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nela Wed, Aug-06-03 04:57

New cavewoman on the block...
Hi all!

I've been lurking here for ages and finally decided to join :)
This seems to be a very supportive website, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
I don't see all that many posts on the Neanderthin/Paleo forum though, but I'm hoping we can shake things up a bit :Party:

I don't have huge amounts of weight to lose, but after being on Atkins years ago, I'm ready to make this work.

I read Neanderthin and really liked the philosophy behind it, although some of it seemed hard to do in this day and age. My biggest downfall seems to be ice cream :nono: which of course, I shouldn't have...I'm good at sticking to the diet but I need a little relief every now and then, to be perfectly honest, and that usually means having a small bowl of ice cream twice a week, on weekends.

I'm at a bit of a standstill right now, but I seem to be shrinking...the scales don't move a lot lately, but I can get into last year's jeans :thup:

Talk some more soon :p

mamasita Wed, Aug-06-03 06:45

Wellcome to Neanderthin!!!
Happy to hear that there are others out there too... it's true this forum needs some shakeing up, but you see, little by little...
Great to have you aboard:yay:

nela Wed, Aug-06-03 09:37

hi Claudia!

Thanks so much for the warm welcome :) I look forward to talking to you and others :wiggle:

BTW, your picture looks awesome! Are you following a strict Neanderthin diet or do you also have little "cheats" now and then?
Great to meet you! :roll:

JenofWi Wed, Aug-06-03 10:11

Hello and welcome. I read something in "Protein Power" that I liked and decided to use in my life. They write about caveman eating, too. The said that every now and again a cavemen (or woman) would stumble across and bee hive and gorge on honey. It's part of a natural eating process. So go ahead and discover a bee hive in modern day, but don't find one every day (Or even every week).
Works for me!

mamasita Wed, Aug-06-03 23:58

Hi Nela:
Thanks for the compliment! BTW you're welcome to check out my journal and check out the post: Is this forum dead or what? there people on Neanderthin explain what we're doing more or less...
Hi Jeno:
I see that you are also with us...good! Love to hear more about you, and what your approach is...
About the pms, mine are not good at all... but I've added Omega 3 they say helps easing it down, we'll see...
Have awful cravings, so I go with the s/f chocolate, and this helps...
Ok, later then...

nela Thu, Aug-07-03 03:34

Hi Jeno!

Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I read something about eating honey in Neanderthin. In fact, my taste buds seem to have changed since embarking on this WOL, and I had a tiny bit of chocolate the other day and found it too sweet :confused: So I can imagine honey would be even sweeter. It would help in a moment of crisis though, I think a teaspoon would be enough :)

Hi again, Claudia,
You're welcome for the compliment :) It's very true, you look so slim! I checked out your journal and found it to be very interesting. You seem so disciplined. I am too, once I set my mind to it! LOL. The hard part is starting, but once I've decided to do something, I follow through.
I also read that thread you mentioned. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :)

BTW, do any of you ladies have PMS cravings, like for sweet things? And have you noticed if since low carbing your PMS is better? I've noticed that in the last 2 months I seem to have fewer PMS symptoms than before.

MichaelG Tue, Aug-12-03 20:26

Hi Nela
People have been eating honey for so long, that a bird has evolved in Africa that will take you to the nearest bee hive!

I saw it years ago on a David Attenborough wildlife show, "Life on Earth" or whatever (he's done so many of them!)

He was walking through the Bush in Botswana or somewhere, and this bird actually came and sat on a branch, called him, and he followed it to a beehive in a log!

David did the thing on the hive, got some honey and the payoff for the bird, of course, is that he/she could now gorge on the opened hive!

Amazing, and a good reason to eat honey occasionally with a clear conscience.

