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sexee_babe Fri, Nov-21-03 09:55

Red Flag Alert on ATkins 2 Deaths
It scares me after I heard on about the heart abnormalities that developed in 3 people doing the Atkins plan...2 people died...and one was diagnosed with a heart abnormality...and all were on atkins I am researching the South Beach Plan, seems that the plan is also low fat and light foods along with low carb....and a bit more carbs in it...not so restricting on breads and pastas...etc..I wanna healthy heart and lose weight then maintain it.
If you want more info on the news alert go to and see news...atkins red flag alert. This scared me...even though there is no proof that it was caused by atkins...but I find that I am eating way too much fat and I want to reduce that intake...for heart health.

Thanks for taking a peek and if anyone has any advice feel free to post me some answers...I know you need fat in this diet for it to work....but I feel the need to reduce it.

doreen T Fri, Nov-21-03 10:10

hi there,

FWIW, the PCRM group promoting this anti-Atkins campaign is a well-known militant animal rights vegan organization affiliated with PETA.

There are several ongoing discussions about this in the Research/Media forum ..
Atkins diet on CBCNEWS

Group Says Atkins Diet Caused Teen's Death

Atkins Physicians response to PCRM/Radical Vegans


Kestrel Fri, Nov-21-03 10:20

Yes, lets all believe CBS and PCRM and PETA. While you're at it, better lock up your fridge too, per this "news" article:

Of course, it won't matter whether you're on Atkins, South Beach, WW, Measly Eaters or whatever if you have the dastardly problem noted in that article...

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head...

sexee_babe Fri, Nov-21-03 10:36

Ok...I am still scared...but this doesn't mean I am going to give up LCing....just cut some fat out of my diet.
I am thumbs up on this all about promoting weight watchers and all other diets, animal rights activists..etc...?
Dr. Atkins is dead, let him rest.

doreen T Fri, Nov-21-03 10:43

Originally Posted by sexee_babe this all about promoting weight watchers and all other diets, animal rights activists..etc...?
The PCRM isn't against FAT, as long as it's from a plant. That group is against eating MEAT or any animal foods, including milk and eggs. Their arguments are not new, it's just that the media has picked up on their campaign and is spreading it over and over :rolleyes:


Kristine Fri, Nov-21-03 10:45

Remember your statistics class here. Three people out of millions on Atkins and other low carb plans. That is hardly significant. On any given day, randomly, many people will develop health problems. Some of them will happen to be LCing. That doesn't mean they're related.

Nebula Fri, Nov-21-03 11:11

Originally Posted by Kristine
Remember your statistics class here. Three people out of millions

This is what I find humorous about the whole situation. Can we say, "grabbing at straws?"

Three people out of tens of millions and, more importantly, no one can conclusively identify that these three people died from anything having to do with the diet. It is completely plausible that they would have died regardless of what diet they were on because of shoddy pre-diagnostic medical advice and/or testing.

Regardless, as others have said, the PCRM group isn't a reputable source.

sexee_babe Fri, Nov-21-03 11:27

Very True!!!

Thats what I was thinking, just the fact that they were on Atkins gave them an edge to start something and try to back up thier what they could have been on weight watchers and it could have been us LCers starting a huge controversial campagne on weight watchers, RIGHT?

Rick Jones Fri, Nov-21-03 11:41

This is the same tired old crap that all these guys spout against Atkins and other low-carb diets. I especially like the claim that vegetarians are skinnier and live longer than the rest of us. Exactly what studies does he have to prove this?

It's easy enough to put out a bunch of scary "information", and even easier to find a major media outlet which will gladly put it on the air, but let's not forget that these people are pushing their own agenda, whatever it may be.

There is way too much science that is proving out low-carb as a healthy lifestyle to be too concerned about this "report".


adkpam Fri, Nov-21-03 11:45

Fat is not your enemy!
Fat is your friend!
It's not like the government has every been wrong before, right?

