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jessea Fri, Jan-24-03 22:04

anyone have candida and fibro?
Hi! I just read an interesting article today on Mary Shomon's website,, regarding candida. It is a certain doctor's theory (the name escapes me) that candida, fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism are all related, and that candida starts first, which affects the thyroid, which in turn causes fibromyalgia. I found it especially interesting as I have all three. So I was wondering if any of you candida sufferers have fibro, or are hypothyroid. Also, what are you taking, supplement wise, to fight the candida.

Just curious!!


tbagram Thu, Jan-30-03 19:27

I was diagnosed a few years ago with fibermyalga. I diagnosed myself with candida due to different symptoms I have had . I am sticking to Atkins WOL-sticking pretty much with induction-this is my third week. I found a product from Twinlab called "Yeast Fighters". It has several things in it. Biotin, a fiber blend, Lactobactillius Acidophilus, Garlic Bulb Extract, Herbal Blend and Caprylic acid. Im sleeping better and my aches have dimminished so we'll see. Im still having problems with fullness in my left ear and hope this will be resolved eventually. Good luck to you in your quest of good health. :angel: Vonnie

ksnancy Fri, Jan-31-03 19:23

fibro & Candida
I was diagnosed five or six years ago with fibromyalgia. I first noticed how much better I felt when I didn't eat carbohydrates. Then once when I was treated with diflucan for a fungal skin rash condition I couldn't believe how good I felt! Right now I am trying a anti-candida system involving capryllic acid, bentonite, and acidolpholus. Recently I've been able to eat carbs without any muscle pain. This has been a real problem because after 5 years of not eating carbs it hard to control myself! And of course eventually if I eat too many I do get the pain. But I've gained 10 pounds this winter and I'm having trouble getting back to my extra strict diet.

jessea Sat, Feb-01-03 09:20

and then there were three
Wow, three of us with fibro, and candida. I am assuming neither of you have thyroid problems. It does make sense that fibro and candida could be related. I am getting very depressed. I have been on Atkins for over a month, I still haven't lost weight, I still haven't gotten the "burst of energy" I keep hearing about, and I still feel rotten. I have heard it can take six months to completely get rid of candida. I was taking a few different products for it, but I stopped for a week, because the die off was killing me. Then I went to the doctor last week, and he took five vials of blood for various tests, because of the fatique and severe leg pain I am having. Sometimes I think this is never going to end. I am also having terrible fluid retention in my upper abdomen only. Well, I did a search for that on webmd, and all that comes up are very scary things, like liver cancer. I am really anxious to get the test results back. Sorry to whine so much, but I really don't have anyone else to talk to about all this. I hope we all get well, and skinny!

Have a great day!


tbagram Sat, Feb-01-03 18:35

We're here for you
I'll keep you in my prayers, Jess. I know how you feel - not having any one to turn to. Thats why we are here- to support each other. Let us know how your blood tests turn out and please dont think the worst. There are many explanations for your symptoms. :angel: Vonnie

jessea Mon, Feb-03-03 14:23

Hi! First, thank you, Vonnie for the good thoughts and encouragement. I got my test results back and everything is normal. I still feel awful, so maybe I am just crazy. I am so fed up with doctors. The nurse at the office was so mean, she acted like I was bothering her, just because I wanted to know the test results. She said they were going to mail them to me. I said, well, I am still not feeling well, what should I do? She acted like I was just the biggest pain. Is it just my imagination, or do these people work FOR me? My insurance is what pays their salary, right? Sorry to vent, but I am just so mad.

I am going to just forget about it, and keep doing things my own way. Maybe the candida is not totally gone, and I won't feel better until it is. Has anyone else had bad experiences with the so called medical profession? I could write fifty pages about various things I have had misdiagnosed, etc.

Well, thanks so much for listening, just knowing others are out there listening helps so much. God bless you, and have a great day.


kjturner Wed, Feb-05-03 04:15

Make that four...I had candida, have fibro--but not so bad anymore. I have *some* thyroid symptoms, but not enough to make a diagnoses (I do have diabetes, tho). Jess, the candida die-off can make you feel pretty crappy too, but nothing measureable by the docs.
Do you know your blood type? It may be something you're eating. You may not necessarily be 'allergic', but may be 'sensitive' according to your blood type.

jessea Wed, Feb-05-03 08:16

and now there are four
Hi! I know what you mean about the die off. Yikes. Sometimes I feel like I have a hangover, and I am not drinking! Any idea how long the die off lasts? According to what I've read, I am guessing I have had a candida problem for about 15 years. I have read die off can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 1 year. I was hoping for the first option.

