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SummerYet Mon, May-26-03 08:17

No Cheat For June Challenge
Hi All!

I am noticing that as time goes on, that a carb gets added here, or water doesn't get drank there...and next thing you know you are stalled and you can't figure out why! :daze:

These challenges really helped me when I was 1st starting I thought it was time to bring em back!

I figured it was time to get strict and serious about what we are doing again (or if you are just starting - getting off to a good start!)

From June 1 - June 30...NO CHEATS! Anyone in with me??


PS...And "no cheats" is whatever it means to YOU, tell us your goals!

SummerYet Mon, May-26-03 08:19

OK...My goals for June:

1. Keep my calories around 1800

2. Keep my carbs between 30 and 40

3. Drink 96 oz. of water a day

4. Continue with my BFL workouts

5. Stay positive and post everyday

OK...who's next?


cartmanis Mon, May-26-03 09:23

Well, I don't cheat, but I'll stop by for support :)

summer10 Mon, May-26-03 09:33

Hey Michelle,

Thanks for the invite. I haven't been cheating either but I agree with Kevin, I'll stop in for the support. I've been trying to post my food everyday so stopping in here may give me the incentive to check in daily.


Karin Mon, May-26-03 10:36

My June Goals

1. Drink 72 oz of water a day.

2. Cut back of my coffee.

3. Exersice at least every other day.

4. Stop getting depressed if I gain a pound.(its only water)

5. Get into that size 10!

6. Make my mini goal.(155)

My son's Grad is on June 26th. So I want to make my mini goal so I look good and watch my x-hubby's ehes pop out when he see's what he lost!

srd0821 Mon, May-26-03 11:18

Ok Michelle! Sign me up...this is exactly what I need!!

My goals for June:
1. Keep carbs under 25
2. Exercise at least 3 times a week
3. Water water water...
4. Stay positive and motivated...not let anything or anyone get in my way and mess me up!!!

Mini goal for Month of June...15 pounds!!!

Scarlet Mon, May-26-03 11:48

I'll join you. My goals are:

1) To eat absolutely no sugar for the entire month of June , although maybe I might allow myself some cake on my birthday on the 30th perhaps

2) To religiously count my carbs again

DDMariana Mon, May-26-03 12:52

I guess I shoulda looked at this first, huh Michelle! This is fine with me...I can set my own agenda?? Perfect!

Okay, some that I can think of right now:

1. Drink at least 80 oz. of water every day. (Not a problem)
2. Supplements every day, add in vitamin C and B Complex
3. Karate every class - Mon, Wed and Fri - no misses
4. Start Pilates program - do every other day
5. No wild binges - no carrot cake outings, no birthday cake, etc.
6. Wear tight clothes, exercise clothes, etc. so I can see my body.
7. Increase SALADS, decrease dairy
8. Keep to my morning cuppa coffee, no more
9. Drink my green tea every day
10. Take new measurements and weight and POST my numbers above the scale.

Okay,'re helping me get all of this unfocused junk out of my head and into words. I'm taking a copy of this to my journal so I can start on something here...

Like I said, the restrictive stuff just doesn't work for me, but there are things that I can tighten up and get back into order, and this is JUST what I was hoping to do.

Thanks a bunch!! This will make a difference, no doubt.


pink Mon, May-26-03 14:47

Hey, Michelle...
This is a great idea! :D Thanks for posting...

:rolleyes: Recommittment time... :rolleyes:

1. :eek: I will put Richard Simmons in the VCR and do the full workout starting tomorrow morning. I will do this six times a Saturdays.

2. :eek: I will drink 64 oz. of water each day...perhaps not on Saturday, but every other day.

3. :eek: I will count everything that goes into my mouth, no matter what it is.

4. :eek: I will record everything I eat in my journal, including amounts.

5. :eek: I will do all these things...if I don't, I will be truthful and report that I have not done so in my journal.

:wave: Thanks for doing this and making me feel that I had to do it too. I'm sure this thread will fill up quickly...we all lose sight of the goal after awhile.

