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MTEcho Sat, Dec-06-03 09:34

What a mess I'm in-exercise wise
I don't really feel much like posting, but maybe this will make me feel a little more upbeat. This whole last month I've been sitting here in the mid 230's. Going up going down, but not getting below what I was at the 1st of Nov. Now it's the beginning of Dec. and I weigh more than I did at the start of Nov. Yuck. I can't seem to get myself motivated to really crack down. I am still following LC, with the exception of Thanksgiving, but I cannot seem to go anywhere. I still have a problem with trying to exercise, that seems to be the big blocker for me. I feel that if I could just get motivated to exercise that the weight would come off again.
So have any of you tried any exercise machines like the lateral thigh trainer or the gazelle? I've been thinking about one or the other. What do you all think?


MisterE Sat, Dec-06-03 09:38

I have an aerobic rider that is the only kind of cardio machine I found that I could do and get it done. I saw one on TV the other day being advertised (a similar thing) by Suzanne Sommers, I think. I did not pay attention as I have one.
I have 2 friends who bought the Gazelle. Both Gazelles are sitting in their garages. Don't know if that means anything. My aerobic rider sat in the garage for close to 10 years unused.
Go to a sporting goods store and try an aerobics machine that you can do for enough time to count. THAT is the machine for you!

LCchickFL Sat, Dec-06-03 12:25

Every one I know that bought exercise equipment of any kind, myself included, never used them regularly and eventually got rid of them or have them relegated to an unused corner of their homes to collect dust & act as a clothes rack. If you are determined to get one, check out your local garage sales and pennysaver type newspaper or other classified ads. You can probably pick one up for a song.

maryc Sat, Dec-06-03 13:15

I have an Excercise Bike. I can't say that I do my Excercise every day but I have at least done it the last 3 days. I go 20 minutes and 5 miles on the bike. I found out that If I don't do my excercise before breakfast then I won't do it at all because I get busy doing other things and don't have the umph to get on it. :) I have a lot more energy before breakfast.

irisda Sat, Dec-06-03 13:54

I used the gazelle..for about 3 months and then got bored with it. I think it was 120 bucks. I bought it from the home shopping network and they broke the payments down. The one good thing about it is that it says a weight limit of 250 pounds but I used it when I was 300. it was very easy on the joints. It did make some creaking sounds but it did hold up. I got bored with it and started using DVDs and going to the gym at my apartment complex and using the state of the art treadmills but I have really fallen off the exercise bandwagon. I am sitting here now thinking I have two and a half hours before leavig for the movies (last samurai) I should pull out my DVDs and do one. I think I will.

Also I was in Walmart and saw the Firm has the 3 DVD know the one they advertise on tv? Well they have two sets one with the exercise stick and one with the fanny lifter. They are both 58 bucks. I am definitely investing in the set of DVDs with the sculpting stick. I already have the DVD set with the fanny lifter and it makes a huge difference.

liz175 Sat, Dec-06-03 14:57

If you are thinking about buying an exercise machine, the January 2004 Consumer Reports (just came out and I saw it on a news stand) has an article on which exercise machines actually work. It's quite likely your local library has the issue. If I were in the market for exercise equipment, I would read it. I leafed through it and my memory is that they didn't much like the gazelle.

I find walking to be the easiest exercise to stick to and it doesn't require any equipment other than a good pair of shoes. However, the weather doesn't always cooperate, so I am thinking about buying a treadmill.

Atkins4myW Sat, Dec-06-03 20:23

I love my treadmill. When I started and was 300+ pounds and badly out of shape it crawlwd along with me as i got better it got faster. When I reached maximum walking speed of 5 MPH for me I started upping the incline and backing off the speed some so i didn't slide off the back. Now I can do a level 7.5 incline at 5 MPH (it only goes to 10) Some folks find it boring. but i can do the computer chats while walking with my keyboard clamped to the front. It also has an ifit chip and can be programed to the computer for control of the incline and speed or use dvd tapes to hike too. I have 2 flat hiking tapes i use when i'm just doing a slow fatburning 4 MPH flat walk. You can walk while you watch TV or even talk on the phone. BUT you do have to make the effort to get on it and turn it on just as you would with any exercise program. Many motivational speakers say it takes 2 weeks to make a habit so see iof you can find a gym with a 2 week membership and test out the machines to see which ohne you like before you buy. For me it was the treadmill because all the others hurt my knees. My dad swears by his bike. my sister uses a rower. Find the one you like and then use it.
Dr Atkins says in DANDR if you aren't exercising you aren't doing his plan. So whatever you decide to do get started and work your Atkins. You will be amazed at how well it will work of you if you work all parts of the plan the eating, exercising, water drinking and supplements.

Happy low carbing to you.

irisda Sun, Dec-07-03 08:36

wow! i am taking advice from the big looser. (giggles). there i go trying to reinvent the wheel again. thanks atkins...for nuding me back to the exercise light. you are awesome.

Nebula Sun, Dec-07-03 08:40

I have an exercise bike. I use it 4x a week starting two weeks ago.

Of course, it was unused for about 13 months before that. :o

liz175 Sun, Dec-07-03 09:23

I have an exercise bike I bought years ago that I use when I am desperate (like the past few days when it has been too icy to walk outside and I haven't been able to schedule in the time required to get to the YMCA to use their pool or treadmill), but it hurts my rear to sit on it for too long! I advice anyone buying an exercise bike to seriously consider buying an incumbent bike.

coco2 Sun, Dec-07-03 11:34

I've asked Santa to bring me an incumbent bike. Don't know if he'll old exercise bike makes a convenient hanger-hanger and the nordic-type machine and rower have been gathering dust under the bed for years.

brownious Sun, Dec-07-03 14:11

I watched a couple infomercials with Chuck Norris. I'm a bit tempted by the Total Gym. $49 a month, they didn't say how many months though and I didn't call :>)

Lesle Sun, Dec-07-03 21:12

I have a Total Gym, but I bought it at QVC for MUCH MUCH less than the infomercial sure to check them out first. I don't use mine much due to having some arthritis in my shoulders now. Maybe we should start a thread to sell used equipment?? Then when we tire of, or outgrow something, we can pass it onto someone else, and find a bargain on another piece for ourselves!

maryc Mon, Dec-08-03 06:40

What is an Incumbent bike? I have never heard of that. :)

mudknife Mon, Dec-08-03 07:30

Hi Echo, have you considered walking? It's easy, cheap, and low impact. You can vary the speed, distance and duration easily to suit yourself. The fresh air is good for you and it's great for burning fat. If walking is not enough, you can combine this with a basic free weight workout.

The problem I have with machines is they make your body adjust to them, which in some cases may go against your natural movements. What I mean is a machine has fixed points of movement. A shorter person will have a different workout than a taller one.

Also, I think it's an excellent idea to try out a machine before you buy it to make sure you like it and it fits you well. And don't be fooled by the glamourous and fit people in the commercials advertising these machines, they probably just came from the gym and most likely a workout using free weights.

And remember machines will not do the work for you, your dedication and consistency in whatever program you choose is the key.

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