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atiaran Mon, Jun-02-03 14:13

My BFL/workouts
Quick intro on my exercise habits: They suck! ;)

Actually in highschool, I did track, soccer, swimming, bowling, and field hockey aside from regular PE classes, which were twice a week for an hour, and included tennis, basketball, and softball.

In college, I would take a standard aerobics or other cardio class to help keep fit until my sophomore year. Ever since that time, I go through cycles of working out the standard 3 times a week for a 1/2 hour for three months, then not working out at all for three.

This year I decided that I wanted to be in shape and toned and healthy for my 30th bday (Oct 2004), which gave me almost 2 years to lose the weight I needed to and be diligent about working out. I was pretty good doing walking and/or aerobics until April when I decided to start BFL. I restarted twice, finally got on track, found out I was pregnant, and then stopped the BFL until I could see my doctor. Kept walking though.

Now today with the approval of my doctor to do a modified BFL:

1. Won't be doing any exercises where I lay on my back as it apparently takes oxygenated blood away from the fetus.
2. No sit ups. Ok to do mild abdominal work standing up so I need to search for a couple exercises.
3. Said I should max out at what felt comfortable - in other words, don't go to the "10" level, and even the "9" level in later months.

So my plan is to do the same weight at those two levels. I am going to the gym this evening for my Day 1 and will post the workout later. I am hoping this log will provide me with a level of accountability to keep on track.

atiaran Mon, Jun-02-03 19:16

I think I'm dying!!
Well, I got through it the first day and it really kicked my butt! :daze:
The afternoons are the only time I have to do this since I work very early. I made sure I didn't eat for about 2 1/2 hrs before the workout. I need to slow down in between the sets since I didn't count the whole minute.

Day 1
Chest - Incline bench press 20 x12, 25 x10, 30x8, 30x6, 30x12
Dumbbell FLyes (at slight incline) 30x12
Shoulders - Seated dumbbell press 20x12, 25x10, 30x8, 35x6,
30x12; side raises 30x12
Back - one arm dumbbell rows same as shoulders; wide grip
pulldown 30x12
Triceps- dumbbell extensions 10x12, 15x10,20x8, 25x6, 20x12;
bench dips (body weight)x12
Biceps - seated curls same as triceps; inclined dumbbell curls

For next arm workout, I would like to increase the bicep weights slightly. The curls didn't feel that intense.

atiaran Tue, Jun-03-03 15:39

Day 2
Twenty minutes on treadmill, using uphill incline as interval marker. Increasing speed gets my heart rate too high. Flat for intensity 5, then up to 1 for 6, 2 for 7, 3 for 8, 4 for 9, and finally 5 for 10.

Felt great after.

atiaran Wed, Jun-04-03 21:14

Day 3
Did lower body today. Doc said I should not exceed 60 pounds, and that I should probably not continue when I'm past second trimester. I went to the gym today so weights are in increments marked on weight machines.

Leg extensions: 16.7 lbsx12, 20x10, 23.3x8, 26.7x12
Leg presses: 30x12 (won't be doing these again while pregnant. Positioning felt unsafe. )

Leg curls: 16.7x12,20x10, 23.3x8, 26.7x6, 23.3x12, 23.3x12

Standing calf raises: 2lbs each handx12, 5x10,8x8, 10x6, 8x12, 8x12

No ab work but did following instead because I hate my thighs:

Hip Abduction (outer): 40x12, 50x10, 60x8, 60x6, 60x12, 60x12
Hip Adduction (inner): 30x12, 40x10, 50x8, 60x6, 60x12, 60x12

For next Lower body workout, I will probably do the same, but stick to one exercise per section.

atiaran Thu, Jun-05-03 08:32

Day 4
Won't be able to do my workout this afternoon due to stepdaughter's recital, so will go for a brisk 25 minute walk at lunch time.

atiaran Fri, Jun-06-03 09:01

OK, yesterday's workout didn't work out. :)

It was 100 deg F at lunch. I started walking after I ate, lasted 2 minutes before I had to come back because I felt dizzy. I also had a bad bout of afternoon/evening sickness, so I didn't get on the treadmill at home either. This morning I was up very early and did some light exercise - just went up and down my stairs about 4 times. This evening I will be able to go to an a/c gym (no a/c at home) and plan to do my upper body workout:


Flyes: 15x12, 20x10, 23x8, 26x6, 20x12
Incline Press: 20x12

Pulldowns 16x12, 20x10, 23x8, 26x6, 20x12
Rowing 20x12

Front raises same weight
Lateral raises 20x12

Curls for all sets, weight as above

Triceps press weight as above
Triceps pushdowns 20x12

atiaran Sun, Jun-08-03 22:17

Day 6 & 7
Saturday did 20 minutes of walking outside. Intensity interval went from brisk walk to jog.

Today I also went for a 20 minute normal pace walk.

atiaran Mon, Jun-09-03 10:31

Day 8
Lower body workout today will be same as last one. Plan to hit the gym after work. I will concentrate on not going too quickly.

atiaran Tue, Jun-10-03 10:10

Day 9
Didn't make it to the gym yesterday - family emergency, had to leave work early, and got home late.

Today I am going to do the Day 8 and 9 workout: Lower body, and 20 min on treadmill, intensity interval used will be incline of belt.

atiaran Wed, Jun-11-03 10:31

Day 10
Upper arms. Going to do workout at home with some free weights. Will post the plan later.

atiaran Thu, Jun-12-03 13:16

None today
I feel very ill today so will not be working out.

atiaran Fri, Jun-13-03 09:07

Day 12
I feel completely exhausted!! I slept 12 hours last night and I am still tired. It's a cool day though so I am going to do a leisure walk at lunch for about 20 minutes. If I feel better this afternoon, I will do my lower body workout.

I thought exercising kicked my butt, but being pregnant just wears you out!! :yawn:

atiaran Wed, Jun-18-03 10:50

San Francisco for 4 days
Well, I did not do my workouts for the last 4 days, except for lots of cardio! I was on vacation and I walked everywhere! Ok, except for one trip in a cable car. I did my best to avoid bad carbs which was pretty easy except around breakfast. I think I averaged around 100 to 120 a day, and with all the walking, came back and had not gained an ounce.

This afternoon, I've decided to take up with the upper body workout.


I didn't follow the BFL structure, but did 3 reps of 12 of the following after 15 minute warm up on cycle:

Bicep curls: 20 lb
Tricep extensions: 15 lb
Chest press: 35 lb

My ligaments felt a little loose which my doc said might happen, and when it did, I needed to 'go lightly'. From tomorrow on, I am going to mostly concentrate on getting in my cardio, followed by some light weights for by arms, back and chest.
I am also thinking of joining a prenatal yoga class.

atiaran Fri, Jun-20-03 09:19

Yesterday I did lots of gardening - about 1 to 1 1/2 hrs. Weeding, mowing lawn, picking strawberries, so I count that as my activity for the day. Tonight I will be flying to CA so I intend to walk around the airport for 30 to 40 minutes to get in some cardio.

atiaran Mon, Jun-23-03 21:40

Saturday, Sunday & today

1 hour of brisk walking


30 minutes of swimming laps - felt winded after but it was great to do something different


1 hour of bowling - at least it's good toning for my right arm!! :D

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