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Karin Wed, Sep-24-03 10:15

Fell off the wagon
Well I fell off the wagon. Not too happy about it. I have gained 8lbs. My jeans don't fit anymore. I think I know what did it to me. It was the bread. My mother made bread for us and I started to eat it just in the morning but then I added it to lunch and then dinner. I realize that I cant eat bread without over doing it. So I have half a loaf left and as soon as its gone I'm starting over. I really want to get thin and my hubby has gained too. I'm going to take this week and the weekend to cut down on things and then Monday morning start fresh.I start drinking caffine drinks again so I need to cut back.The craving for ice cream the last few weeks has been overwheliming. Dont know why? I think it has to do with summer.I always asociate the two together. Anyways, I hope that I can stay on the wagon this time. I really need to to this for my own sanity.

kokle Wed, Sep-24-03 12:01


If you are gaining weight, I guess I don't understand why you will wait to get back on plan until the bread is eaten up. Wouldn't you be better off avoiding the bread and going back on plan now? Or, maybe a different WOE is better for you. I was Somersizing, but ended up eating too many carbs and being constantly hungry. I do better on CAD.

Karin Wed, Sep-24-03 12:20

Your probably right. But I think mentally I cant just throw out the bread and waste food. I've tried cad and atkins. cad doesnt work for me, I felt hungry all the time. atkins did work and I lost 20lbs but as soon as I stop it I gained it all back. I found that I was counting every single carb and near the end I was some worried about everything that I would eat. I actually got obsessed with the carb counting. I have all the books, I'm going to read them all over again and see which one I think will be the best for me. Maybe cad will be ok this time, it;s been about 2 years since I tried it.

AZDean Thu, Sep-25-03 13:06

Hi Karin! You need to remember that it can take two weeks to train your body to get used to a new way of eating. If you cheat during that time, then your body will just be trained to expect a cheat!

Thankfully, I was able to get past that point and now my body doesn't crave the caffeine or the bread. Psychologically speaking, things probably take even longer -- a lot longer to fully get into your mind that this really is the way I eat now and forever.

Losing weight can be a slow process, so falling off the wagon can really throw you back a ways quickly. Try getting back on and then padlocking yourself to it! Get it straight in your mind that you really want to stay on that wagon and what it will do to you if you get off again, and hopefully you'll stay on next time.

Dean in Arizona

DONNA3 Mon, Sep-29-03 21:40

I fell off the wagon, too, last Thursday when I suddenly came upon a carton containing 7 big bags of chips that had been purchased and not used for an event in August. I just started shaking and had to get into them. I did pull myself together after indulging in part of a bag and brought the rest, open bag included, up to church. At least that way they are gone from here and don't have to go into the trash. I can't just throw away food either. Maybe giving it away might be a better answer for you, too.

Anyway, it was a lot like starting over with cravings after that. I think it is harder to say no to things that I find unexpectedly than to anything else. I thought that I was over the initial cravings and was really surprised at my reaction to finding those chips. At least I got them out of here quickly.

I have been in this woe for two and a half weeks now, but am obviously still not safe from cravings. I think I set myself back to day one with that transgression . . . not weight wise, but craving wise.

Karin Tue, Sep-30-03 09:45

Well I started Atkins Induction yesterday morning. I had forgotten how easy day one So far today is going good. I weighed myself yesterday morning I was 170lbs. man, I havent been this heavy in over a year. Thats ok, I will lose it. I'm going to start going for walks hopefully as soon as my other health problems get better. I also want to start doing Pilates. Last night I didnt have a snack like I usaully do. In stead I have started a new project to keep me busy. I'm crocheting a "skinny scarf" you know. the ones like on the Gap commercials. But I'm will be

diamondlil Tue, Sep-30-03 20:54

Good for you, Karin!!!! :cheer:

I've been having "little" cheats here and there followed by periods of faithful Somersizing, which means that I have been gaining and losing the same 4 lbs all summer long. I'm tired of it now and ready to see the scale needle go below 155 lbs!

