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ruthla Sun, Feb-22-09 14:16

Eat Right 4 Your Type/Blood Type Diet?
While this isn't a strictly LC plan, it IS another diet book that claims to be a lifestyle and promote overall health. I have fibromyalgia, and I've experienced incredible improvements when I've identified and removed food triggers; I'm wondering if this book can help me identify even more triggers and help me experience an even higher level of health. So I got Dr. D'Adamo's book out of the library and I have a lot of questions about it.

I'm quite capable of reading past the author's low fat/high fiber biases; basically ignore the "recomended servings per day/week" and JUST take a look at the food lists (and drastically increase the meat, fish, nut, egg, and fat/oil portions recomended and drastically decrease the fruit and grain recomendations.) I can also comfortably ignore his advice to consume soy products as I know that too much soy screws up my cycles.

I have O+ blood, and have lurked on other discussions (on other message boards) about the BTD (blood type diet.) I've noticed that many of the individual foods that don't agree with me (specifically dairy, wheat, and oats) are not recomended for Os. I'm wondering if following the rest of the BTD recomendations for Os would lead to greater health.

But some of the foods Dr. D'Adamo recomends Os avoid are things I eat a lot of. For example, coconut (eeks! How else do I avoid dairy products without resorting to highly processed foods?), coffee (and face the migranes?), cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, black olives, and avocados (foods I thoroughly enjoy and have become a staple in LC meal planning.)

I'm also confused about the advice to avoid apples and apple cider vinegar (recomended as beneficial sources of malic acid, which helps fibromyalgia) and pickles. I'd heard that naturally fermented foods, such as saurkraut and dill pickles, were beneficial for gut health, so I was trying to include at least one fermented veggie per day. Is this bad for me? Or does Dr. D'Adamo not understand the difference between vinegar-pickled veggies and lacto-fermented veggies?

Rosebud Sun, Feb-22-09 16:06

The trouble with this plan is that it has absolutely no basis whatever in science.

Every time this subject comes up, all of our O members say how well it works (because the plan for Type Os is essentially low carb :rolleyes: ) and those of us As (me included) explain how poorly we do when eating vegetarian (or close to it).

Ruth, I would ignore the nonsense in this book, and carry on eating the low carb vegies of your choice as part of a low carb plan. :)

Rachel1 Sun, Feb-22-09 16:39

What Rosebud says. The low-carb "Type O" diet is clearly going to work for the majority of members on this board. However, I'm a type AB, and according to d'Adamo, I'm supposed to eat a basically vegetarian diet with lots of grain products and dairy. Clearly that diet doesn't work for me, or I wouldn't be here!


soapluvr Sun, Feb-22-09 16:52

I followed the type A diet pretty religiously for four years. Didn't do a thing for me that I could tell. Except I was running around feeling hungry most of the time because of the lowfat recommendation. I have to admit that I was a bit brainwashed and it took awhile to get the diet out of my mind and even now when I hear people tell me that they do well on this food or that food I often wonder what their blood type is but I know the diet is mostly bunk. And yes it works for O's. Most of the A's had problems.

ruthla Sun, Feb-22-09 17:12

Has anybody, other than Type O, done a modified version of the BTD? Specifically I'm thinking about using his lists of "foods that are good for you" and "foods to avoid" (ie, select veggies from the veggie list for your type, meats from their meat list, the occasional grain or fruit from the grain or fruit list for your type) but selected more fat and protein and fewer carbs?

Water Lily Mon, Mar-01-10 14:38

According to the blood type plan, I should thrive on dairy products. Well, not so much.

Although it is an interesting concept, this diet has no science to back it up.

Requin Mon, Apr-12-10 23:13

I disagree that there's no science to it. And coincidentally, that's what many people say about low carb living, so I would have expected better from this forum.

Moreover, the diet for O's is NOT low carb. It can be done low carb, but it is not a low carb diet.

I am an O. Following the diet got rid of my asthma, my depression, my acne, my gerd, and my migraines, and all without going low carb. In fact, I ate a LOT of chocolate when I did the diet... a LOT of chocolate.

