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Stardust Sat, May-31-03 07:16

TDC Lurker coming forward!
Hello to all you warm, friendly people!

I need the extra support from this section of the forum. I have been lurking about here and have enjoyed reading the posts. So now I guess it's time to introduce myself. Here is an excerpt from my first journal entry Jan 2002:

"Well, here I am. I'm back on track after a bit of a journey (adventure??). lol First of all, I know Atkins works, because I started on the plan Mar. 2000 and over the next nine months I lost 76 lbs. Then to my surprize I became pregnant in Jan. 2001. I read about the dangers of ketosis while pregnant and went off into carb mania (some junk) along with good foods. I only gained 26 lbs. in the first six months. I was pleased with this because I was afraid I would blow up even faster because of not lc'ing.

And as if being pregnant was not a big enough change for me, I decided to sell everything I own, quit my job, and move out of my home country to be with my baby's father (my boyfriend). Six weeks after the move I was diagnosed with pre-clampsia and one week later eclampsia when our daughter, Alexandra, decided to come into the world one month early. After 12 hours of labor, an eclamptic seizure, and an emergency c-section, Miss Alexandra arrived perfectly healthy. The week before I delivered Alexandra, I weighed 335 lbs. I had gained back all my weight I had lost and the scary thing is that at the rate I was gaining I could have weighed 8 - 10 lbs. more on the delivery date. Eight weeks later my weight had dropped to 304 lbs, but my blood pressure was still very high (not normal for me at all).

A week and half ago I started the Induction, because I know it works, and I want to feel good again and lower my bp. I just have not felt myself over the past months and I'm hoping find my better self along with lower bp. My clothes are already feeling a little loose and I'll have my bp checked on Jan 24. I'm hoping for results and, yes, I know these things can take time, but I can hope ... can't I? lol

Well, this is my story in a nutshell ..."

I had gotten down to my lowest weight in Sept. 2002 (somewhere below 260 lbs.). I am unsure of the exact weight, because I don't have a scale and only weigh once a month or so, because I am obssessive about the scale. Then something went haywire. I could not get started again for any length of time and I became very angry with myself. I was totally out of control. I gained some weight back and have no idea how much. I was so afraid I would become discouraged and totally give up if I had done a lot of damage. I believe I gained a good portion of weight back.

I have been back now since April 2003. Something just clicked and it has been smooth sailing so far. I am feeling good about this WOL. I know I am going to have to watch my carbs the rest of my life. I just need to stick to this and not get lost in carb madness.

I am hoping that the extra contact here in TDC with help to keep me focused on the big picture (emm, the smaller picture).

Sorry about this being so long ...

Good luck to you all on your journies to health and happiness!

MisterE Sat, May-31-03 07:41

Looks like you have chosen your own path to health. My best wishes for your every success!

CincyBev Sat, May-31-03 07:51

Welcome to the group.. You will find the support here in this group.. All are so friendly and helpful.

Sounds like you have really had some tramatic life experiences and that you now are ready to get back in line with LC.. So glad your baby is fine... after all of your problems.

Stick with it and keep smiling.. We are all in this together... :-)

thebigman Sat, May-31-03 08:45

Hi Lisa,

Its a pleasure to welcome you. Hope you feel at home and I am sure you will find all the support you need around here.

What a great avatar you both look so happy and content in it. Looks like you have this way of eating in hand and congratulations on your weight loss, sure hope your BP results reflect all your positive steps to better health.

Have a great weekend


DarB Sat, May-31-03 11:10

Welcome, come on in, grab a chair and join in the fun.!!
This is a great group...and very are going to love it. Congrats on the loss so are doing great. Keep up the good work.
Talk to you again soon

Stardust Sat, May-31-03 16:42

Thank you!
Thanks to all of you for your kind responses.

I did forget to mention that my lowest weight last year was the lowest I had been in about 10 years and that after I had been on Atkins for two weeks, my blood pressure was 130\75 (lowest ever that I can recall ... even when I was at goal weight my BP was 135\80). I am so glad about the lower BP.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

hatetocook Sun, Jun-01-03 19:11

Welcome Lisa!
It's sounds like you're doing great after re-starting!

I lived in Sweden for a year a long time ago & I was in the best shape of my life. We walked or rode bikes everywhere there. I don't know if I'd be able to resist those Swedish pancakes iwth lingonberries though-- they were my favorite... :yum: :yum:

Good luck!

madcreek Sun, Jun-01-03 21:42

Hi Ya'll
I like this thread and I like the idea that cooking is easy with Atkins! I hate to cook too.

Low Carbing has made my life much easier. I do like to make salads though.

