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arose Thu, Jul-24-03 01:55

Dr. Crooks test
I found my way to this site, from

I found a referrence to Dr. Crooks test, and, after I added up my scores, I had an absolutely horrifying 384 points. I am feeling pretty desperate and hopeless at this point. I have been taking Diflucan, my dermotologist prescribed for me, although he told me to take it three times per week, I went ahead and took it everyday for three weeks, to see if I could reduce this infection. I have a frequent, and unbearable rash under my abdomen, that sometimes leaves me almost unable to even walk, it hurts so much. The doctor said it is from having a raging infection in my intestines. I use a Nizoral cream for it, but it never goes away completely. Obviously, I fit almost all of the questions on Dr. Crooks test, I am always so exhausted that I don't even know what to do with myself. I get the Diflucan and the Nizoral in three month supplies, for the same co-pay that 1 month would cost, because I can order it through mail order in 3 month batches. The cost of doing that is quite a strain, but I am very thankful I am not paying that every month. I don't know what to do about trying to get some of these supplements to help destroy this infection. I am wondering if any one knows which supplements I should definately get, since there is no way I can possibly get very many of them??

Also, I have rosacea, and had the yeast infection LONG before I sought treatment for the rosacea, however, for the rosacea, I am supposed to take tetracycline. I have two cysts on my face, and am torn between taking the tetracycline, and not taking it, because it can make the yeast worse. I take 4 acidophillus pills per day, with 40,ooo,ooo colony forming units per tablet,at time of manufacture.

I read some of those pages in tears. I want to thank you all, and the man named Kent, for providing me with this VALUABLE information. I am so relieved to learn that there is a reason I feel so horrible, and bloated. I am relieved to know that my house is so cluttered and in such desperate need of a thorough cleaning that I am completely overwhelmed just looking at it. I am relieved to know I am not just a big, fat, lazy, worthless slob, like I have been telling myself for years. I plan to research a bit, and try my hardest to alter my diet, to stop feeding this out of control yeast colony, no, I think there are so many of them, they make their own universe, but, I know it will be a long hard road.
I have been doing atkins diet since November 2002, and I have fallen off the wagon a couple of times, but, have done remarkably well, considering how severe of a carb addict I was. I have lost 10 lbs, while my mom, who started in November, but, didn't get serious until January, and has lost 60 lbs since January. My cousin started it, he lost 10 lbs the first week, his little sister lost 11 lbs in 2 weeks, and my uncle lost 40lbs in the past two months. I feel so hopeless, and I watch their sucess. I feel that for all of my efforts , and all that I have given up that I loved so much, I am simply a failure. I know there are many factors that are blocking any success that I might have, now. But, sometimes, I just feel like giving in, and going back to the old way of life, because then, although I was so sick after eating a high carb meal, and drinking my daily 2 liter of Pepsi, at least I found some pleasure in my indulgences. I won't give up.. I just feel like it sometimes, when I become to overwhelmed by my struggles.
I am sorry to carry on so long, with my whining and crying, not a good way to make a first impression, I know.
Thanks for all the great site listings, and the information. At least now, I know that there's hope, there is hope, right??

Kent Thu, Jul-24-03 03:44

Hi arose,

I am glad the information has you started on the right track. Don't be to alarmed if you begin to feel worse as you restrict your diet. The die-off of the candida yeast will cause you to feel more sick. Stick with the program of extremely low carbohydrates in order to starve the yeast.

You should list your foods for others to review and comment. You can see the acceptable food and restrictions on my web page you gave. Even one slip will give the yeast what they need. Don't let them have it.

The key is eating red meat, fish, fowl and seafood with medium fat and some low carbohydrate veggies. Start with raw, fresh meats and veggies to prepare yourself. Do not buy any processed foods because they have hidden sugars. Avoid chicken and turkey that has been injected with the typical sugar and salt solution. The natural ones are listed as "minimally processed." Avoid all condiments and sauces. Don't eat any breath mints. Serving size should be a piece of meat the size of the palm of your hand for each meal. Fatty cuts are OK but avoid excessive fats to hold the calories down. Chicken thighs are great but don't eat the skin. Don't buy the dry, lean cuts like breast meat.

