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SheriLynnC Sun, Aug-10-03 21:33

Yeast Infection question
Since the beginning of June I have been dealing with vaginal itching and cramping. I went to my OB/GYN in June when Monistat had not stopped the symptoms. They did a culture and said it was yeast and gave me a prescription for Diflucan. I used that and got some relief but then a week later all the symptoms were back. I called back and told them what was going on and they gave me Terazol 7 once again it helped but about a week after the medication was finished the symptoms were back. Finally about 2 weeks or so ago I called them and they gave me MetroGel and once again symptoms back a week later. His is making me crazy!! I call them and they keep telling me they don't have any openings to see me for about 3 weeks. Then when they give me the new medications to try they don't actually make the appointment but tell me to call back and let them know if it helped then they will make the appointment. Can low-carb dieting help with vaginal yeast infections that won't go away? I am planning to start Atkins tomorrow morning. I did Atkins years ago and lost a huge amount of weight and don't remember ever having a yeast infection while on the diet. Any suggestions as to what I can do to make this go away. I am about to go crazy!!!

HumminBird Mon, Aug-11-03 03:11

Hi SheriLynn!

I have the same sort of problem and the doctors don't seem to help. I recently wrote a similar sort of post to this titled "Query for the yeast experts". A lady called arose gave me a few websites to visit and one of them in particular really opened my eyes. I'm about to start Atkins so I don't know if Atkins will stop these infections but I'm gonna give it a damn good try cos this infection makes me so depressed!! It lists lots of supplements to take and what not to eat, ie: cheese, mushrooms, parsnips...all my fave foods!!! (sob!) I don't know how to put a link to the site here so go to my topic and get it from there. The Stephen Byrnes one really helped me.

Good luck and let me know how you get on! x

plum Mon, Aug-11-03 05:44

SheriLynn, welcome.
Im certain LC will help !
If you have problems you may wish to read the chapters in Atkins which deal with candida - food avoids include cheese, mushrooms - but try straightforward LC first.

Has your Doctor checked your blood sugar ?? Only wondering, as recurrent "thrush" can occasionally be an indicator of diabetes onset ? Dont worry, just may be worth checking out. In which case LC is ideal !
good luck.

plum Mon, Aug-11-03 05:49

oh, and just to state the obvious, meanwhile....
* wear only cotton underwear
*your partner may need treating too ( could be a reason for recurrence)
*local application plain live yogurt can be soothing
*use only unscented soap. No bath bubbles or bathing products

HumminBird Tue, Aug-12-03 04:56

good advice plum! still be careful though. I was told to use Simple soap with nothing added, perfume free etc and I was totally illergic! Ended up being twice as bad!

SheriLynnC Tue, Aug-12-03 06:23

Thanks so much everyone
for your post in reply to mine. I am going to give everything a try to see if I can get this yeast infection out of here :) My husband is really hating it since I won't let him touch me "down there" :)

Humminbird, what type of soap are you using? I have been using Safeguard for years but never paid attention to see if it was "pure". I know that whenever I have tried to use body washes I itch terribly so I don't use those at all anymore.

HumminBird Tue, Aug-12-03 10:26


To be honest SheriLynn, I don't use any soap in particular. I used to really fret over it because I thought that could be a major problem but it dosen't seem to be the case. I could be using the same soap for a while and the infection will come and go so I know it's due to other things.

Was it a certain body wash that caused the itch or just all?

I obviously stay clear of Simple soap, which I was illergic to, but this may work for you. I also can't use bubble bath cos the bubbles affect it.

Salt baths are really good and soothing but don't have your baths too hot as that also brings it on. :nono:

My boyfriend will relate to your husband!! :roll:

If Safeguard soap seems ok to you, carry on using it. You haven't had the infection for the same length of time as the soap have you? Maybe try changing your soap to see how that goes. If it makes no difference, go back to safeguard. It may not be down to your soap.

Try to avoid wearing any sort of nylon in that area. No nylon knickers, trousers or tights. These will all keep the bug at it's peak. Wear cotton, like plum said.