:eek: I WILL LOSE 10 LBS. BY JULY 4TH. :eek:

Love & Light,
Pink :dazzle:

summer*rai Mon, May-26-03 16:16

hi....I'm trisha
OK....I really need to be accountable to someone, so there are plenty "someones" here...My goal is to lose 10 lbs by July 1st.....I am bouncing between 179 and by the end of June I need to be bouncin between 169 and 173.....I'm not going to get back on the scales until the first then I'll start from wherever that is...

1. I will stay under 60 carbs counting my sugar substitutes and
diet drinks...
2. I will lay off the carbolite/atkinds endulge for the month of June
3. I will exercise at least 6 days a week....I am doing water
aderobics/water weights/lap swimming for around an hour a
a day.
4. I will post in my journal daily
5. I will fill in my fitday journal
6. I will drink 64 oz of water a day..
7. I will encourage someone each day assuring them that the

Yes it is easy to slowly add carbs to where we are not losing...I am using way too many sweetners and diet drinks...I just haven't made myself get off of them, and don't know if I really want to...
but I will try and cut back....

summer*rai Mon, May-26-03 16:17

hi....I'm trisha
OK....I really need to be accountable to someone, so there are plenty "someones" here...My goal is to lose 10 lbs by July 1st.....I am bouncing between 179 and by the end of June I need to be bouncin between 169 and 173.....I'm not going to get back on the scales until the first then I'll start from wherever that is...

1. I will stay under 60 carbs counting my sugar substitutes and
diet drinks...
2. I will lay off the carbolite/atkinds endulge for the month of June
3. I will exercise at least 6 days a week....I am doing water
aderobics/water weights/lap swimming for around an hour a
a day.
4. I will post in my journal daily
5. I will fill in my fitday journal
6. I will drink 64 oz of water a day..
7. I will encourage someone each day assuring them that their
goals can be met....

Yes it is easy to slowly add carbs to where we are not losing...I am using way too many sweetners and diet drinks...I just haven't made myself get off of them, and don't know if I really want to...
but I will try and cut back....

Jaden Mon, May-26-03 16:37

Well I wasnt personally invited to join but I saw this in beths journal and wondered if I could participate too. I really am good about cheating food wise but there are definately things I need to improve on.

Plan is CAD

I have been slacking terribly on my water. I will start getting my 3 quarts in every day.

I will stop skipping supplements (by accident or laziness)

I will make a salad EVERY night with reward meal (Or Craving reducing vegies) even if I am ordering out. (its easy to get lazy when ordering out and not bother making the salad)

Those are my three big weaknesses I think.

Elihnig Mon, May-26-03 16:50

Count me in!

Um, goals...mmh...

Well, basically I'm like the little girl with a curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!

I'm already on induction since Saturday and it feels good.

I have that added incentive of June 30th when I have to post my "after" pictures for the fitness challange. I want there to be a noticable difference!


Yesican Mon, May-26-03 17:08

Count me IN!

For June:

1. Keep up 6X's a week work outs.
2. More veggies!
3. Learn to appreciate SF jello again.
4. Supplements daily-Order more Udo's oil.
5. Water-100 oz a day
7. NO CHEATS! (And believe me, I know what this means!)


AmberAA1 Mon, May-26-03 17:35

Hi Michelle, well I just walked in the door from Cape May and this is just the ticket for me. I cheated the entire weekend at the Greek Festival in Vineland, NJ. I enjoyed myself totally, but am jumping back on the wagon tomorrow morning. Already told BF that it would be salad and grilled chicken all week. Heck I may even go to FF after the weekend I had. Ok Goals

1) excercise 5 days a week
2) alternating pilates and 35 minutes on excercise bike
3) Follow induction food (for now), this may change.
4) a gallon of water a day (128 ounces)
5) vitamins everyday (I do this any way)

Thank you so much for inviting me and for doing this Michelle, this was right on time.

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