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phop Tue, Nov-12-02 07:22

Room was spinning........
Yesterday I got light-headed in the afternoon, which increased as the day wore on. I ate a low carb bar thinking that might help. It didn't. I stopped off on the way home from the gym (Day #1 BFL!!) and picked up some potassium. Took two. Even so, by evening the room was spinning. I woke up in the night to pee, and it was even worse. I stumbled back into bed, hoping it would be gone by morning. This morning I am better again, so maybe it just took a while for the potassium to kick in? Maybe I need plain old salt? Could it be the Glutamine? :confused: Hmmm.....

agonycat Tue, Nov-12-02 07:52

Could also be dehydration, an inner ear infection, vitamins/supplement missing or many other things.

Do you have allergies? Reason I ask is I also live in Texas and my allergies have been kickin it this week. Yesterday afternoon my nose started to get a bit stuffy and then I felt my ears feeling like someone was stuffing cotton in them.

phop Tue, Nov-12-02 08:05

Thanks for the input, Agonycat. I know it's not dehydration--I drink water like it's going out of style. I do suffer from allergies from time to time, and have been a little sneezy this week, but I don't recall ever having been light-headed, downright dizzy actually, because of them. The room truly was spinning later in the evening. Also, I'm eating plenty of calories, around 1800 a day, and 20 to 30 grams of carbs a day, comprised of lots of veggies and protein and good old fat. I have noticed I've been running to the bathroom more over the past two weeks than I had been, so maybe if I keep up the potassium supplements and start using salt, things will even out.

doreen T Tue, Nov-12-02 08:36

If the room is truly spinning, and you feel nauseous, maybe even like vomiting ... then it's labyrinthitis -- inflammation of the inner ear. Often the profound dizziness is the only symptom; there isn't always pain or hearing loss (at first). The hallmark clue is if you're dizzy no matter what position you're in, and just rolling over in bed can start things whirling and spinning.

Get to the dr, who will rule out other problems first, like low blood pressure or hypoglycemia. Labyrinthitis usually is self-limiting, and certain antihistamines can be helpful to relieve symptoms. If there's an infection, you'll need antibiotics.

:exclm: Don't try to drive or do any tasks requiring balance or co-ordination until these symptoms are gone.

Here's info from Medline .. Labyrinthitis.


agonycat Tue, Nov-12-02 08:45

Originally posted by doreen T

:exclm: Don't try to drive or do any tasks requiring balance or co-ordination until these symptoms are gone.


Boy do I know this well. During the high pollen season around here I have caught myself walking down hallways and literally slam into a wall from being off balance. Almost like being a cheap drunk :) What is really weird is you don't know you have an inner ear problem, since at the start of it there is no pain. Mine normally comes right after my sinus cavities get really stuffy, I can breath fine, but the cavities are swollen, thereby pushing down on the inner ear tube. (At least that is how my Doctor explained it) If I don't get it taken care of, then it turns into a painful ear infection.

Whatever you do, do not try to work out with an inner ear problem. You only run the risk of injuring yourself or someone near by.

Hope you feel better soon!

doreen T Tue, Nov-12-02 09:16

Ugghh .. thank goodness I've never experienced this myself, but my ex. did on a regular basis.

One of the other precautions I read was to go easy on the water and eliminate sodium salt, salty foods and soda pop. The high sodium and increased fluid can cause pressure to build up in the inner ear, which may result in permanent hearing loss.

Bottom line .. get to the dr. TODAY! And make sure someone else drives ;)


phop Tue, Nov-12-02 10:24

I've made an appointment with the doc for tomorrow morning. I'm thinking you guys are right; it does seem like inner ear. I'll know for sure (hopefully) soon enough, and will report back.

Thanks for your input.

phop Wed, Nov-13-02 11:52

You guys had it pegged! He said it's inflammation of the inner ear, caused by allergies. He gave me two cortisone shots (OUCH) and some anti-vert and said if that doesn't do it, call and he'll prescribe an antibiotic. He also refilled my Allergra, my eye drops, and my nose spray. I just love Austin! Actually, I'll gladly put up with the allergies to live in this wonderful city!

agonycat Wed, Nov-13-02 11:58

Pam, I am really glad it is nothing serious ;)

I grew up here in Texas and have had allergies for as long as I can remember. The inner ear problem is yearly thing for me so I know the signs of what is going on when I get those "dizzy goofy" spells. I totally agree Austin is beautiful.

Hope you are feeling better soon. It should pass in a few days with those shots.

doreen T Wed, Nov-13-02 12:42

Originally posted by phop
.... He also refilled my Allergra, ....
hi Pam,

Glad to hear the dr. got to the bottom of things; you should be feeling much better real quick with the cortisone.

I just wanted to comment .. Allegra and Claritin (another anti-allergy drug) are both available over-the-counter here in Canada. I suffer hay fever every spring and every fall here in the North Country .. and I'm so thankful for Claritin. On the other hand, Aleve (an anti-inflammatory pain killer) is available OTC in the US, but I can't get it without a prescription up here.

It's so ridiculous ... the laws that dictate which drug is prescription and which is OTC rarely has anything to do with safety. More often than not, it's based on patent rights and politics.



phop Wed, Nov-13-02 21:50

Thank you both so much for following up on me. It just goes to show me that not everything is related to my new WOL. :p Already I feel better, and had a great work-out tonight on Day #3 of BFL. :roll:

phop Wed, Nov-13-02 21:54

AND, I've had the honor of conversing with the forum founder and moderator! :dazzle:

doreen T Wed, Nov-13-02 22:11

Originally posted by phop
AND, I've had the honor of conversing with the forum founder and moderator! :dazzle:
Aawww, thanks Pam. When it boils down though, we're all members of the same low-carbin' community. :) Glad you're feeling better.


agonycat Wed, Nov-13-02 22:37

Re: P.S.
Originally posted by phop
AND, I've had the honor of conversing with the forum founder and moderator! :dazzle:


Aww shoot. Just trying to help out when I can :D

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