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brat32271 Fri, Jul-11-03 18:28

May I be part of this successful group???
I was reading over some of the success stories last night. I have to admit it helped me get through today. Today was my daughters birthday. I was good at not eating the cake (or even licking the icing for that matter) But I didnt do so hot staying away from the barbque. I only had about two tbsp...I just couldnt smelled too good. I havent kicked myself for it because I actually wanted the sandwich, but at least settled for the bites of just the hamburger with barbque sauce not on the honey hamburger bun. Every one seems to be so motivatited and successful in here. I know I will be able to read these threads to help me when times get tough. I hope you dont mind a newbie striving for success. Congratulations to everyone.

dcbrowne Fri, Jul-11-03 19:20

Welcome-glad that you found us-Forgive yourself for the barbeque and move on-you are headed in the right direction!!!

MisterE Fri, Jul-11-03 23:21

Welcome! Trust me. We don't do breath checks for BBQ sauce (or worse) around here as many of us poor mortals have food sinned! You will do fine. Pay attention to your food plan, move your body if you can, drink your water, take your supplements and visit those who have gone before in the journals around here. You will become one of the successful ones!

brat32271 Sat, Jul-12-03 06:32

Thanks for the encouragement....I hope to be able to post lots of success and words of encouragement to help others along. I am sure as I become more educated in this new WOL it will become more easy. Best wishes to each of you!

liz175 Sat, Jul-12-03 07:42

Welcome! I agree with everyone else -- forgive yourself the few bites of barbecue sauce, it probably wasn't all that many carbs, and move on. I believe in making this a way of eating, not a diet, and if it is going to be a way of eating occasional (and occasional means occasional, not every day and not even every week) small deviations from strict low carbing have to be allowed. I ate a small piece of chicken with barbecue sauce on July 4 and it doesn't seem to have harmed me (the rest of my meal was low carb -- salad and plain hamburger).

ketodiva Sat, Jul-12-03 11:49

Welcome to our Family
The first thing I want to say is YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME!! You've got the will, you have the tools and you have us. Go on the forum once a day (make the time) and you will find yourself learning not just about recipes and problems, but how to succeed. We're not those mushy people like the ones at WW who give you a sticker when you lose a quarter of a pound. But we salute every success and will give you hell if we notice that you're constantly on your game. But I can honestly say it's coming out of love and concern, not disdain.

The barbeque happened. It will probably happen again next 4th of July. But don't let it happen on the 5th, 6th, or 7th. And drink water till your pee is almost clear and your keto stix are a mere blush. You'll be feeling that whoosh in no time. :yay:

brat32271 Sat, Jul-12-03 12:30

OH MY.....that could be a tad bit of my problem. I have NEVER in my life had nearly clear pee. Seems its always been close to orange than yellow even. Guess I better up the water intake and watch the differences that take place. Thanks for the the way....where do you find the test strips??? I looked for them but didnt seem to find them you have to ask at a pharmacy?

MTEcho Sat, Jul-12-03 13:51

Hi and welcome,

I found my keto stix first at the pharmacy, but later at my health food store. The ones at the hfs were twice as many for the same price.

Don't think that if they are really purple that you are not drinking enough. I drink tons of water and mine can be up into the large amt. Usually, though, I am peeing a moderate amt of ketones.

Welcome again, and have fun with your new WOL.


kevidona Wed, Jul-16-03 13:28

Be careful with the Keto stix. Personally, I have never had them change color not even the slightest, but I continue to lose weight every week. If your not careful, and they don't change for you, don't get discouraged by it. From all the threads I have read here, I am not alone with them not changing. So, drink lots of water, take your vitamins & minerals, excercise and welcome to the forum. We are glad your here :wiggle:

DWRolfe Wed, Jul-16-03 14:21

I agree that it's important to forgive yourself for a few bites of BBQ sauce...

...but keep in mind that you really shouldn't eat those sugary sauces. No good will come of it. It's not a treat if it's ultimately bad for you...

I love most anything cooked on a grill and trust me, I love a nice burger bun. But I've found that the burger can taste just as good on a plate, sans bun. I usually add a second slice of cheese to mine for added yumminess. I also enjoy them wrapped in a large lettuce leaf instead of a bun. And of course, LC tortillas as great in place of burger buns too.

Good luck!

Donald :wiggle:

gotaloseit Wed, Jul-16-03 21:35

I only have one thing to add here, if your going to do this, you have to remember this will have to be a way of life for you, not just a diet and then you go back to your old eating habits. That said, as you go on you will find yourself being more prepared for social situations so you wont eat the bbq, but LC bbq, you'll learn all the little tricks here and this will be a great sucess for you!! Welcome

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