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tracilynn Wed, Aug-06-03 18:35

Im so out of control
Hi,everyone I just can not get started again ,Ive started induction the last three weeks and have failed ,Im so unhappy I was feelin so in control for so long please give any ideas :cry: :cry: I went to join pure fitness this guy just laughed at me for even mentioning Atkins ,I didnt join, but I told him that this was the only thing I can do and feel in control I have been eating every carb in sight help :help: please

jers52 Wed, Aug-06-03 18:44

YOu have had success with Atkins in the past, apparently, so take some time to re-read and then set a plan to recommit yourself and take it one day, heck, even one meal at a time. Stock up on permitted foods so your temptations will be lessened. Put some LC goodies in snack bags to help yourself with portion control (my goal when I finish MFF tomorrow)
Grab a few new recipes from the boards and get set to do this RIGHT!

mem2 Wed, Aug-06-03 18:44

It is a shame we get so little reinforcement. When I go to the health food store, to see my doctor, to TOPS, if I mention Atkins they shake their heads and caution me about ruining my health. It does work and you have proven it with your weight loss. You will get back on track! Hang in there. :wiggle:


peapod Wed, Aug-06-03 19:07

dont be discouraged by other people.. there are many people (sad to say) who do NOT want to see other succeed... but there are people like us who want you to succeed!

that being said, I hope that rather than looking at this as a 'diet' you are looking at this as a way of life.. once you get back on track.. you know it will be OK.. the hardest part is getting back on ;) You know this is the best thing for your health.. keep your goals in mind.. not just weight loss.. but your future. I always remind myself that I want to live a long, healthy, generous life with my husband..

take it one day at a time.. otherwise they are liable to hit you all at once ;) THAT can be scary and make you feel like the hydrant rather than the dog haha..

ok enough silliness.. best wishes to you :) I hope to see you around the boards.. dont forget to check out people's journals and fitday logs for inspiration!! also the progress photos..

KristyC Wed, Aug-06-03 19:20

I wish you luck! You can do this. :) Just re-commit yourself to this WOL and things will fall into place.

Arie Wed, Aug-06-03 19:32

Here is what I do when I fall that way... I start by preparing food for 2 days and store it in little plastic containers in the fridge.. I take a whole day to prepare for 2 days. I measure, weigh, and make sure I have enough food in those plastics so I would not have to eat anything other then the prepared food. Then I go to sleep and the next 2 days I eat ONLY hwats in the plastics. NOTHING ELSE! this doe the trick for me, it takes me 2 days to lose cravings for carbs, and it is much easier to be disiplin when the stuff is ready and identified as "day 1" or "day 2" containers..

I also find that the day before, while I prepare the food, I kinda splured and get the cravings out of my system...

mhalla Wed, Aug-06-03 19:39

Don't lose the faith! It's too bad that person wasn't supportive, but hey! YOU know this is the way to go! Don't give up. I wanted to give up yesterday, so I came here, got many words of encouragement from all these wonderful people, and I feel much better today! Hang in there!

(I'm a newbie)

Birddog Wed, Aug-06-03 19:44

Don't let the nay sayer sway you. Atkins works. Don't let this slip stop you. Pick yourself, dust yourself off and get back on the wagon. We are waiting for you.

dbblondee Wed, Aug-06-03 19:46

tracilynn, I understand totally...I work with some pople that say the same thing about Atkins. I am also very discouraged at times but I am not giving up! I can't be the only one out there that can't do this. I agree with the people that have responded to day at a time and think of it as a way of life not a quick fix!

tracilynn Thu, Aug-07-03 18:10

Hey! You guys are so awesome thanks for your support :wiggle: I started induction today I already feel better ,well thanks again Ill chat with you really soon.Traci

Alexxa Thu, Aug-07-03 18:20

i know what your going through i love my carbs, and i am an ex compulsive over eater. i found this diet does give me control but the hard thing is starting, i used to always say oh, i might as well start the diet tommorrow, but you have to start the diet now other wise it probly won't happen. i found that i had to binge on allowed foods so i could get over my compulsion for carbs. if you stay on it for 2 weeks i'm sure you'll be ok. i also found that tuna in oil made me crave carbs and i even gave into the tempation, however once i gave up tuna in oil i was fine and felt much better.

Healty Mom Thu, Aug-07-03 18:42

What ever you do, don't give up. Maybe you should read other peoples success stories or Jornal entries. Did you start a journal the first time you started if so maybe you should go back and read that. I haven't figured out how to start a journal yet but I am going to because I think the journal will help me when I am about to give in. I am on day four of the induction diet.

Deiesse Thu, Aug-07-03 18:45

I've never had to get back on the wagon because I haven't been doing this long enough to fall off, and I'm sure there are some differences between starting the first time and starting again, but.. I do think having the right foods available is a huge part of sticking with it.

My partner is a skinny-bones and he lives off pasta, bagels, cookies and cereal (with a little meat and vegetables thrown in for variety). I kept saying I couldn't start this WOE because I couldn't throw out his carb foods. But I was so sure this was the right way to go for me that I just had to find the will.

So I made a list of all the allowed foods that I really really liked, went to the store and bought tons of them, made up some snacks in advance like cream cheese and celery, egg salad, etc.. and then, whenever I had the munchies--usually triggered by the smell of his toasting bagel or the open bag of cookies on tabl--I always had something to eat. It worked; I never strayed. And now the starchy snacks around the house no longer phase me at all.

I hope you hang in there. It looks like you've already made such great progress!


PaleoDeano Thu, Aug-07-03 18:50

Hi tracilynn!

You know this works... and you have seen the results. You don't need the negative jabs of those who don't know... so don't even listen to it!

As far as practical help. You must make sure you are getting enough fat in your diet to satisfy your hunger. That will really help cut the carb cravings. The other thing to remember, is you are suppose to feel like crap the first few days (weeks?) into induction. Your body is going through metabolic change. Ride with it, and keep telling yourself that it is your body coming back to life that is making you feel lousy! But, that is a good thing. Like if you are sore from working out.

I have been were you are. I am a sugar junkie supreme, and have had to fight with that a lot. But, this WOE is where it is at for your health. It is what your body is meant to eat. So, once you get through the withdrawals, you will begin to feel fantastic! That is the reward for doing it.

Hang in there and just keep reading this forum. There is much strength to be found here.

Good Luck to ya! And keep the faith.


proud2bmom Sun, Nov-07-04 23:20

Didn't see the date on this link and posted a message, now I can't figure out how to delete it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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