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max Thu, Jul-03-03 11:25

The yo yo club..members invited
We need a forum for the yo yos of this world. You know the folks who keep losing & gaining the same 10 lbs over & over...

Ive been doing this for seven years now and I'm tired.

Are there any yo yos out there who have actually managed to get to goal? I sure could use some tips.


haleyju Thu, Jul-03-03 12:40

Oh my gosh, I feel like I could be president of the yoyo club. I do not believe that I have lost even one pound since I started this WOE without bouncing back the next day. Every drop is countered with a yoyo for a day or two. Eventually, I go down, only to have the same thing happen with the next pound. EX -- Monday =148, Tuesday=150, Wed=150.5, Today is 149 (exactly where I was on Sunday). This time I'll predict that it holds and I will be able to move on down to the next yoyo. Thank heavens I have only had a true yoyo stall (about 1 month) once in the last seven nmonths.


Cocodrilo Thu, Jul-03-03 14:10

I would like to join!
This is soooo much me!! I drop 4 pounds and then gain them back. Then I am strikt again and loose some and then gain.... I am soooo bored with this! I have approx 15 pounds to loose and have been fighting for now 2 years. I train a lot, but it is the intake that is gping up and down..... any suggestions???

ndelacourt Thu, Jul-03-03 14:22

Count me in too!! The most I lost was 15 lbs from Nov to Jan...then I gained 10 back in April...and I am still struggling to get back down again!

HELP!!! I am now only down 9 lbs since the very beginning!


micromini Thu, Jul-03-03 14:42

Well I've been yoyoing for the past 6 weeks, not that long I know but it's a little frustrating. I've been up and down between 168.5 and 165.5 with 0 weight loss. I'm not too upset though, I love the craving control.

Jeanne Sch Thu, Jul-03-03 15:16

I'm finishing up week 4 on Atkins and I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks.
I have since stalled. I do believe part of it was due to my TOM (which still isn't here - dangit but that's another story). I got on the scale this morning and was only down 8 lbs (which was better than the other day where the scale said I was only down 5 lbs).

I have a candida infection so I know I will yo-yo like mad during this process but I'm looking at it first, as a way to get and stay healthy for the rest of my life and then as a weight loss plan.

My mother in law says that you yo-yo a few pounds thoughout the program (particularly the induction) and she has been doing it since the beginning of March and lost 20 lbs (she has only 5 lbs to go).

Yo-yo dieting in general? Haven't we all! :rolleyes: That's what low fat diets do for you!!

surrender Thu, Jul-03-03 15:33

Originally Posted by haleyju
Oh my gosh, I feel like I could be president of the yoyo club. I do not believe that I have lost even one pound since I started this WOE without bouncing back the next day. Every drop is countered with a yoyo for a day or two. Eventually, I go down, only to have the same thing happen with the next pound. EX -- Monday =148, Tuesday=150, Wed=150.5, Today is 149 (exactly where I was on Sunday). This time I'll predict that it holds and I will be able to move on down to the next yoyo. Thank heavens I have only had a true yoyo stall (about 1 month) once in the last seven nmonths.


That is me to the tea so far on Atkins. Thanks for sharing your experience since I know that at least one other person is responding the same way I am. You made my day. :yay:


Billiemill Thu, Jul-03-03 15:59

I am trying to stop the yo-yo game, too!
I had been on CAD before and lost 15 pounds and cheated only twice the whole year; but I let a bad marriage let it creep back up on me and then some. Ouch! Now I started back in April, but I can't keep from yo-yoing. I decided to experiment with spacing small amounts of lowcarb foods throughout the day. You can read about it in my journal. Yesterday was the first day. I am so sick of seeing over 150 pounds over and over. I get into the high 140's, then eat bad one day and gain it all backl. I am bound and determined to quit this and stay healthy,low carbing, exercising, and feeling good about sticking to something that I can do. It is very important to me not to feel deprived or hungry. So I'm gonna monitor this very carefully.

Norag Thu, Jul-03-03 16:41

Hayleyju and Surrender, I think that your experience of bouncing up and around a number is pretty common around here. I will hit a new low, and bounce around it for usually 3 or 4 weeks before reaching the next low. The bouncing around seems to last longer the closer I get to my goal too.

Norag Thu, Jul-03-03 16:42

..But I think (may be wrong) that Max was not talking about this kind or yo-yo-ing. Max?

pre3teach Thu, Jul-03-03 19:34

Here is what I don't get...
What I don't understand is how I can eat low carb for 3 days...I know I am in ketoisis, then on the 4 day I eat a cone but stay on plan the rest of the day followed by 4 more days of 20-30 carbs (the level I lost on before) AND I DON"T LOSE BUT OVER THE COURSE OF THIS WEEK WENT FROM 132.5-137!!!!!! Sorry for yelling!

I have posted menus before...some say eat more protein some say no more fat some say more veggies and some say watch the salt........
I lost on Atkins before when the only thing I did was (count carbs in my head) and aim for 30-40carbs, I even ate lc bread and never went on strict induction. (This was last year so not that long ago)

I am starting to lose hope in this plan. Is my body immune to it now??? :cry:

What do I need to tweak to get this to kick in??????

LadyBelle Thu, Jul-03-03 19:57

According to Dr. A, it can take up to a week to recover from a treat like the cone and get back to losing weight. Plus if you have candidia the sugars in the icecream and the dairy can feed them, making them flair up even worse. You can also retain water if on those days you ate the 20g carb you were having salty foods or processed foods such as pork rinds, sausage, bacon and so on.

JesseD Thu, Jul-03-03 21:19

Greetings, I'm new to the forum but not to the Atkins diet. Originally, on Atkins, I went from 245 lbs to a slim 173 in less than a year. I'm a male(6 ft tall) and started the diet in '95 but I yo-yoed (by changing diets) when I joined the military in '98. After basic training, I gained 15 lbs from all the carb loaded stuff the military feeds you. Then after technical training, I gained another 12 lbs (mostly cause I forgot how fat I use to be) and settled in at 200 lbs for the next 3 years. I'm now out of the military(after 4 years) and have gotten control of my diet again. Normally you'd expect military people to lose, not gain weight. But I gained 27 lbs while on active duty.

If I learned anything it's this: even with long periods of strenuous exercise, a low fat diet will never work for me.

I have lost 15 lbs after restarting induction and I hope that I dont yo-yo again. All I have to do now is lose those last 12 lbs to get to where I once was...


jun keater Fri, Jul-04-03 11:10

If I lost all at once what I have lost & gained in the past, I'd be back at my birth weight..... :cry:

pre3teach Sat, Jul-05-03 19:17

jun keater, Thank you for the great laugh! That would mean I was 2lbs!

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