I believe that saturated fat is very healthy and heals the body, but you must place a restriction on your calorie intake as well as your carbohydrates. Be moderate on the fats. Use a little butter on your veggies but not a lot.

Some low-carb foods are unacceptable for candida yeast infections. Avoid yeast, vinegar, mushrooms, cheese and fermented products including Miso for an anti-Candida diet. Take a good probiotic for the good intestinal bacteria. It should be found in the cooler section of the health food store. Avoid products at room temperature because the bacteria are commonly dead. Try to do as much of the program on my web page as possible. Absolutely avoid the forbidden foods.

Bowel Diseases and Candida - News You Can Use.

Please keep us informed on your progress. Good luck.


Kent Thu, Jul-24-03 08:18


The supplements are very important; and yes, they can be expensive.

Take a good multi-vitamin and mineral tablet.
Take a B-50 complex which is 50mg each of most of the B vitamins.
Take a sublingual (under the tongue) B-12 of 1,000 mcg.
Take an extra 400 mcg. folic acid in addition to the multi.

Mineral are very important for energy and many other body functions. You must supplement with potassium, calcium, magnesium and boron which are vital to protect the bones and provide energy. Read my osteoporosis page below.

This diet of raw, fresh meats and veggies will be naturally low sodium which is very good. Do not use salt (sodium chloride) for seasoning. Instead use Morton's Salt Substitute which is potassium chloride. Avoid the brands that are half sodium and half potassium. Sprinkly it sparningly in place of salt. Do not use it heavily as it can cause problems with heart rhythm. Sodium does that also.

Take one 1000mg/500mg chelated calcium/magnesium tablet at breakfast.
Take an extra 500mg chelated magnesium at dinner.
Take 3mg boron at breakfast.

The extra magnesium is very important for energy. Many women overdose on calcium not knowing it deplete the magnesium which is just a important for bones and energy.

CoEnzyme Q10 is the most important supplement for energy. Unfortunately, it is very expensive and could cost at much as all the others combined. If you can afford it take 50 mg twice a day or 30 mg three times a day.

Never, ever, ever, never, ever take FIBER supplements. Do not take psyllium or any other fiber supplement. The body cannot digest fiber but the bad pathogenic bacteria and yeast think its a party. They generate bad acids and other chemicals that are severely toxic to the intestinal tract. Check out my fiber MYTH on the following page:

Top Ten Nutritional Myths, Distortions and Lies That Will Destroy Your Health.

Don't forget to review the bone page:

Preventing Osteoporosis, Bone Loss, Hip Fractures and Degenerative Disk Disease.

Kent :wave:

Kent Thu, Jul-24-03 20:20


One more supplement recommendation. Take one 600 mg. tablet of Betaine Hydrochloride (HCL) with each meal. The extra acid is good for the digestion of protein and works against the Candida yeast. Don't be concerned if you have been having acid reflux symptoms. This program will quickly stop that.

Kent :wave:

arose Thu, Jul-24-03 21:37

Kent, thank you so very much, you have given me a wealth of information, and a beaming ray of hope!
I am sitting here, literally in tears, to think that there is really a chance that I can improve this condition, and eventually actually lose weight! When I had found the atkins diet, I was so full of hope, I gave up all my carbs, which was SO hard, especially spaghetti, mashed potatoes, Pepsi, and chips.Oh, and chicken from the deli that has breading on it. But , I just knew that I would melt away to a beautiful person, instead of packing around enough of me to be two slightly overweight women rolled into one! After only loosing 10 lbs, in over 6 months, I have gone through many bouts of loosing any hope that I could ever lose weight.