Let me know how you get on. Good luck getting rid of the nasty blighter!! :bash:

Are you on the Atkins diet now? I have just started induction today so I'll let you know how that affects my infection.

Take care x :wave:

SheriLynnC Tue, Aug-12-03 13:48

Well, finally....
I talked to the doctors office this morning and told them it was not acceptable for me to wait a few weeks to be seen. So, I am going in Friday afternoon.

Also, today I went looking for acidophilus and the vitamin stores do not have it in a cool place just out on the shelves. Should I not buy it from them? I think maybe the healthfood store might keep it cool. Also, should I take it now or wait til after I go to the doctor? I would hate to take it and it mask anything when I go in on Friday. I didn't start Atkins yet because I didn't know if maybe they would check my blood sugar on Friday (since I know diabetes can cause yeast...I thought I would ask them to check) and I didn't want my sugar to be down due to low carbing. I thought maybe I should eat normally until then so they get a true result. What do you all think about that?

I really appreciate all of your opinions and advice!!

plum Wed, Aug-13-03 03:52

I think you're wise, Sherilynn. The blood sugar will then give you an accurate base line.

good for you sticking up for yourself and getting seen earlier.

LOL Humminbird, Simple soap no good for me either! Im ok with Dove Sensitive (unscented) can't use any of the scented soaps.

Acidophilus ? our health food store keeps it on the ordinary shelf, in capsules ?

And good luck starting Low carb. Its great. If you feel rough for a few days ( I did - like the flu) its just carb with drawal, and it will pass. stick with it.

best of luck for Friday, too.

Fiona mcK Sat, Aug-16-03 05:39

be careful of cheese on LC
Hello, I have had similar problems. I had frequest yeast infections... one would be cured and I would get another in a week. The local health food store recommended Acidophilus (make sure you get the refrigerated kind) and asked me about my diet. HMMMM very very high in carbs. I started the Acidophilus and that was it and no more yeast infections. I was intrigued about the carbs though...So anyway I started ATKINS on 8/2. (I lost 13 pound in induction which ends today :Party: )

However, i was getting a little itchiness and burning when I showered. I checked atkins and realized I was suddenly eating tons of cheese, which I ate only moderately before. I cut back on cheese (not entirely though... no way! ) and I haven't had further problems. I hope you get some relief.... I am SURE the Acidophilus is the key, It's sooooo awesome. Good LUCK!

HumminBird Sat, Aug-16-03 06:16

I think I'm gonna try that too, thanks Fiona....saying that, can you get Acidophilus in the UK?

SheriLynnC Sat, Aug-16-03 13:47

I got some acidophilus today and it was refrigerated. I hope this will do the trick with the yeast or atleast help. Since I found out blood sugar isn't my problem I plan to start induction on Monday (wish me luck). Also, the doctor gave me a prescription for boric acid capsules to place inside my vagina at night to help with the yeast. Have any of you ever heard of doing this?

Fiona mcK Sun, Aug-17-03 06:01

I almost forgot! Take some garlic or garlic tabs... they help too... (alot I think!). I don't know about the BORIC acid. I think you'd be okay with Acidolphilus and Garlic and Lo Carb, I who am I to second guess a Physician?

Good Luck with Atkins

Keep posting so I know how you are doing!

SheriLynnC Sun, Aug-17-03 12:37

I did get some garlic capsules too. How many do I take a day? I started taking them yesterday and I taste garlic in my mouth all day long. I even bought the ones that said "oderless" I can't imagine getting anything that wasn't "oderless". I picked them up at Walmart so I hope they are as good as if I had gotten them at a health food store. Also, how much acidophilus do you take a day? My bottle said one a day so that is what I have been taking but I thought maybe I would need more. Thanks so much for your help and advice.

Fiona mcK Sun, Aug-17-03 15:29

RE: Acidophilus, I take 1 in the morning (make sure on an empty stomach, I learned that from this forum) and 1 when I go to bed. The garlic I take one in the am with my other vitamins. You shouldn't really be tasting it... Others might smell it on you though! Try different brands, but the one you have is fine. I don't think there's a big difference in garlic with what you get at Walmart or the health food store.

I hope you feel better soon!

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