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pjo1966 Fri, Oct-24-03 13:00

Cheat weekend?
I've seen threads here with people who plan an hour or a day to cheat. Next weekend I will have been in induction for a month. I have friends coming in from out of town and I think this may be a good time to cheat. We'll be going to a favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. We're also thinking about going to Disneyland the next day. I know it will be possible to eat well at the Mexican restaurant, but Disneyland will be difficult. Has anyone else done a carb blowout weekend? I have been cheat-free since I started.

woolina Fri, Oct-24-03 13:06

It should be pretty easy to eat good no matter where you go, unless you go to some Italian places. I wouldn't cheat if I were you, a little cheat may bring back all of your cravings and you don't wanna go through that withdrawal again, do you?
When you go to a restaraunt and order something different (without bread, no tortilla or veggies instead of fries) they dont treat me any different than everyone else at the table. What is the difference between me not eating carbs and someone else being alergic to bread, they dont know the difference and will accomidate you. The advice for a cheat that I read in the book was that if you cheat, don't turn it into a day or weekend and keep portion control in mind. Good luck and have fun with your visit.

Rachelle Fri, Oct-24-03 13:28

I haven't cheated on one of these "blowouts"... i don't want to risk the temptation to my body... I did go to Six Flags Great America... and Had Cinnamin coated Peans... my little cheat... I felt so good with my choice while some others with us... were having Cheese Fries (grrr..) I think if you make small choices like this while out you will still be in Maintanance level carbs... instead of PRE-Atkin's level carbs....

Good luck.. have a fun trip..

You have done sooo well...

Kathy54 Fri, Oct-24-03 13:46

I think this may be a good time to cheat.

Sorry I don't see it that way :nono: You've lost 5 pounds, been low carb'n for less than a month and think you've earned a cheat????
Depending on how bad you do, just be prepared to have to start over again.
Why not just try to live through it, company or not, if you are serious about low carb as a "life style", then it best to start it now right?
Your right you do see lots posting about their cheat days, weekends ect, that may be fine for those who are almost to goal or maintaining, but you can also read tons of " I wish I had never done it" the aftermath for some is, to fall off completely and the earlier you are in the plan the more the damage.

Hope this helps in making a decision, Kathy

rebe1 Fri, Oct-24-03 13:52

Hmm, Fajitas w/o the tortillas for the mexican restaurant, and just grab a Chicken Caesar at Disneyland, or one of those big turkey drumsticks (which does have some carbs in it, but still better than other choices there). Remember, say NO to Churros!! :)

Hilary M Fri, Oct-24-03 13:56

I strongly advise against this, based on my own experience. I cheated with one meal — I had a slice of garlic bread and an order of fries. This was about two months into my low-carb journey. I felt absolutely wretched the rest of the afternoon — headache, stomach ache, foggy "I need a nap NOW" feeling, etc. And I gained 6 pounds, which I had to work for two weeks to lose again.

Totally not worth it! You've heard it said "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels," and it's absolutely true.

pjo1966 Fri, Oct-24-03 14:30

It's easy to say no to churros, but no to margaritas, chips, and the little praline cookies they give you at the end of the meal is another story.

becky160 Fri, Oct-24-03 14:53

I do a refeed twice a month on Friday night. I am still loosing weight, and It seems than faster than other folks. (GLUP).
It works for me, and does not mean that can work for you.

I just want to suggest that if you do one "cheat" dinner, you eat all the food in no more than 60 minutes. and next day go back to STRICT induction.
I suggest Dinner, because you sleeo over the Carb-Up symptoms.

You cannot eat whatever you want. It will have to be High complex, carbs, HI gLicemic Index carbs, low fat and low protein.

I AM NOT RECOMMENDING you to do it. IT works for me. just wanted to let you know.

Before cheating 1st time weighted 223 lbs. Went down to 219
Second refeed went from 219 to 216 in just one week in both cases.

I suggest you read about the leptine hormone (Fat Gene).

I konw that It worked for me because I wanted to Try something different and Experiement. :wiggle:

beachmum Fri, Oct-24-03 15:52

After one month of induction my treat (not cheat) was to have the whipped cream/Spleda/cocoa poweder mousse over dinner with old friends. Keep your long term goals in mind--where do you want to be a month from now? Close to goal or back where you started? What will happend with the holidays come up? If I were you, I'd use this special weekend as an occasion to practice ordering LC food even when eating out. If you must, take a taste of something, tell yourself you're not deprived, and choose not to eat any more of it because you are in control.

Good luck.

skibunnie Fri, Oct-24-03 15:59

When you go the the mexican place, order fajitta's minus the beans, rice, ect. You wont be missing out on much, except a few pounds! I think if you have a small cheat, if wont hurt you too baad, but a blowout and binge is never a good idea.

atiaran Fri, Oct-24-03 16:04

Usually a cheat is not worth the horrible way you feel after.

verniebird Fri, Oct-24-03 17:22

I also believe that a cheat so soon in your journey is not a good idea. And I agree that you should try to get used to ordering LC while dining out. This is not a diet and it will not work if you treat it that way. It is a way of life and, if you are true to its principals, the rewards are fantastic! I do not believe in "planning a cheat". I think for most of us, a cheat just happens out of the blue. But if you sincerely believe you can cheat here and there, you will really struggle along this path. Just my opinion. Whatever you decide, I hope you keep coming to this forum for your daily support.

P.S. - Think how great it will feel if you stick to LC on both days. It will be a really good feeling and help you solidify your way of life! Good Luck

smidgie27 Fri, Oct-24-03 18:13

I personnally have had those "cheat days" and on occasion "cheats". I always end up with heartburn and feel grogy all day. The next few days leave me feeling bloated. If you want to feel good all weekend so you can be the "hostess with the mostess" I wouldn't recommend it. After all, you have already trained your body, why blow it? Good luck and have fun!!

smidgie27 Fri, Oct-24-03 18:15

Oh and, if you notice, those cheats haven't helped my weight loss in the slightest!! Many people have been on this WOL for half the time I have and lost twice as much.
One cheat does tend to lead to another.

potatofree Fri, Oct-24-03 18:57

IMHO, if you choose Atkins, follow Atkins. If you feel too deprived there are many plans that allow you other foods, but are stricter than Atkins in other aspects. The more you go off whatever plan you choose, the less chance it has to work.

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