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shtrdave Mon, Dec-08-03 20:37

how do I make it work?
After 10 weeks I lost 60lb and after 12 weeks I lost 60lb, this said I have lost nothing the past 2 weeks. I don't weigh everyday but every 2 weeks.

I know people say that they have this problem also, but I don't want this plan to stop working yet, I have way to far to go, for it to slow down now is quite discouraging and aggrevating.


diemde Mon, Dec-08-03 20:44

First of all, congrats on how much you have lost already. That is wonderful! :yay:

I know lots of people say this happens to them, so I think it is quite common. Have you tried checking your food intake at fitday? Maybe you have had some carb creep, or arent' eating enough fat lately? Also, are you exercising more or less than you did previously?

The days that I don't lose, I can usually attribute it to something I either did or didn't do, usually my food intake. So maybe tracking everything for a few days will show you something. Just don't give up - it will eventually kick in for you again!

liz175 Mon, Dec-08-03 21:15

Congratulations on doing so well! You have been averaging a 5 or 6 pound a week weight loss. Unfortunately, many of us find that after losing like that for a while our bodies need to take a break and get used to the new weight before we start losing again. I have seen lots of people quite low carbing at this point. DON'T!!!! I promise you that if you stick to it you will start losing again and you will be much thinner in a year than you would be if you quit.

I find it very helpful to think about my weight loss in terms of averages. Try thinking about it this way: If you had been losing four pounds a week all along and continued to lose four pounds a week during the past two weeks, you would have lost a total of 48 pounds as of this week and you would probably be very happy. Instead, you lost six pounds a week for 10 weeks and then nothing for two weeks, which resulted in a total of 60 pounds lost as of this week and you are unhappy! Does that make any sense?

If you continue to not lose for a couple of more weeks, I would say that you should carefully examine everything you are doing. However, given the rate at which you were losing, I suspect that you are doing everything correctly and your body is just adjusting to its new weight. I know it is frustrating when you have so much to lose, but there is probably nothing you can do about it.

I have been low carbing for 17 months and I have twice had periods when I went for over a month without losing anything. After that, my weight loss resumed again.

mudknife Mon, Dec-08-03 21:28

Your body is testing your personal commitment to low carbing. Keep doing what you know is right, do not give in to eating the wrong foods, and you will be fine.

Kathy54 Mon, Dec-08-03 23:09

Liza 175 is SO RIGHT !!!!
The main thing to stress here is that, you can't say they weight went on nice and even every week right?? So it won't vanish nice and even every week,sad, but simple as that. You've lost an incredible amount of weight in a very short period of time, just let your body rest and adjust, stick right to the program and it will reward you, but please be patient.
I know I'm not in the same weight catagory as you, but look at my records below. I have been at and below my goal for going into 4 months now, even thou I went through several weeks of no losses, for no reason other than what Liza has explained. So relax and enjoy 8>)

Good Luck, you're doing great. Kathy

MisterE Tue, Dec-09-03 04:01

Dave, congratulations on your success to date. You did hear yourself with the "60 pounds in 12 weeks" stuff, huh? That is beyond remarkable. That is a gift you have given yourself thanks to low carbing and your commitment.
I had slowed and even gone back up a few pounds (4) when eating legal but with too many SF treats, coffee, and too many nuts, prcessed foods. I know if doing without all that "good" stuff for a while will kick start my weight loss? Nope. But I will find out on December 22nd when I next weigh.
IF it works then it may be something you wish to try for a limited time to kick start the furnace. But I can assure you that by just doing the same things that got you to where you are now your wieght will continue to fall.
I was not going to make note of the fact that your weight loss "stoppage" coincides with Thanksgiving...but figured I might oughta toss that in the mix. I ate legal and gained ate legal and stayed the same. Your plan is working and will continue to work as long as you work it!
Again, congratulations on your terrific success!

Tedmom Tue, Dec-09-03 05:49

Ditto to all of the above, Dave. You've done a great job heretofore. Keep doing what you're doing and try to stick to the "real" food as much as possible. Good luck to you!

TerryLynne Tue, Dec-09-03 08:06

Have you checked your measurements. I'll bet you are still getting smaller even if the scale isn't registering it. I have been about the same weight for three weeks now but I can tell I'm still losing so I'm just weighting:) for the silly scale to catch on!!!

tulips Tue, Dec-09-03 08:41

You've done so FANTASTIC ...I'd bet anything it's your body catching up. I've been slowing down and was getting impatient too. Because I'm committed to this WOL, I know I will meet my goal eventually.
Like Terry said, it's always a good idea to chart your body measurements periodically because more times than not you're losing inches when you aren't seeing the scales drop! Keep us posted on your progress.

Plagiomom Tue, Dec-09-03 11:45

You are doing absolutely fantastic! Don't get discouraged! I know many of us have had periods where the scale didn't budge (myself included for about 2 1/2 weeks) - but persistence pays off!

You may want to double check your intake on - just to make sure you're not having a carb creep. But if everything checks out and your keeping up with water intake, just wait it out and the scale will start dropping again! And as was mentioned, you could also be losing inches right now too.

Hang in there! I know how discouraging it is when the scale doesn't move - but persistance pays off.


LCchickFL Tue, Dec-09-03 15:40

Ditto what everyone else has said. I myself just had a 2 month period (up and down every week) when overall, I only lost about 2#. Then for the last 2 weeks, I've lost 5# and then 4# for a total of 9#. For these last 2 weeks, my daily calorie intake is actually more than it had been and I haven't been to the gym once. Go figure.

Prior to this I had gone back on Induction, cut out some snacks, & tried this and that to get things moving again. After a while, I just said screw it, I'm just going to eat what I know I can eat and let my body do what it's gonna do and then whoooooooooooooosh, there it goes!!

Hang in there. :)

shtrdave Tue, Dec-09-03 20:44

Thanks all, not really looking for encouragement, but appreciate it anyhow. I am one that is always looking for answers, and no doubt will be till the end, after all that is how one learns.

Not ready to give up on this yet, but have a hard time understanding why decent progress is made and then nothing, been thinking I may need to go back and read the book again some more.

I know where alot of the problems are I just need to convince myself to fix'em.

The holidays are here and for me that is the time of the year for nuts and sweets, anytime is nut time for me but this is the main one. So we will see what happens in a month after the holidays are gone. I guess if I can just stay the same give or take a few pounds then I will be doing something right.

Thanks again


Mossling Tue, Dec-09-03 21:44


Bodies have to adjust to changes (just like changing jobs.) And a 60 pound loss in 10 weeks is a HUGE change. It may take a bit for your bod to say, "Okay, it's time to start shedding more pounds!" I'm in one of those pauses right now, too. Let's just hang in there together. Jude

carlab68 Wed, Dec-10-03 17:21


Your body is probably just catching up with your amazing losses. Don't fret yet. The plan is working. Keep up the good work and it'll catch back up to you.

shtrdave Wed, Dec-10-03 19:43

I see many references to this fitday thing, can someone explain it to me.



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