You said you "had" candida - is yours gone? What were you taking for it?

Have a great day!


kjturner Thu, Feb-06-03 03:59

I attacked with mostly with low carb. I also took caprylic acid and some kind of tea (can't remember the name) that was an herbal antifungal. (We're talking about 10 years ago I did the anti-candida diet) I tried several different things, but I think staying on Induction for about 2 months was the best thing I did. The die-off symptoms flared up from time to time for probably the better part of a year. It was tolerable. I say it's gone because four years ago I got talked into going on a 'healthy' diet--you know the high complex carb, minimal animal protein kinda thing with soy, tofu, etc. While I ended up abandoning that diet because it made me diabetic, I did not get a return of the symptoms of candida (just the symptoms of severe insulin resistance). Being diabetic now I pretty much have no choice but to stay on low carb for the rest of my life, so those wretched little candida buggers will never bother me again!

jessea Thu, Feb-06-03 07:44

blood type
Hi! Glad to hear you beat candida it gives me hope. You had asked what blood type I am , I am A positive.

Have a great day!


kjturner Mon, Feb-10-03 02:19

Blood type A's should not have liquid milk, but milk fat (cream, butter, ghee) is ok. Fermented milk products ok like cheese, mozzarella is best for A's...try not to eat too much dairy. Avoid nightshade veggies such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, ground cherry, tobacco. A's aren't supposed to be able to comfortably digest red meats too well and should stick more to the lighter meats such as fowl and fish. Soybeans are good for A's. Most beans are excellent for A's, in fact, but don't eat kidneys, limas or garbanzos. I personally found that by giving up liquid milk and concentrated tomato sauce (yes, spaghetti and salsa) I made an *enormous* difference in my health. I am, I have found, a rare A-type in that I have no trouble with red meats. In fact, beef and bison help me control my blood sugars better. When I feel I'm out of control with my blood sugars, I eat steak. It brings it right down, but that's not to say all A's should eat that way. My Dad was an A and had trouble with beef, but I don't. (My Mom was an O, Dad was an A, I'm an A, sister is an O)

jessea Mon, Feb-10-03 10:52

Thanks for all the info! I do not have any trouble with beef. I have many food allergies - melon, plums, bell peppers, sunflower seeds, rye, eggs, zucchini, pineapple, bananas, but no troubles with meat or seafood.

I am reading the "Metabolic typing diet" right now, I would recommend it - fascinating reading, and he goes into a little on bloodtype, too. I am sure you would find it interesting. Did you read the Blood Type Diet by Adamo? I have it, but didn't find it helpful.

Have a great day :wave:


wcollier Mon, Feb-10-03 11:16

Hi Jess:

I'd like to hear more about the Metabolic Diet. Dr. Mercola used to advocate that everyone follow a paleolitic-type diet. But I noticed that he now recommends this book.

I've read the blood type diet too but got very hypoglycemic following it (before LC). Plus I hate tofu. If you have the book, pay close attention to what D'Adamo suggests for type As about lifestyle. We need lots of adrenal support. Sound familiar?


jessea Mon, Feb-10-03 12:50

metabolic typing
I burned halfway through the book yesterday, and it is absolutely fascinating. It is the book Dr. Mercola recommends on his website. I did the test and determined I am a "fast oxidizer", and need to be on a high protein and fat, low carb diet (no big surprise there). According to the author, your metabolic type determines everything from what you should eat, to what supplements you should take. I was thrilled to find I am already on the right track regards to diet. My DH is a "mixed type", he can eat much more carbs than I can. Will make meal planning a little more tricky.

Even tho I haven't finished the book, I would recommend it, as it is full of useful information. He definately thinks that a person's symptoms shouldn't be treated. He thinks that you need to work from the ground up, that if you eat the way you should, all the illness in your body will gradually fade away. I think I am experiencing this now, because everyday I feel a little better. When I think of the way I used to eat, hardly any protein, and the way I am supposed to eat (high protein) I just cringe.

Thanks for the tip, I will look in my blood type book and see what it says about adrenals. Isn't this weird how everything seems to knit together? I always had a feeling that all my health troubles were all related. Having a hard time typing with a little pumpkin on my lap (who needs a nap) should get going!!


wcollier Mon, Feb-10-03 13:39

Hi Jess:

You need to get a journal going! :thup: It was very cathartic for me to starting writing in it. That way as your health improves, you will also have everything documented.

I'd love to read your story and pop in to say "hi".

Thanks for the info about the book. I'm going to order it.


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