash sack in my car and haven't smoked since. (They are still in my car)
I have gone cold turkey, which is hard. But I wanted to be totally nicotene free. The only problems I have had are with weight gain and mood swings, which I am working on now.

You WILL quit smoking when you are sick and tired of it and REALLY WANT TO.

I believe that. Good Luck!!

tamborine Sun, Dec-14-03 11:38

GG, thanks for your inspiring note! I guess cold turkey is the way to go - I'm so addicted to nicotine that gum, patch, etc. just exacerbate my problems, instead of eliminating them. Yesterday I saw on another thread someone recommended a book by Allen Carr, called "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking". I went out & bought it, and read it all last night. It advocates a cold turkey approach, but in a positive light, rather than negative (you're not really GIVING UP anything, you're GAINING everything!).

So - I'm going to do it, today! Not even going to wait for Jan. 2 - why put it off? You did it, and you smoked for 10 years longer than me! So I can, too!! **Trying to be positive here ;-)

laffn Sun, Dec-14-03 13:36


I quit last week cold turkey and besides the first couple of days, the cravings/urges are nothing I cannot handle. Have you tried this website: It has really helped. The support there is awesome. Of course, I have gained a little weight, but I plan after I get more of this quit under my belt to go back to Atkins strict induction.


GramnGramp Mon, Dec-15-03 08:08

Good for you two. I have heard that the book has helped lots of people. It's a mind set, really. You have to really want to quit.
So good luck to you both. You know, the most surprising thing for me has been that people have smoked around me, even in my home, and it has honestly not bothered me.
Check in here frequently and let us know how you are doing.

tamborine Wed, Dec-17-03 10:46

Well, day 3 of no cigarettes, but ashamed to admit that I'm chewing nicotine gum (only about 1/3 as much as before, though).

Went to work stone cold turkey on Monday - was dizzy driving there the whole way (too much oxygen to my brain I guess) but otherwise ok. Throughout the day, though, I became progressively more "out of it" - I felt like I wasn't there, or was having an out of body experience (more like a psychotic break, probably!). Then at about 4pm I burst into tears while talking to one of my coworkers. Everyone was concerned, telling me to go have a cigarette, calm down, etc. But I stuck it out, made it home at 9pm, and jumped into bed. Slept very poorly, kept waking up all night. The next morning I decided since I have to work, and can't do so effectively if I'm in the midst of a nervous breakdown, I had better chew the gum, for a while, at least. So I'm only a SEMI-failure this time!

Alina Wed, Dec-17-03 11:21

I'm with you....know how you feel......I managed to quit but couldn't go cold turkey, fell of the wagon many times.... now I'm free from smoking for five weeks with patches. That's my way.......whatever works - do it! Except eating carbs of course......LOL
My VERY best wishes to you!

Ah, that is absolutely have to WANT to quit in order to quit.

Good luck!


sharann Fri, Dec-26-03 02:58

This area has been awfully quiet this week. Is everyone being GOOD during the holidays? I am with not smoking. Carb wise, I am adequate, but could be lower. Am in maintenence so I am allowing myself enough carbs now.

Tamborine, is that a pic of your dog? What is the breed?
Very nice looking mutt!

ricky47 Fri, Feb-27-04 07:30

My story is much like Tam's -mother died of lung ca, and smoking for 35 years. I have to quit this time because my husband is going cold turkey and I can't fail or he will start up again. He can't breathe now. I have the gum and the patch here, and I put it on yesterday - but the dizziness and uncontrollable emotional outbursts are what I am afraid of. I'm under a lot of stress now, and I want to break this habit for me - for my kids - for my hubby - my self-esteem - and for Lent. I figure, during Lent - God will give me more help than I can give myself. Again - this is going to be hard, and the gum really really sucks....Can ya'lll help me?

ItaliaGirl Thu, Apr-08-04 11:02

PLEASE look into Allen Carr's easyway method. PLEASE

He was a 100 a day smoker for 30 years, using his method millions of people - including myself - successfully given up smoking.

No pain, no withdrawel to write home about - no problem - no fuss - no muss!

Please put your faith in Allen Carrs method.

If it fails - it fails.

But it could work!

mischa Sun, Apr-11-04 10:04

It's QUITTING that I'm afraid of.

I was afraid of illness and death...that was my reason to stop smoking and I did it cold turkey after I read this Website ...

I am a non-smoker for: 1 Year 3 Months 3 Weeks 2 Days 23 Hours 7 Minutes 37 Seconds
Cigarettes not smoked: 6719
Money saved: C$2,435.82
Life saved: 1 Mo 2 Wks 3 Days 15 Hrs 54 Mins 54 Secs

TashaT Tue, Apr-13-04 08:49

[QUOTE=mischa]I was afraid of illness and death...that was my reason to stop smoking and I did it cold turkey after I read this Website ...

Me Too...
Smoke Free 31 Days

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