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tamarian Fri, Jul-06-01 19:33

A bit of history about our site
O.k. I promised to write a bit on how this site came about, so here goes.

Last June, 2000 I was checking several boards and news groups to see if there's any information about low-carbing in Vancouver. I posted a message on eScribe-Atkins and found 2 Vancouverites on the Atkins eScribe board. I emailed them to see what they know, and if they'd be interested in sharing info over email. One said "yes", and one never replied. So, I created a list at eGroup and by the next day, the 2 of us were joined by about 5 and by week's end 10 more, and kept growing.

By the end of the month, the list was quite busy with members from all over Canada, and a few members from Washington, so we created another email list, low-carb Canada to make it available to all, not just Vancouverites.

We started our website on Geocities a month later, July 4th to be exact. it was at The site kept getting bigger and our traffic increased, as well as the size, around 300 pages then. I simply wanted to post the info we discovered in the list to the world-wide web, since many emailed me directly to ask questions and didn't want to join a list, so I can just send them the link instead of typing the same info over and over.

The URL was registered 2 days later by someone else. And a year later, the URL is still under construction. I considered it a cyber-squatting incident, still do :) At the time Canadian URL registration was frozen, pending a move for URL registeration from UBC to a new entity called CIRA. I signed up not knowing if we'll get the name After 6 months or so, we officially got it. But while waiting, I registered to enable us to move from Geocities. Geocities was good, and still is for small sites, but if you have hundreds of pages to maintain, you need more power through scripting languages like Perl/PHP/MySQL etc. to mange things without editing each and every page when you want to change something, so we opted for a new commercial host (October 2000) with all these goodeis for me to play with ;)

The new list kept growing as well, and I noticed, as did some other members, like Karen, that the discussion was too focused sometimes on LC products, and chocolates, which is fine, since that was initially what I had in mind for the list. But I learned later, and thanks to Karen, to think "outside the box", and started to focus more on real food, and not focus on low-carb "products". Don't get me wrong, I still like to know and publish where things are, and how to get them, but I didn't want the info in my face (well, in my email box anyway) every day, particularly when I'm week and cravings are hard to resist.

This lead me to think about the "forums" way of doing things. If you're into exercise, you know where to look, same for products, same for recipes, jokes, etc. I had some second thoughts about the forum, first, our members didn't like my hyper mood for constant changing :) . I learned this when I wanted to change the Vancouver list to a Canada list, and the emails started coming, encouragement, anger, protest. So, I decided to create another list (o.k. I was being a chicken). Second, there was already few forums/boards on the web, why reinvent the wheel? But I noticed the existing forums at the time were all Atkins, and one for PP. So I thought a general low-carb forum should be able to fill the gap. So, last October 2000 we played with a few software packages, and for a few weeks it seemed like there's only me, Doreen, Karen, Rachel and Sharon chatting with each other, but things slowly started picking up since then ;)

Karen Sat, Jul-07-01 01:54

Not to mention the hundreds of hours you've put into this site to keep it alive and always growing!

Wa'il, you should put this in the red bar somewhere - maybe under its own title so it doesn't get buried.


fiona Sat, Jul-07-01 01:57

Thanks Tamarin

I enjoyed reading that. You've done very well in such a short time. My first impression was that you'd been here much longer to have perfected your support and useful information to such a degree.

Keep it up.

debbiedobson Sat, Jul-07-01 07:22

wa'il, thank-you so much for this post! it's great to know our roots! thank-you for all the time and effort and love and sweat that you put into this site! you're a real sweetheart!:D

tamarian Sat, Jul-07-01 21:36

Originally posted by Karen
[B]Not to mention the hundreds of hours you've put into this site to keep it alive and always growing!

Awwh, but how many hours did you put in? Those recipes of yours aren't just a 5 minute hack thingy, and there's over 50 of them. Plus your constant reminders of thinking outside the box :)

Wa'il, you should put this in the red bar somewhere - maybe under its own title so it doesn't get buried.

This red bar if gaining weight and will soon burst :)

I'll have it bookmarked for next time the question comes up.

And thanks Debbei and Fiona for the kind words. I really didn't mean to claim credit all by myself through this post. This site would literally never be here had it not been for the support of earlier members (Doreen, Karen, Rachel, Sharon) and the constant growing support of new(er) comers such as yourselves.


Karen Sat, Jul-07-01 21:40

True enough Wa'il, but if this site didn't exist, there would be no one for me to nag about that old box! ;) For this, I am grateful.


doreen T Sat, Jul-07-01 22:14

What about including it with the "About us" statement?? Or on the Stories page. So, folks can not only read the success stories of members, they can also read the success story of the site!

Only, give it its own frame, so it doesn't get lost in the list of stories.