Michael Gardner
Bribie Island

nela Fri, Aug-22-03 11:15


thanks for the info on honey! :) I'll be able to eat it with a clear conscience now :p

mamasita Sat, Aug-23-03 10:05

Hi Nela: Where have you been? Long time no hear...
How have you been? You don't have a journal so I didn't know what's up...
Well I guess I could also talk to you in Spanish as you're from Spain and I'm from Argentina (sorry I know spaniards don't like argentineans very much... but I was just born there... most of my life I've lived elsewhere)
Well, love to catch up if you've got the time...:agree:
So, bye for now,

nela Sun, Aug-24-03 04:01

Hi there Claudia!

I've been away on holiday for a week, so that's why I haven't been on. :) Now I'm back and trying to get back into the swing of things because we stayed at family and friends' houses, so I had to eat what they gave me. :nono:
I was convinced I'd put on a lot of weight but to my delight I saw that after eating all kinds of carbs for 7 days, I'd only put on half a kilo! Now hubbie and I have been low carbing for 2 days and he's lost 2 kilos and I've lost that half that I put on. Makes me mad how easily he loses! :p

Hey, we can talk in Spanish inf you want! Soy totalmente bilingüe, así que me da igual en que idioma hablamos, y por supuesto que me encantan los argentinos! estás equivocada al decir que no nos gustan! Aqui se considera el acento argentino muy sexy! :lol: Es una cultura preciosa y muy admirada, así que fuera manías, ok?

mamasita Sun, Aug-24-03 06:49

Que bueno que podamos hablar en castellano... aqui no tengo con quien hablarlo...
Que solamente hayas subido medio es nada...yo subi en el ultimo mes como 2.5 y estoy sufriendo...pero la verdad que me la he pasado comiendo cosas dulces (que son mis preferidas). Estoy sufriendo las consecuencias del retracto de hormonas y todo el ciclo se me ha vuelto loco asi que estoy todo el tiempo con tentaciones, ya van dos meses y no se cuando se va a estabilizar...pero bueno hay que tener paciencia...
Cuentame mas de ti y tu Hubby...
Debes de abrir un journal asi puedes escribir tus experiencias diarias y te puedo escribir alli, fijate en el mio para que te de una idea...
Bueno, espero que tengas un hermoso dia y que sea lo mas lowcal posible,
Un Beso,

nela Tue, Aug-26-03 09:28

hola Claudia!

Ay, las hormonas! Ni me hables! Yo estoy haciendo un tratamiento de fertilidad y siempre estoy hinchada, así que entiendo lo me estás un fastidio!

DH (mi marido) es de aqui, es catalán, pero yo nací en Ghana y me pasé los primeros 20 años de mi vida en Sudáfrica.. así que, como ves, he dado muchos tumbos por el mundo! Je, je...cuéntame algo de tí. :) Me encantaría conocerte mejor. Perdona el no haber escrito antes, pero estoy de vacaciones aún, y no me pongo al ordenador cada día, pero lo haré más a partir del jueves.

Siento lo de tus muy difícil. Cuéntame más, quizás pueda ayudarte?

Gracias por los consejos, quizás empiece un journal cuando tenga más tiempo.

Un beso, y ánimo!

mamasita Fri, Sep-05-03 03:30

Hey Nela:

Como estas? Hace mucho que no se de ti... que cuentas? como anda todo?
Si tienes tiempo, escribeme unas lineas...
Un abrazo grande,

nela Fri, Sep-05-03 05:24

Hola Claudia!

estoy muy bien, aparte de un pequeño incidente con una tarta de cumpleaños de fresa el domingo pasado! je, je...

¿y tú? ¿Cómo va todo? ¡Espero que te encuentres bién!
Un abrazo para tí también

sunkist Fri, Sep-05-03 12:03

Hi everyone
Okay _I would like to give this Paleo diet a try. Formerly I had been eating raw fruits & veggies &nuts only and felt great except for some hair loss etc. I also felt like my hormones were becoming unblanced. So I figure maybe the next best thing would be to simply add meats back into my idets (but no diary, wheat, corn, potsoes etc)

so i'll check in on this part of the forum as often as i can - usually daily since i work from home on my computer!!!

mamasita - you look great - it looks like the paleo way of life has worked for you!!!

Thanks everybody - i like the low carb forum in general so I'm sure this part of it will be fun too!!

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