I read this this morning, and, jotted down the things you said, before I had to run out the door. I have discovered, today, that no one in my town sells the live acidophilus , and that the Lady at GNC who suggested that the reason I can't cure the yeast infection is that my husband and I are passing it back in forth "if you know what I mean" she said. I explained to her, in simple terms, for the second time, that I had a digestive system yeast infection, and that I don't suffer from a "feminine" yeast infection. I didn't find either GNC employee to be of much help, but, I did find a few of the things on the list. They didn't have Calcium/Magnesium that said chelated, and the salesperson didn't have any idea what that meant, (neither did I, but, it wasn't my job to sell them either, LOL). The didn't have a sublingual B-12, they did have a liquid, that you take 1ml per day, it contains stevia. I bought it for $7.00. I also bought Magnesium,Fennel Seed, and Boron 3. I hope that these are acceptable. They didn't have a plain Boron.

One of the links on your site said that Oil of Oregano would kill yeast quickly. (it also mentioned that it caused diahrea too). That same page listed Fennel, and Golden Seal as anti-fungal. Fennel Seed was the only form of fennel they had, 500mg. The Oil of Oregano was $25.00, so, I was a little reluctant to buy it, for a 0.5 oz bottle. I thought I should ask you about it first. Is this something that I should try?

Also, I would like to ask if Cooking with Extra Virgin Olive Oil is ok? I have started doing this, and was wondering if I should continue. I would really like to have some of the coconut oil to cook with, but I am not sure how easily I could get it. I live in a very small town, and , other than pharmacies, we have one GNC, and Walmart, for healthfood and vitamin/mineral supplements. I Saw that Garlic was anti-fungal, so , I added garlic to both meals that I ate today.

I appreciate you, your site, and your helpful information more than you will ever know, and I hope that soon I have great news to report! I will try to get more of the supplements this week. I can't seem to find a multi-vitamin/mineral that doesn't contain iron, though!

also, is canned Tuna acceptable?

Oh, many of the supplements in GNC were extremely expensive, two of them that you listed were actually more expensive than the Coenzyme Q-10! However, I have some Co-Q10 that I bought on Clearance at Walmart, for $2.00, and, I have some Borage oil for heart health that I bought there also, for $1.50. Should I take borage oil, as well?

Thanks Kent, Your advice has been the answer to my prayers. Blessings to you!


peapod Thu, Jul-24-03 23:10


i just wanted to let you know..

I frequent another atkins board and came across a question regarding yeast that noone there replied to.. so I did.

I hope you dont mind.. but i posted your site there for this woman to look at.. also another woman came along and said she needed help as well.. so i once again directed them both to your site and offered them a very minute piece of advice on yeast overgrowth..

thats being said, i simply wanted to drop you a line to let you know I believe you may be the most well informed person here on this subject, and that is why I sent them your way :)

blessings to you.. thank you for helping so many people :)

arose Fri, Jul-25-03 17:11

I found his site through your post in another atkins board, in a reply to someone else!Thanks Peapod!

Kent Fri, Jul-25-03 17:13

The site below by Dr. Stephen C. Brynes is recommendations for herbal treatment of systemic candidiasis. I assume that is the one you are talking about. Herbal products could be helpful but not at the expense of modifying the diet or other supplements. One cannot take herbs and continue to eat carbohydrates.

Conquering Candidiasis Naturally by Stephen C. Byrnes, N.D., R.N.C.P.

It is a must that you find a source for live acidophilus and bifido bacteria. Taking dead bacteria is no help whatsoever.

Other calcium and magnesium tablets are OK but the chelated compounds are said to be more readily absorbed and the carbonate the least effective.

Olive oil is neutral. It is not highly beneficial to health nor harmful. Coconut oil can be purchased on the Internet by numerous suppliers. Simply find it on a search engine. I strongly suggest it be refined or say "pleasant taste" because the harsh flavor or natural coconut oil overpowers all other foods and smells up the kitchen.

Vitamins and supplements can be purchased on the Internet. I shop at sometimes. Select "Shop by brand" first and select the Vitamin Shoppe store label for the best prices. Search for others. Call or signup for their free catalog even if you shop online.

