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Nannjm Sat, May-10-03 08:32

Day 3/Induction/Help
It's only day 3 and I feel very weak. I've tried to keep carbs at 20-maybe a gram or two higher.
How long does this yucky feeling last? Any suggestions on getting thro it without being a nervous wreck?
I get very anxious when my body feels strange, this morning I feel weak and tired.
Anyone go thro this and up their carbs at all?

angelswed Sat, May-10-03 08:37

are u taking vitamins? and getting in plenty of water.
also if your eating alot of red meat try some white meat i havent had the tired feeling actually by day 3 i had energy (but everyones different) i stick to 20 grams max and really havent been taking in that much i have been around 9 carbs up to 18 what would you feel like if you reduced your carbs a bit and didnt go over?
also are you eating the right carbs?
i would say if it persits maybe see your doctor for some advice sorry i couldnt really help you.

Kittana Sat, May-10-03 09:14

Hi there Nannjm,

I didn't up my carbs but I did increase vitamins and water intake. Usually my carb intake was lower than 20. After a few days I felt like I was a new person - more energy, feeling great.

I agree with angelswed though - if you keep feeling this way see a doctor.

stacy2464 Sat, May-10-03 09:25

I'm on day 4 and feeling like shit today. Didn't think I'd get out of bed. But this is normal for me. This is the 3rd time I've low carbed and the first 4 days--day 4 being the worst--are always bad for me. I think it has to do with what you were eating before and how much your body is going into withdrawals. I've been eating ice cream and cookies and poptarts and such before starting this. Also I am Type II diabetic,nursing and toddler and taking insulin. I stopped taking insulin when I started LC: my blood sugar was 79 this morning. This probably has a lot to do with why I feel bad. My normal fasting blood sugar WITH insulin has been 170 or so. To me it just goes to show what the sugar and carbs are doing to me--they are poison. Knowing that doesn't make me feel any better today though ;)

Hang in there!!! Drink plenty of water (I do) and take vitamens (I do). After day 4 you will start feeling A LOT better (I will too!!)


Nannjm Sat, May-10-03 09:26

I've seen other posts where people have had it rough on the first week of induction-- a little weak from so little carbs. So I don't think it's an medical issue. I do take vitamins and drink TONS of water. I have actually lost a pound....Which really surprised me. I'm feeling better as the morning goes on....
I will try white meat....So far I haven't since it's only day 3. I wonder if red meat makes one feel more 'sluggish' during this period.....
Thanks so much you guys.....
PS. It's also nearing that time of the month, so I may feel a bit yucky from that too. Hope that isn't too strange to write on here. :)

Nannjm Sat, May-10-03 09:30

Thanks so much.....
I hope you feel better soon too :)
It seems the general is that day 4 sucks and then gets better...So we're on our way.
I got the water down....Have always drank more than average :) I have vitamins too, have been taking them regularly for 5 months now.....
Thanks Again and best wishes....

black57 Sat, May-10-03 09:34

When I feel yucky I take a potassium supplement and it hits the spot. Potassium isn't stored in the body which is why there is no daily requirement on the bottle. Magnesium would also be a good idea. Electrolytes are like the spark plugs in a car. They conduct electricity and if they are low there is no spark, no get up and go, or as my dad used to say, no juice. :p Once I wanted a banana really bad and decided to purchase some potassium supplements instead. That did the trick. :daze:

Also your body is addicted to carbohydrates and will have symptoms of withdrawal. I had lingering symptoms of light headedness for atleast a month after induction. However, I didn't think to add the potassium, which may have helped.


debmarjs Sat, May-10-03 11:11

I felt pretty bad the first week,but it got alot better after that so hang in there.

Darlene63 Sat, May-10-03 11:21

Hi again, Nan! :wave: Congrats on the pound! :D

I'm on day 13 of Induction and didn't get that 'famous' boost of energy until day 11. So, hang'll be here soon!

PS...nothing is too strange to write here! :p

Nannjm Sat, May-10-03 11:36

Thanks....I am feeling much better as the day goes on. I think it is partly PMS, which has always been tough for me. But I had breakfast and lots of water.....
And, I couldn't believe the pound already showing up on the scale--I realize it's water but atleast I can 'see' what's happening. :)))
The support here is truly wonderful.

Cinammo Sat, May-10-03 12:14

The dreaded 3rd Day!!!!
Not to worry! I would say hang in there and if by day 5 you are not feeling better then I would check into other reasons. I believe Dr. Atkins says in his book that if you are feeling very weak (like feeling as though you ran a marathon after climbing a few stairs) then you need to up your carbs for a few days and then go back to 20. I too felt horrible on days 3 and 4. Day 5 was when I started to feel better. Hang in there!

jackrabbit Sat, May-10-03 12:44

I felt yucky yesterday, I upped my vitamins, feel great today.

It says my starting weight is 250, it's actually 251, I weighted when I started. When I first got on this board it was 250, was off for a while.

This is day four. I have a mother-daughter banquet mext week on Wednesday evening at the church, it is going to be a sandwich, salad, and desert deal. Will have a brief cheat for that, I can handle that alright, feeling really good today. One of my daughters is going to that with me, I have two daughters and a son. I am divorced, 22 years, live with my unmarried son.

Hang in there all.


jdhstl Sat, May-10-03 13:27

I have been on atkins now for 8 weeks and the first 2 1/2 weeks I was so tired. I had absolutely no energy. I could not wait to go back to bed! By my third week I did get some energy and now I have a lot. I think it just depends on the person. My husband is doing Atkins with me and he never experienced tiredness! Just keep with it, it will eventually pass!

HollyM_WA Sat, May-10-03 17:12

My dh and I started on May 1st and our days 2 thru 4 were horrible. I could hardly carry my baby to the other room in the mornings. We had no energy and were starving all the time---even after eating 10 lbs of meat!! :) Day 5 --I woke up and felt GREAT!!! I have been feeling great ever since!!! More energy than I EVER have!! I've been losing about 1 lb/day. My dh--at least 2lbs/day.

Good luck!! The horrible feeling will go away soon!!!


paradise Sat, May-10-03 22:03

Just When You Start to Feel Better
When you get through the "early Induction blues" it will probably be just-in-time for your TOM (time-of-the-month). You did mention that it was nearing? Well, right before, during, and after, DO NOT STEP ON YOUR SCALE! For me, before, during, and just after, I put on 2-3 lbs. It's all water retention and it all disappears, but it can be VERY discouraging to the uninformed. I've also seen other posters experience 5-10 lbs. weight gain. Other posters have reported a little whoosh after their TOM (although I have yet to experience this same whoosh). Happy LCing! You will feel much better soon!

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