"But no study has demonstrated long-term health benefits that can be directly attributed to a low-fat diet." per Scientific American:

From this same article:

"The only fats that are significantly more deleterious than carbohydrates are the trans-unsaturated fatty acids; these are produced by the partial hydrogenation of liquid vegetable oil, which causes it to solidify. Found in many margarines, baked goods and fried foods, trans fats are uniquely bad for you because they raise LDL and triglycerides while reducing HDL."

This article I've linked to is not completely understanding about low carb. But the statements above indicated the latest research and the trend it is heading towards.

We've had it pounded into our heads that fat is the problem. America has reduced its intake of dietary fat from 45% in 1945 to 34% in 1995 (per the US government.) During this same period diabetes, heart disease and obesity has INCREASED.

DO THE MATH!!!!!!!

melissasvh Fri, Nov-21-03 12:02

Low-Fat Diet Causes Third Degree Burns
I'm so glad some other people have pointed out the fact that these are, statistically, isolated instances. Hello, what about genetics or other possible causes. Grrrr.

So, I have an idea. Let's start spreading rumors about how bad a low-cal, low-fat lifestyle is for you, based on our own isolated experiences. For example: low fat diets are hazardous because you can eat a lot of pasta. You have to boil water to cook the pasta, which puts you at risk for steam burns and scalds. This happened to me...more than once. So, the headlines should read:

Low-Fat Diet Causes Third Degree Burns.

sexee_babe Fri, Nov-21-03 12:07

I starved on low cal I found myself bingeing alot....purging at that don't work too well. Besides the food sucks. No taste...LOL~ low fat diet causes 3rd degree burns.

Faust Sun, Nov-23-03 08:29

How did Dr. Barnard go from "news of the weird" in June 2003 to head of a "nutirtion advocacy" group in November?

This guy is NOT a responsible scientist! He is an agenda pursuing...I'd better quit now before I type something in violation of the site's TOS. :nono:

Patrick, very grumpy this morning


June 5, 2003 - Wireless Flash
Behold The Power Of Cheese: It's Addictive Like Morphine

WASHINGTON (Wireless Flash) -- Here's food for thought: A physician claims cheese is as addictive as morphine.
Dr. Neal Barnard is the author of "Breaking the Food Seduction: The Hidden Reasons Behind Food Cravings and Seven Steps to End them Naturally" (St. Martin's Press) which explains why people are addicted to cheese, meat, sugar and chocolate.

Cheese is particularly addictive because it contains small amounts of morphine made in the cow's liver. When the dairy protein breaks apart in the stomach, it releases the opiate molecules.

Some of the foods have about one-tenth the strength of morphine, and while that may not sound like much, Dr. Barnard says because the foods are so available it's easy to satisfy a fix.

He also says this research could help those fat souls currently suing fast food restaurants by proving the food is addictive like tobacco.

But don't expect to see rehab centers for meat eaters. Dr. Barnard says folks will have to break the addiction by changing their diet, exercising and getting enough sleep.

black57 Fri, Dec-05-03 10:28

It is interesting that this diet has been in existance for thousands of years. Dr. Atkins, and others, writes a book about it. Thirty years later it is now mainstream and people are finally dying from it. This is nonsense. If you had the opportunity to watch Oprah two days ago, you would never believe anything a doctor or "so called" specialist. I saw a book at Barnes and Nobel about the government's rationale of the food pyramid. You'd be surprised to see what exists on the pyramid because of the agricultural industry. I go by my own health and stick with what is good for me. Don't let propaganda scare you.

JudyMH Mon, Dec-15-03 08:12

It's going to be interesting, because the bread industry is feeling threatened because sales are down. I'll bet money they start their own Atkins smear campaigne. Some people would do anything to line their own pockets. These PETA people have their own agenda, They'd like to see us get over run with animals. If you don't eat them, they multiply like crazy. Judy

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