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kingb123 Wed, Sep-03-03 09:09

Dr. Atkins is my god
I've been overweight my whole life. I've tried doing low-cal diets, exercise daily, and nothing ever worked. My mom, as a former nurse and current scientist, tried to help me with my weight problem, but to no avail. She knew the dangers of obesity and also, being an exercise nut, was determined to get me at a healthy weight. At age 7 I gave up apple juice. Soon after I stopped drinking regular soda and turned to diet. Although I ate well most of the time, I would binge on cookies and candy while out of the house and visiting friends. Soon, I was gaining 20-30 pounds a year without getting much taller. I transformed from a chubby toddler into a portly pre-teen.

From ages 14-16 I began to see a dietician and food behaviorist once a week. By writing down my daily food intake and being carefully monitored, I managed to halt my weight gain and even lost a couple of pounds. Still, at 5' 9" and 200 pounds, I was an obese 16 year old. After watching my eating for months and losing no more weight, I became fed up. "Why watch what I eat if I'm not even going to lose?" I wondered. Giving up any thought of getting thin, I declared "screw it" and started to eat even more poorly than ever. By mid-August 2003, I was 5 feet 9 inches tall and 213 pounds.

One Saturday afternoon in early August I went with my dad to buy a digital camera to take with me to Spain, where I would be spending my junior year of high school. Experimenting with the new camera, I took my picture and uploaded it into the camera. Seeing my immense, bloated face made me immediately realize that I had to change. I was horrified and embarrased by my appearance and desperately wanted to transform myself as soon as possible. Strengthened by a new resolve, I began Atkins the next day.

Like almost all new Atkinites, I spent my first few weeks clueless, avoiding obvious sugars and starches but by and large violating the maxims of the diet. After 2 weeks, I had lost 3 pounds. My watch was loose and I felt better. Fortunately, even though there was not really a physical difference yet, my friends and family patronized me, making me feel as though I had already reached my goal.

Arriving in Spain, I spent my first 2 months eating "normally" and managed to maintain my 13 pound loss. In October I decided that I still wanted to change. Moreover, since I was away, I was motivated by the thought of the surprise everyone would get when I returned.

Using Fitday PC I tracked my carb and calorie intake, staying near induction levels almost the entire time. Since Europe is devoid of low carb products, I didn't have any problems with sugar alcohols or the ilk. Occasionally I snacked on LC candy my mom sent me in care packages, but by and large my eating was au natural. When I sent home pictures, my family lauded me. When they saw me at Christmas, they were stunned. At a still-chunky 180 pounds, they were seeing a new me. While I was happy with my weight loss, I was far from satisfied.

With a renewed vigor sparked from my parents' kind words, I began to run and lift weights even more often and abstained from drinking during the week. I passed up offerings of cake and cookies, requited by the idea of a new me; I didn't need food to satisfy me.

When I showed up at my high school a couple days after I came back at 5 feet, 11 inches and a lean 143 pounds, I was met with stares of amazement and admiration. No one could believe how much weight I lost. In fact, many thought I had grown six inches taller, the change in appearance was so remarkable.

Going to Staples to get some desk supplies, the clerk asked me if I had a brother. "Not one that comes in here," I responded (my bro's at college). "Oh," he said. "There's just this kid that used to come in here that looked a little like you but he was more, uh, like this," he elaborated by puffing out his cheeks. "That was me!" I blurted out. Often I see people in the street I haven't seen in a year; they almost never recognize me. Frankly, it feels great. Now at maintenance, I still exercise and eat great LC cereals and bread and haven't gained an ounce since I got back in the country (I actually lost 2 more pounds). I am below the 50th percentile for my weight. Honestly, I was flattered when someone accused me of being anorexic since I had lost so much weight so fast.

To make a long story short, Atkins saved my life. I feel great, look fabulous, and have a whole new wardrobe (you need one when you lose nine inches off your waist and over 70 pounds while growing two inches taller); I am a new, and better, man.

BelmontLil Wed, Sep-03-03 10:17

Congrats, glad you see the light and hope you make you goal!

carol.pino Wed, Sep-03-03 13:08

:) I know you can do it..Each morning I thank God (not Dr.Atkins) that I did another day and I ask for another one just like it....Good Luck!

Archie Wed, Sep-03-03 21:17

We are inexpressably greatful to Dr. Atkins
Congratulations! I feel that same gratitude to Dr. Atkins. I was picking up some meal replacement bars last week and someone pointed out a competing low carb bar. I choose the Atkins Advantage bar not only because I enjoy them but because I want the Atkins organization to benefit for the good (good hardly expresses it) they have done. I suspect by the time Low Carbing has hit its peak it will truly be able to be described as a "Revolution"! The positive effects this will have on the population at large will only grow as word spreads of the success people like you and everyone on this site are having!
Keep up the great habits you've begun! You will achieve the 170 goal you have set. I have lost 28lbs so far and have little doubt that I will lose all I need to. The only thing I need now is patience! :agree:

skyedon Mon, Sep-08-03 08:20

you are doing very well keep up the good work.

becky160 Thu, Sep-18-03 21:47

Hi, just dropped by to congratulate you and say...Don't give up...
you are on the good road to a healthier life, and a new you.
Take Care, and see you soon.

CinnamonTx Thu, Sep-18-03 22:02

king- isnt it great when you KNOW something works? congrats on your recent success. i feel the same way. i thank Dr. Atkins, i thank God, and i thank me for doing it for me.

Lucky for you you dont have that far to go! Good luck!

JYounginer Fri, Oct-03-03 09:56

King, I think it's great that you are doing something like this while you are still "younger". I myself am 24 and at 16 and under I had already tried dieting and failed miserably every time. But being on Atkins does feel so much differant to me, as you said. I wish you lots of success in the future and keep us updated!

Rachelle Thu, Jul-29-04 12:47

Just saw your pictures in the gallery and wanted to come by to read your story... congratulations on meeting and exceeding your goal.. and sticking with it.. very impressive :)

kingb123 Thu, Sep-02-04 20:57

totally rewritten. I am here!

Kristine Sat, Sep-04-04 08:13

Hey, glad you're back! Congratulations and enjoy maintenance! :sunny:

Terry67 Mon, Sep-06-04 11:29

That is so awesome! :thup: I don't even know you and I am really proud of you! Have you ever thought about bodybuilding? It is a great way to stay disciplined :)

kingb123 Mon, Sep-06-04 13:09

I have thought about it but I don't know if I have what it takes. I get really into it for a couple of months and don't really see any results and then give up. It seems impossible for me to put on muscle. I dunno if I need to eat more (I get about 1.5 g of protein per pound) or what, but even taking creatine and whey I stayed the same weight. I was thinking of trying CKD but am a little scared of adding carb-ups.

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