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TSUalum93 Fri, Oct-24-03 18:32

On Day 2 ~ Have a personal question
This is my first post here. I am a little scared -- not of the forum but the whole diet thing. I have not dieted or done a lifestyle change because I have felt that they were unrealistic for my lifestyle. Having variety is very hard for me . . . Tell me I can eat meat, cheese and some veggies and I am fine . . . Add more into the mix and I will get lost quickly . . .'

It is two days for me without Coke. It is not easy but I am doing it. I found no carb, no sugar, not much of anything flavored seltzer water which I can tollerate -- I hate diet sodas anyway as they make me gag. I have been eating cheese and vegatables for the past two days and as of tonight will add chicken and fish marinaded in Atkins stuff I bought at the market.

Please note I have NOT read the book but I am going to get it this weekend.

My urine is bright yellow and my bowel movements are also very yellow. Not to be gross but instead of a regular BM it is long and skinny and while I am not constipated I do have to work at it which is strange as normally if I eat a lot of dairy I have the opposite reaction. My stomach made lots of noises yesterday (rumblings and gas) but not nearly as much today. I will also note that while this is officially day two for a few days prior I cut out bread and pasta but not so much of the Coke (my biggest vice) or junk food on the go . . .

Is this normal? Is there something else I should be doing? I bought some shakes and Advanatage bars tonight as well . . . My plan is to stay on induction for six months. My goal is 60 pounds. I know I may not reach it but it is my goal. I am familiar enough with weight loss (my mother was a top WW leader for years) to know that average loss for most people is two pounds a week so I do not think an extra two pounds a month is unrealistic to strive for . . . I am hoping that after six months I will have rewired my brain that while I reintroduce carbs into my diet they do not hold the same allure anymore and it is not so hard to open up to variety.

I am also wondering if people have an issue with cholestorol. My blood pressure is fine but my cholestorol is on the high side of the normal range. I do not want to go into a high risk catagory. This will be helped because I am no longer eating heavy fried foods like fried chicken or fast foods in bread -- no fast food at all actually for me in the foreseable future.

Any input is apreciated.


tofi Fri, Oct-24-03 18:45

OK . First, congratulations on making the decision to DO something about losing weight. And we LCers think that you have chosen a very good way indeed.

I am so HAPPY that you are going to get the book this weekend. It will tell you exactly what to do and what foods you can eat or not. It will also answer lots of questions before they even come up.

Be sure to go to the top of this page and click on the orange stripe for "Low Carb Tips". There is so much there that will help you get started and keep you going for a lon while.

Now to your questions:

Bright yellow urine comes from the vitamin pills you are taking. It's a by-product from the digestion of riboflavin - a B vitamin - so this is perfectly normal and alright.

There will be a change in bowel habits and appearance as you have changed the type of foods you are eating. The Induction phase has less fibre and is very much a diuretic so be sure you drink at least a few quarts of water per day. Maybe even 3.

Many people find that they have less bowel gas as food does not ferment in the intestinal tract when the sugars and starches are cut out. And less indigestion too.

I'd recommend that you not use the bars during the 2 weeks of Induction. I know, some people and places say it's OK. But other people stall until they get off the bars. Check out the article on Sugar Alcohols in the Low Carb Tips area above.

As for your plan, how about reading the Dr. Atkins book first to see how he said to do Atkins? There are reasons that he said to start at about 20 gm of carb and then INCREASE. With over 30,000 patients in more than 30 years of his practice, he must have seen how people lose and how they lose best. And that's all in the book. Be sure to get the latest edition (2000)

High cholesterol runs in my family and I have been on Atkins for much of the last 5 years. My blood work came back last week and I am now "Below average risk" because my cholesterol levels the ratio are so good. Also triglycerides. check out the Cholesterol forum for lots of information. Wait about 3 months or more to check yours as there may be a short term rise at first. Lots of doctors now are considering that triglyceride levels are a better indicator of risk.

If you are in a hurry, go to and click on the "How to Do Atkins" link at the top. It'll get you started. But the best thing is to read the book thoroughly and repeatedly.

Use the above to search for many topics that have been covered at length on this forum. Go to the top of the Newbies Questions index page and read the 'stickie' called Hot Links.

All the best on your losing. :wiggle:

Nine Eyes Fri, Oct-24-03 19:59

Oh boy, we're talking about poop!

I suggest eating more fiber. Flax seeds are my favorite. Grind 'em up in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on salads, etc, or, if you're brave, mix 'em in a drink and wash 'em down.

But, yeah, it's a normal thing for your poop to go funny when you change your food.

LilaCotton Sat, Oct-25-03 01:09

Hi! Just want to welcome you and wish you great success! :)

potatofree Sat, Oct-25-03 11:10


Meat and veggies are staples of the menu. If you're happy eating the same thing, fine, just make it nutritious like broccoli or dark greens, and take a good multivitamin to make up for what you may be missing.

Cheese is good, but try to limit it to 3 or 4 ounces a day.

Drink LOTS of water.

I'd suggest getting the bok ASAP, since it's hard to understand what you're doing by piecing info together.

EmyAmber Sat, Oct-25-03 11:50

I definitely do better on days when I include Flaxseed, it fills me up, helps the blood sugar levels, and the natural Flaxseed 'oil' is a 'good' oil.

Flaxseed Cereal Recipe

1/2 cup flaxseed Meal
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup cream.

Mix together in a bowl, and microwave.

Top with Sugar Free Syrup and/or butter and/or water/cream mixture.

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