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betsykilee Sat, Jan-18-03 21:42

Oh my gosh did I blow it!!!
Hi everyone. Well, after 17 days of awesome induction...complete with headaches, CRAVINGS that were unreal, etc. I totally and completely blew it last night. I had lost 9 lbs. in the first two weeks, so I suppose that I was feeling somewhat cocky. I ate rice...ugh....a WHOLE bag of popcorn....ewww...a tablespoon of just peanutbutter...........blech....AND, yes I wasn't finished yet, a HUGE.....HONKIN'.....GIANT bowl of..drum roll please.. COCO PUFFS...........ARGH!!!!!! I didn't have the hangover I expected today, but boy, do I feel like the Craving Monster is back in full force. Gee, can anyone say ADDICT?? I feel like I just need to get up and keep going, but boy, did I blow it! I just had to fess up. Writing it all down is pretty sobering. :blush: Thanks for listening! Betsy

Lesle Sat, Jan-18-03 21:58

Betsy, don't be so hard on yourself..most of us have done the same thing! (It was ice cream for me)
Just wake up tomorrow, start over, and be proud of yourself for getting right back on track!
You'll be fine! :cheer:

eva123 Sun, Jan-19-03 01:35

Come on naughty girl!!!
Just kidding.

You know what you have to do, correct
You did a perfect 17 days period, correct?

Well, don't be hard on yourself and simply start over OK?

Although you can look at this as continuing rather than starting

We are (I know I am!) supporting you.


SueJ Sun, Jan-19-03 08:37

I have this thing with Cheezits! Wow, I can eat a whole box in one sitting when I get on a roll. I've done this twice now, but...

It's kind of sobering. You realize what you've done and can pick yourself up and start a new day.

We understand addiction quite well when we're talking about someone who is alcohol addicted, or for smoking, and we understand and sympathize with them. We offer encouragement and we know that they can do it with lots of support.

This forum is here for your support. Just like the alcoholic, you can't have even one drink or coco puff! ;)

Don't let a set back get you down. Over the long haul, you're making progress and you should just keep moving forward. You've lost 9 lbs and that's fantastic.

Recognizing the problem and not quitting is the key to being successful.


Margotogym Sun, Jan-19-03 09:45

Get back on that horse!
There is a section in one of Dr. Atkin's books....I can't remember exactely which one right now but if you want me to find it I will! :) He devotes a section to what to do when you fall off the wagon and experience a binge as you did! He said to double up on the Chromium supplements you have been taking and a few other nutrients which will help your body fight the cravings!
Most importantly is to live in today and forget yesterday and start fresh today again! This is a life long plan and you will have slips .....he even says (in his first edition) carb slips are acceptable and even encouraged to jump start a stall! So no harm done if you just pick up where you left off and be patient with your body! Are you taking supplements? Dr. A's devoted an entire book the them!

Margotogym Sun, Jan-19-03 09:52

000 I remember purchasing 2 boxes of Cheeseits for my son and his friends one day. I polished off a box in less than 15 minutes (in private of course) while my son who is 6'2 and his friends ate 2/3 of the box and left the rest for me! I ate the rest on top of what I already had eaten. There is something in those things's like a drug for me.....that are absolutely forbidden in my house!! :thdown: ;)

mona lisa Sun, Jan-19-03 13:33


I can completely understand it. I just got through induction- yesterday. I was afraid I would do something like this.........b/c I can easily overindulge in some carbohydrate love- like potato chips!

Anyway- a couple of times this week when I was contemplating doing that...and going off the Atkins and craved carbohydrates- I made a cup of decaffinated tea and headed to the computer...I found that reading through the forums really helped to support me...and managed me through the "binge" urge....and I felt so much better for it.

It is partly necessary to break "cues" and habits that throw us into a binge. For me, going to the computer- offered support and a behavioral intervention to interrupt the urge. The big plus was I also learned a alot by the reading of the forum....the recipes, the support and words of advice...are excellent...

Just thought it might work for you next time!
(a kind of support group)

HOpe you are now on track...and don't beat yourself up...we all do it.

Mona Lisa :wave:

betsykilee Mon, Jan-20-03 12:50

Thanks everyone!!
Just as I thought....lots of support from all of you! :clap: Thanks so much and yes, I'm back on track! Whew! Makes you realize how easy it would be to fall right back into "it"..Kind of scary. I like all the suggestions too. Think I'll take you up on it :yay: Betsy

Digitalgrl Tue, Jan-21-03 09:56

try this
I find if I feel a binge coming on that I can't fight, instead of heading to the dairy queen etc. (which I would normally do) I've been grabbing some suagr-free jello with whip cream. Sometimes even some cream cheese with splenda will help too.

For those salt cravings maybe try pork rings with some sour cream and guacamole for dip.

I figure, I may have gone over by a few carbs, but I saved myself going over 30 carbs by grabbing a "normal" snack food.

MysticAnkh Thu, Jan-23-03 15:27

I am a total carb addict too...I just started this and I don't know what kind of withdrawls .. I'm going to have!! :( I know it will be very terrible!

Digitalgrl Thu, Jan-23-03 15:40

you'll make it
I think the hardest part is the first few days. After that the cravings definatley lessen!

I started doing low carb with the Carbohydrate Addicts Program to kind of "ease into it". You can have one carb item at your reward meal, so that helped me ease into this lifestyle.

I'm on Atkins now because I did find that the one reward meal triggered more cravings for me. Just find a plan that works for you and know that after one week you'll be feeling a whole lot better!

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