Mamabeek Tue, Sep-30-03 23:29

Hello Karin.
Sorry about the stumble, but glad to see you got right back on the wagon again. :clap: I've done the same countless times, but the nice thing about thinking in terms of a WOE instead of a "diet" is that it's all about the long run. Okay, so you slipped up today and last week or whatever, you just go right back to following the plan and the weight will come back off again. :roll:

I lost 20 pounds and then stopped because I was travelling so much all summer and because I wanted to eat all the excellent fruit available in my area while it was in season. Because of those things I've been up and down the same 5 pounds for months, just like Diamondlil, but I'm still down that original 20 and it's not hard at all to maintain at this new weight! I will still strive to get down to my goal, but now I'm used to this WOE I can eat without too much thought and not worry I'm going to balloon up suddenly like I have in the past. Even a couple of intense bouts with my neighbors' cookie jar (the bane of my existence) didn't do any harm that a week of "normal" SS eating didn't undo again. Whew!

Donna put her finger on it with the wasting Funky Food thing. Give it away! I do that with all kinds of things that manage to creep onto my shelves one way or another. Like the naughty fortune cookies that always come with takeout chinese food, or the white rice they insist on including even when I ask them not to. The cookies go to a non-somersizing friend and the rice goes to my pet doves and cockatiels. I'm a long way from perfect too though. Last week a box of blueberry muffin mix (double blueberries, God help me!) fell off my pantry shelf onto my feet. They'd been hiding behind a box of Atkins bread mix all this time. There it was a weekend and everything. In a weak moment I baked them up quick, before I could give the box away. :nono: They weren't even as good as I remembered and I ended up feeding half of them to the wild birds (poor things).

There will always be that one or even two steps back here and there, but once you settle onto the path you'll find it gets easier and easier to keep walking forward. Honest!

Keep on keeping on.

MB :wave:

DONNA3 Wed, Oct-01-03 07:08

Thanks everyone. I have been back on . . . and waiting for the scale to move.

Can anyone explain the egg cups and chicken legs under our names? What is the difference between a registered member and a new member? When do you get chicken instead of eggs? Etc.

silverneed Wed, Oct-01-03 09:27

eggcups?? Is that what those are!! Click on them and an index will pop up to show you how many posts you have made

DONNA3 Thu, Oct-02-03 11:00

oh, thanks. At the rate I have been going I will be off of soft boiled eggs and onto chicken legs before I know it.

Karin Tue, Oct-14-03 11:01

2 weeks
Well yesterday was 2 weeks of Induction. I've lost 5lbs. Not the best loss but its a start. At least now I am in the groove. I'm controling my cravings. But I'm not going to suffer from them either. I wanted an ice cream cone on saturday and I had one. It was small and I didn't even finish it. If I keep losing 2lbs a week I'll be very happy.Hubby won't tell me if he has lost any weight and its hard to tell when you are around the person all the time.I have noticed that his tummy doesn't look as bloated. So I think something must be

Mamabeek Tue, Oct-14-03 22:53

Karin, my hubby asked to go on the plan with me but didn't really believe it would work. Once he started losing though he dropped way faster than I did. Now he's down 30 pounds to my 20. LOL! I noticed it most when his pants started falling down and we couldn't find his old belt anywhere. Had to go buy him a new one! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

katticus Wed, Oct-15-03 00:13

My hubby is supposedly on this WOE, he keeps telling me this as he stuffs another Krispy Kreme into his face. Then he tells me, "I go to the gym and work out, I don't have to be as strict as you". grrrrrrrr :nono:

His problem is that he refuses to read the Atkins book, and won't let me tell him how it's done without contradicting me, so I have no idea where he thinks he's getting his information from. :lol: It's quite humorous actually if you look at it objectively, but when you're prowling the house looking for something to eat that isn't full of carbs, it can be very difficult having him say "Just have a sandwich, it won't hurt!!!" :(

Having said all this I do love him dearly!!!


DONNA3 Wed, Oct-15-03 06:42

That sure wouldn't help, Kat, but at least you are seeking out you own source of support. Keep up the good work. You can get slim dispite the husbandly sabotage.

He doesn't agree with Atkins, and I have to admit that I agree. Atkins is too low on fruits and vegies. There are other low carb plans out there that let you eat more healthy things. Somersizing is one of them. Look at her books in Amazon. They let you read some pages online and look at her site at Don't be thrown by the price of her products. You don't need to buy them.

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