Just a thought.


tamarian Sat, Jul-07-01 22:32

O.k., it shall be added to our about page :)


Stina Sun, Jul-08-01 09:39

I know for me personally, that I absolutely rely on this site on a daily basis. I get up, make a coffee, and start reading. It is like having a constant reassurance that I am not alone in this and a constant supply of knowledge and support. The great journal idea helps me stay on tract (for the most part) and I have made some wonderful new friends.

Thanks for setting this up and bringing such a wonderful group together!!!

Ironically, y'all know how much I weigh but the rest of my world doesn't have a clue. I wonder how many other people are willing to share this info with strangers but not with people in their immediate lives? Is it just me?

Karen Sun, Jul-08-01 09:49

Ironically, y'all know how much I weigh but the rest of my world doesn't have a clue. I wonder how many other people are willing to share this info with strangers but not with people in their immediate lives? Is it just me?

We should all have a look at what our weight is on our Driver's Licences! ;)

You're right Stina, in a way we are strangers, but we're also a community striving towards common personal goals. Here we don't judge by someones weight. We may judge by other things but you'll never have someone's eye bug here because they know what someones weight is. Because of that, we're a bit more willing to "share".


Sharon Sun, Jul-08-01 10:04

This Site
Wa' keep nothing but improving this site constantly...I'm not just sure how you find the time.

I've surfed around many other low carb sites....and there is no doubt this in my informative and so personal. All the friendly, patient people here make it that way. I think it's the tone that's picked up right away when you start reading posts.

I too remember back last fall when you switched to this website. I also remember my first crossing of paths online with you.. Remember I think I was a little annoyed about not being able to buy many low carb products in Canada. I probably didn't make a very good first impression!!

The growth of the "forum" has also been a great low carb journey in itself. Soon some of our friendships will be one year old...and what a great year it's been.

Keep up the great work....we do all appreciate it.

tamarian Sun, Jul-08-01 10:36

Re: This Site
Originally posted by Sharon
Remember I think I was a little annoyed about not being able to buy many low carb products in Canada. I probably didn't make a very good first impression!!

Yes, I remember. ;)


Andy Davies Sat, Oct-20-01 19:30

This is a great story, about a great site. In a way, the qualities which many of us so admire about this site are a reflection on those few dedicated individuals who all came together to found and expand it. There is a parallael to me with early pop music and the Beatles...there were many groups around at the time, but the Beatles had a combination of talent and drive, and an ability to relate to the mood and needs of the people around the world. This site has done a similar thing. From the drive, enthusiasm, commitment, dedication, hard work and innovation of the original core characters has grown this huge and vastly successful site which has been a positive benefit to very many people, and as much a part of their daily lives as their family. And that word holds another key. The values, the attitudes, the inspiration, the support, the encouragement, the reassurance, the tolerance, and the guidance when it is sought, are all values you associate with a family. This site is so successful because it is like a big family, and even as it grows organically, they will still continue to bind it together, and to make it a truly worthwhile place to come and visit.

So, thanks to Wa'il, Karen, Doreen, Rachel, Sharon, and the amazing wonderful creation they made. Thanks, too, to the moderators who so tirelessly help these founders operate and expand it, and the loyal members who form its backbone. It's great to be associated with something special, as well as useful.

LC Sponge Sun, Oct-21-01 05:33

Wa'il - what a spot of luck to find in one person a low carber and a web expert and a devotee. And for you to have attracted and kept terrifically supportive moderators like there are on this site is absolutely wonderful. This is a great site.

Now that I've read the history, I think I remember one of the 'old' versions and probably stopped in a couple of times. Obviously this evolutionary end product is far improved because when I stopped in here, I stayed :)

Bez Sun, Oct-21-01 07:27

:) Hi Wa'il,

Just thought I'd have my little say.

Occasionally through work I'm asked to look at web sites to see how user friendley they - and this is the most user friendley one I have found....I was however looking for this one for me.

It's informative, fun, 'safe' as well as a brilliant way to communicate with others - I prefere it to chat rooms because it gives you time to think about what you have written down and although sometimes we have to wait for a response from others (that isn't down to you), we do eventually get our response.

Well done on a wonderful invention on your part and to those others that were truly have done good for all of us that rely on this board for encouragement amongst other things.

I would just like you to know that when I first posted, I was so excited about it and about the responses I would get. (Even though I made a hash of it), I did eventually get there and here I still am.

The other thing is that there are friendships and communications with others being made on a far greater level and hopefully these will flourish and grow too!!

Well done Wa'il and thanks for the post, it's always nice to know where things came from or when they started.


:wiggle: :rose: :wiggle: :rose: :wiggle: :rose: :wiggle: :rose:

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