I don't follow it as religiously as I once did. I eat my avocados and cashews and my dairy. I didn't avoid vinegar and actually really wish I had as I wound up with a bad candida infection- now I make my own vinegar free mayo.

I've taken a little from BTD and a little SCD and put a low carb spin on them both that seems to be working. My friend who was an A did much better on a vegetarian diet, and she never had weight issues- or health issues except for the bad heart she was born with.

That being said, I've been reluctantly discovering that coffee really isn't my friend, and while I eat avocados, I know they don't agree with my stomach. I have a NASTY corn allergy, and all my migraines went away when I stopped eating corn.

Dare I say something is wrong with your diet if you need the coffee to prevent migraines?

Rosebud Mon, Apr-12-10 23:32

Originally Posted by Requin
I disagree that there's no science to it. And coincidentally, that's what many people say about low carb living, so I would have expected better from this forum.

Perhaps you could show us some links to research that proves him correct then? ;)

And we can provide loads of research backing up our claims to low carbing being healthy. Just look through our LC Research/Media subforum. :)

Requin Tue, Apr-13-10 12:07

Yes, there's 'research' advocating low carb. There's 'research' advocating veganism. 'Science' is generally garbage as far as I'm concerned, as it's all subject to interpretation. What was considered 'science' 100 years ago, isn't still considered 'fact' today.

Drop the condescending smilies. I wouldn't waste my time trying to provide references to someone who clearly has no interest in any other point of view.

LoCalgirli Tue, Aug-24-10 11:30

I tried the type A diet plan that was recommended for 4 months - basically I wasn't allowed too much meat and even fish was in small amounts. I just think I need more protein in my system, I ended up gaining 3 pounds. I agree for me this diet doesn't make sense.

PilotGal Tue, Aug-24-10 11:40

Originally Posted by ruthla
Is this bad for me? Or does Dr. D'Adamo not understand the difference between vinegar-pickled veggies and lacto-fermented veggies?
perhaps it's just a bunch of nonsense in order to sell a book?
avocado is nearly a perfect food.
so is coconut.
these foods must not be dismissed all because of a blood type.
i have a bridge in the mojave desert... i can sell it for a very good price. :thup:

Suee Fri, Feb-01-13 16:30

This is an interesting debate. I am AB and I currently struggle with low carb because of digestive issues with the large amount of meat I seem to need. But I have to be low carb due to candida and ME, if I eat much carb I am terribly ill.

I recently stumbled across the blood type diet because I realised that if I stayed away from chicken I felt a lot better. Chicken! Further investigation on google led me to that AB blood types shouldn't eat chicken.
So I looked further...on looking at the avoid foods I notice that a lot of these foods are foods that I either react badly to or that sit in my fridge for weeks indicating some natural aversion to them.

So I'm giving it a go...remain low carb but take into account the guidance, I'll eat the meats and fish that they suggest and avoid the ones they suggest are not suitable for me, same with the vegs and other foods.

What I've noticed already after just a few days is that I'm not going to the fridge all the time, I am more satisfied after meals, I don't need to eat so much or so often, I am less bloated. Early days and I am probably about 80% on the diet at the moment. I was eating a lot of meats that were not recommended on the diet, so it's been a massive change in the biggest food group I eat. I'm pleased so far.

Are there any other ABs out there on the blood type diet? It would be great to 'chat' about what works and what doesn't work. I'm just about to read 'Live right for your type' for further recommendations.

peacelove Mon, Sep-30-13 16:13

I followed it for years but I am o neg so low carb worked for me. I still go back and forth and wonder about it. Lots of the foods he lists I don't do well on. However, I would never stay away from low carb regardless.

bugujo Sat, Aug-16-14 13:07

I looked into this a few years ago and being A+ I was supposed to be a vegetarian. I think NOT!

Itzomi Sat, Sep-13-14 18:06

Regarding avocadoes, for blood type O, it's the California avocadoes we can't have. The ones from Florida are allowed. (At least according to another author who advocates the BTD.)

There's one part about the diet I don't understand - the secretor & non-secretor, whatever that is. I haven't gotten that deep into it. Apparently, the no-no lists in D'Adamo's book cover both, but if you are a non-secretor (or is it the other way around) some items might not be a problem.

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