Nice to read all of your posts. Madi

tgill32177 Mon, Jun-02-03 10:45

Welcome back!

What a treasure you have in your baby girl!!! I am sure she was worth the price!

We are sooooo glad that you found us. You have an inspiring story to tell. It looks like you were tested in many ways. Many people sadly never get back on their weight loss plans because of tests like yours. They end up giving up on themselves for far less reasons. I am proud that you took that step. I am glad that you found the faith in yourself to try again. (((((HUG))))) It took a LOT of strength I know!
I see that you have really taken things in hand and have lost ###'s! Wow! You must feel great about that! I love this way of eating! I don't feel deprived at all.
I see that you have set minigoals for yourself. That is one of the things that has helped me a great deal. I buy a piece of clothing in a size smaller than I am now and try it on periodically. It keeps me focused on why I am eating this way. New clothes is only a perk, my health has improved greatly! That is most important.
Welcome to TDC! We are cheering for you ALL the way!

Be blessed,
Tanya :rheart:

Stardust Tue, Jun-03-03 14:10

Thanks so much for responding tgill32177, madcreek, and hatetocook!

I am really glad to be back and feeling so much better for it. I am also getting to prepare recipes I only prepare when I am lowcarbing. Why is that? They are delicious, but I don't fix them when I am running wild. lol

Hatetocook, I have walked more in the almost past two years than I have in my entire life. I have more muscles now than when I was at goal weight. I can't wait to drop more weight so I can what I have under this layer of fat. Now Swedish food: I love it! I have never tasted real Swedish pancakes. About two weeks ago my SO's mother made some and brought them over for my daughter. I just about died. They smelled so good. Alexandra ate them with lingon jam and\raspberry jam. My weakness is the rolls filled with almond paste and whipped cream, fastlagsbullar. I could die for them. And the sausages ... yum! Where did you live in Sweden when you were here?

charsangel Tue, Jun-03-03 14:36

Stardust I am soooo glad you didnt give up, sooo many people walk away and never come back and the sad thing is they hate themselves almost the rest of there lives- or so it seems, they are not happy people. But you have sooo much to live for and to be healthy for. Alexandra is BEAUTIFUL, what a little angel!!!!
I am glad that even through the trials and tribulations you pulled though and that you are here LCn. That in its self is encourageing to see.
Congrats on your weight loss ......You go Girl!!!
Hope to talk to you sometime, take care

Stephanie :wave:

Stardust Wed, Jun-04-03 16:26

Hi Stephanie!

You made my day! Thanks for posting.

hatetocook Thu, Jun-05-03 10:31

Oh man I forgot all about those!
I used to love fastlagsbullar, but I forgot what they were called.
And, ohohoh, those smorgas med ost :roll: At least we can still have the ost!! :thup:

I lived in Hassleholm, about an hour northeast of Malmo.

Thanks for the sweet memories!!

Stardust Thu, Jun-05-03 16:12


I don't miss out on the smörgåser (sandwiches). I have a recipe for pizza crust. I make the pizza crust and slice it into 12 portions and it is like a flat bread and wonderful. I am able to indulge in cheese, red beet salad, shrimp salad, and a little liver patee sandwiches. Yummy!

I live southeast of Malmö, so I know the area a little. Funny we both lived or live near the same area in Sweden. What a small world.

Take care!

Stardust Sun, Jun-29-03 03:42

Today was the day of truth!!
I weighed today, having not weighed before I jumped back on the wagon in April. Oh, geeze, what did I do to myself during the wild carb filled months? I know I have lost weight over these past couple months (people are noticing, my clothes are getting bigger, and I feel smaller), but ... a real big BUT ... today I weighed 308 lbs. Oh, my God, what did I weigh in April when I came to my senses? I don't even want to think about it. I am glad I did not weigh then, because I probably would have thrown my hands up. I had no idea it was so bad. The reality sucks and hurts.

My SO was with me when I weighed and he was kind. He didn't think I had gained back so much weight either. If he wasn't there I would have probably busted out in tears. Somehow I have managed not to cry. I am surprised, because I feel so terrible right now.

I am so digusted with myself, sad, disappointed ... you name it, but I am not giving up. What choices do I have? Three:
1. Stay where I am forever?
2. Get fatter?
3. Continue as I am and reach my goal one fine day?
There is only one choice for me #3. This is my solution. I am determined now not to fall off the wagon again.

I had a big goal set to weigh 235 by the end of last year and I didn't make it, because I feel off the wagon when I was within 20 lbs. or so. I set a new goal to reach it by the end of this year and I don't think it's attainable. Ugh! Maybe I can get back to 260 lbs. by then.

I just needed to vent a bit. Thanks.

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