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rebsee Fri, Jul-18-03 13:22

Anyone binge on SF foods?
Hello :wave:

I've been having a problem lately where my meals are fine for being on Atkins BUT I keep binging on SF foods like SF Angel Delight and gluten-free chocolate digestives (3.6 each, but I eat about 9 in one go.).
I know it's because I'm not making proper meals or proper food when I'm hungry, but at the moment I'm also depressed and one of the things I don't care about anymore is cooking (Along with housework... they're going hand-in-hand) and I pick up stuff from the supermarket on the way home from work... when I'm hungry.
I know this is some sort of simple 'eat a tuna salad when you're hungry not some biscuits and don't go near the supermarket' but it's like Sainsbury's is my dealer!!!!! And I can only take so much tuna in one day.....
I also started a new job this week so could me not being used to the routine be contributing to this also?

Does anyone else have a problem with SF food addiction and how do you overcome this?

PS - I have a terminal sweet tooth.

GoHokies05 Sat, Jul-19-03 22:47

I have the same problem! SF peanut butter cups are ruining me! What I did though is pick a day of the week where I will allow myself to eat them...Say, A Friday Night at the movies..and if I eat more than that, I have to add another 30 minutes of walking time when I exercise at night. :) I also have the evil sweet tooth.

Karen Sun, Jul-20-03 00:35

Does anyone else have a problem with SF food addiction and how do you overcome this?
I do, and it makes me feel like a complete idiot. :rolleyes:

The only way to stop is cold turkey and discovering what your triggers are, then finding ways to mend yourself. Boredom, anger, hunger, lonliness and fatigue are the usual. The same ones that compelled us to eat in our high-carb lives. One thing leads to another and then BAM! You're eating the stuff everyday. When I got off the sweeteners, I went through detox all over again.

Doing a few days of lean meat only and back to the basics of my plan helped me to recallibrate myself as well learning on a daily basis how to deal with the things that get me ticked in a healing manner. It's a never ending learning experience! :)


jedswife Sun, Jul-20-03 10:18

me too.. i have to get back on track but recently there has been an influx of really good low carb and sugar free products.

i am convincing myself that if i have to cheat at least im doing it with sugar free and low carb stuff. but the other day we were stuck at home during hurricane claudette and was surrounded by high carb junk food with no power - so had lots of sugar that day.

nothing to do but go back to induction. i can say this after having lost 50 lbs and thinking my goal weight should be 135 i have had to rethinkk that i now realize it should be even lower. who would have thought i would ever consider a goal weight lower than 135 (i am only 5'3"). i always swore i could not weigh less than that even if you only weighed my bones.

2Airedales Mon, Jul-21-03 09:53

I had 2 big pieces of Karen's No Bake Vancouver Cheesecake yesterday! It's Tooooooo good! It's a good thing I don't make it that often!!
And my other downfall is Coors light (4.5 carbs), I'll have 1 then 2 & sometimes 3... So I try not to have it in the house at all!


britony Sun, Jul-27-03 11:02

I had to get rid of the pre made foods and I stopped making more than one serving of "sweets" of any kind because if they are around they are too easy to eat.
Now if I want something sweet, I have to prepare and if I am feeling lazier than I fell hungry, I just don't have it. (although I am seldom THAT lazy) lol
And the beer is something I also had to stop having around. It always helped my cravings for sweets but I could not stop and only one.

scthgharpy Mon, Aug-04-03 00:20

It almost sounds liek you're eating the sweet stuff more out of convenience than, actually wanting the sweet! Try buying canned chicken for salad (Trader joes has good ones) beef sticks, prepped veggies-have THOSE handy so you'll stay away from the easy-to-open and highly addictive sweet stuff.


deeniec Sat, Aug-30-03 13:58

I am also a SF products binger
I can't believe I lost 13 lbs. and then went and sabotaged MYSELF by eating those Russell Stover pb cups again! I had tried them a while back and discovered very quickly that they were going to ruin the weight loss efforts. I promptly threw them away...and then now, probably a week later, what do I do? I went and bought them again!!! And this time I didn't eat one or two, I had two servings, which is 8 cups! I am so ashamed and frustrated with myself. All the threads I read on stuff like that and I still got on the scale today. Major mistake. Now I've put on 5 lbs. Last time I indulged in the cups I put on 2 lbs. which took me 3 days to get rid of. Now I don't know how long it might take to get rid of 5 lbs. Argh!

Maybe we could encourage each other to get back on track. I've got a long way to go to reach goal and I can't keep reverting back to my old destructive habits. Let's see if we can't just get right back on the horse, shall we?

bevbme Sat, Aug-30-03 16:00

I think we over indulge on the sf candies because they are sugar free. We don't get the sugar rush that we expect when we eat one so we eat another one.
I had to laugh when I read in Time magazine article that the sugar alcohol in the Hersheys candies is a name brand laxitive in the UK lacititol....and it works good!!!!

galaga6846 Sun, Aug-31-03 12:31

I confess... I am ADDICTED to sugar free candy.
I cannot go though the day without eating at least five pieces of russell stover.
I suck on sugar free hard candy all day long.
I love sucking on mints... mmmm... and sugar free cream savers.
If I eat something salty, or meaty, I want to eat something sweet right afterwards. If I don't, I can't concentrate on anything else. My sweet tooth has actually gotten stronger.
It's like a smoker who needs a cigarette after they eat. I need a piece of candy after supper, to feel normal again.

Today, I've eaten one package of pecan delites (sugar free), and probably about 15 sugar free mints.

I've broken my addiction to chips, bread and the like... but now I have a new addiction. I'm going to have to rethink some things.

josiekat Sun, Aug-31-03 12:39

I discovered the Russell Stovers sugar-free PB cups at our local Wal-Mart around 4 or 5 weeks ago. I had never seen or tasted them before, but had read about them many times in this forum. I bought only one bag....I tried one....oh my...for someone who has not had chocolate in forever, they tasted like the best chocolate I had ever eaten. Needless to say....the bag was empty with 2'd think after everything I've been through I'd know that is going back to my old compulsive eating habits. I haven't been back to the Wal-Mart since....I won't buy them again for a very long time......

RockerChik Fri, Sep-12-03 12:29

I, too, find that those Russell Stover PB cups are unbeLIEVABLY addictive. This very thread made me want to stop on the way home tonite and pick up a bag - BUT I MUST NOT!!!

I have no choice but to stay FAR AWAY from these or I'll go thru them like a forest fire. It would be fine if I could just by satisfied with one or 2 at a time, but right now I know that it's impossible. Also, with me they produce a strong laxative affect that's very undesirable.

Be strong~!

galaga6846 Fri, Sep-12-03 17:56

I just tried the Russell Stover PB Cups today, if fact! Mmmmm!

A few days ago, I went into a pharmacy to buy one pack of pecan delites... to my shock and awe they were on clearance for TEN CENTS!!! So I bought nine. The Chocolate Caramel Cups were also discounted to 84 cents for a big bag (so I bought four bags) and the raspberry dark chocolates were discounted to 1.50 for a big box (so I bought three boxes).
I couldn't pass up such a bargain! I paid like... six bucks for something that would have normally cost me 20.00!
I put them in the freezer.

Today I decided I wouldn't succumb to the temptation of Russell Stover's sugar free chocolate. I didn't bring any to work with me... but I stopped anyway and bought those peanut butter cups!
I can't help it... I still get a sweet tooth in the afternoon.
I really need to have more will power.

Perhaps once I'm off the prednisone, it will be easier. That stuff makes you really hungry.

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