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deeray7 Mon, Jul-21-03 13:43

4th Day
I feel really good, and I know Im doing something right. I said I was only going to weigh myself once a week but yesterday I just felt different and I HAD to know was I losing weight? So I weighed myself and I had started at 165 and now Im right around 160-161 in just 4 days! I feel really good but Im worried about this weekend. Its my friends bday and everytime I get started on atkins I try my best to stay put and not go out of town, but I promised him I would be there! Im already trying to talk myself into not thinking guilty about cheating if I do, I really dont want to go off LC cause it takes me forever to get goin again! Then I get that list goin in my head about why it would be ok to cheat!!!! Guess I just need to remember how great I feel right now and try to stay that way.

tofi Mon, Jul-21-03 14:03

How about preparing for the weekend so you WON'T go off the plan. You like your friend, but you have to LOVE yourself and do the best for YOU!

Eat a lot before you go to the party. Take your own food and sneak out to eat legal food when temptation strikes.

There WILL be other days when you can allow your self to eat carbage but that's after you get to your goal weight.

You will be SO happy with yourself if you decide to stay LC this weekend and make it to Monday still on the plan.

DO you want to see the scale down another 5 pounds by next weekend? It could happen. Is a piece of cake or some junk food more important to you than the feeling you'll have next weekend?

You CAN do it if you decide to. Don't toss these 4 days away.

All the best.

deeray7 Mon, Jul-21-03 16:33

I guess whenever I go home I make a lot of excuses about why it would be ok for me to go off and thats why I fail when I do venture home. But when I get back to my little world of no friends or family around I feel sooo bad about going off LC but I have done that so many times I dont get too far down on myself about it. But being able to travel home and staying LC is something that I am going to have to accomplish, because being a college student I do like to go home when I can. Thanks for the advice Tofi, you are exactly right about how I would feel seeing the scale go down some more. SO for the next few days I will prepare a menu and go shopping when I get back. I feel good because by the time I go home I will be 8 days into LC so the cravings wont be so bad. But I will do my best to prepare, it seems like we all know these things but it helps alot coming from other people who are also trying to stay thanks a bunch :yay: and any other suggestions would DEFINATELY help!

flutterbye Mon, Jul-21-03 17:19

Hi Deeray, special occassions and parties are # 1 on my list of reasons to abandon this wol.
Overall, its just not worth it. Soooo, what I do is bring something to the party like a big creamcheese- onion dip, some cut up veggies, or maybe a plate of cheese and pepperoni and a 6 pack of mic ultra light.
That way, I'm eatting, I'm partying and basically, still sticking with the plan. Just plan ahead , think thin and don't stress about it. Theres ways to eat, have a good time and fit in with the rest of the party goers. Good luck! flutterbye

deeray7 Mon, Jul-21-03 17:27

Thanks flutterby I guess you nailed the main thing I worry about........fitting in! Whenever I do go somewhere its so hard to explain to people that no Im eating LC, or just to simply say no thanks.....cause people come by and automatically want to know "whats wrong", or why im not eating like everybody else and then i feel all guilty! ANd then if I do explain to people about LCing they are like "why you dont need to lose weight".....but I know that I do, and just because I may look a certain way in certain clothes, Im not comfortable with my weight and it is really unhealthy. When I did go off LC I gained alot back, so my plan is to stick with it this time. I just have to overcome going home and sticking to LC because thats my only down fall!
Its really hard because at times when you are watching your weight and sticking to a plan its really hard for others to understand that. So I guess what Ill do is plan out my meals for the days I will be home, and go grocery shopping since I cant just stop at a mcdonalds and get a hamburger......theres no restaurants nearby.

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