Amber, take the borage oil with Carlson's lemon flavored cod liver oil. This is a big must and advised by Dr. Atkins. Buy canned salmon instead of tuna. It should read salmon and salt only on the label. No other oils. The home made mayonnaise listed on the
Bowel and Candida - News You Can Use page is great with fish and other foods.

Posting your foods by starting a journal will help others to support and encourage you. Let me know if you start one. Be aware, you will get all kinds of suggestions, some may not be helpful.

Kent :wave:

Kent Fri, Jul-25-03 17:15

Hi Peapod,

Thank you for the kind remarks and passing the link on to others. Low-carb is a great healing and health preserving way of life that is not stressed often enough because weight loss gets the major attention.

Sorry I missed your personal mail. My inbox was full to the limit but has now been emptied.

Kent :wave:

peapod Sat, Jul-26-03 00:33

Kent thank you for taking the time to send such a nice reply :) sometime soon i will have to take a more lengthy journey through your website :)

Amber.. so glad to read that :) I hope you find these forums enjoyable.. please stop by my 'house' anytime to visit (there's an icon at the bottom of all my posts with JOURNAL on it.. just click and you'll be there).. but i have to say I know next to nothing about yeast, and so I cant offer much assistance in that area.. however, I can offer you my friendship :) I also hope you find the information here helpful, as Ive said.. Kent is very well informed and can help you MUCH better than i ever could.. he seems to be a kind and well educated gentleman who enjoys helping others :)

blessings to you both!!

LadyBelle Sat, Jul-26-03 09:02

I never knew about the fiber. I'll watch my psyllium intake. What about flax seeds, are they ok? If not, what can we use for regulerity? I swing between occasional constapation, or if I have dairy, diareah. I need osmething to kind of keep things on a normal keel :)

Kent Sat, Jul-26-03 09:14


The swings from constipation to diarrhea and back are common for those with bowel diseases. Contrary to the high-carb gastroenterologists fiber is not the answer. It only make it worse. That is why people report the fiber supplements seem to become less effective over time. It is making them worse, not better.

The low-carbohydrate diet with supplements as proposed is the way to normal bowel movements. The system will correct itself. Eat the high fat diet if you desire to gain weight. Use butter generously on the acceptable veggie list. Buy fatty meats and eat all the fat. Eat the skin on chicken and salmon. Cut back on fats to lose weight.

Flax seed is not a good choice. Those flax salemen are doing a good selling job. Flax contain a high level of omega-6 fatty acids in addition to the good omega-3. However, omega-6 fatty acids are proven to be inflammatory and bad for hearth disease, arthritis and bowel diseases.

Kent :wave:

arose Sun, Jul-27-03 23:40

Thank you Kent, I will be going to a nearby town early this week, to the health food store there, to try to find the refrigerated acidophillus. I have cut nearly all carbs from my diet, and, have added a good deal of garlic. I have been feeling like I have been hit by a truck for the past two days, so, I think maybe it is doing some good! I will also be looking for the other vitamins and supplements that I couldn't find in my own town.
Thank you for the links for the vitamins, I will look them up tonight, I am sure that they will cost less then the one's at the store here in town!

Today (the whole day) I ate two frozen hamburger patties, cooked on a George Forman grill, and 8 cloves of garlic with two small zuchini squash sauteed in olive oil, with some fresh baby spinach.
I know that the edible foods list contained squash, but I wasn't sure about the spinach. Since it was 2g of fiber, and I think 0 sugars, I thought it was probably ok. I guess I don't have to worry about vampires, at least!
I was eating low carb before I started trying to fight the candida, now, I am trying to go no carb, other than the small amount that is contained in the veggies that are on the list of candida acceptable foods.
I am very thankful for the help and support, I will try to make an online diary, but, It may be a few days, because I am very busy this week.
Thank you for the link concerning degenerative disk disease, my mother has been diagnosed with that, and since she doesn't have a computer, I will print it off for her.
Bless you !

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