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ucscslug Fri, Nov-07-03 21:10

soooooo hungry :( :(
before school started, i ate 2350 cals a day. i counted. yes. i sat at my puter most of the day, and i did excersize, but that was about it. since school has started, i consume practically 3000 cals a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and believe me i am hungry hungry hungry. at home i weight 125, but towards the end of the summer i was 127. a month after school has started, i now weigh 130. i am five feet five. i work out six days a week hard core for an hour. ive got no car here at school, and my campus is rather hilly so i do quite a bit of walking. here is what i typically eat:

2 sausage (or keto hot cereal)
turkey breast
low carb bread
cream cheese
cottage cheese

lunch time hits
low carb bread
cream cheese
cottage cheese
then here is when i get ravenous and i devour like 3 low carb bars and then i feel sad and fat

for dinner i eat
a lean cuisine
cottage cheese

or something low carb for the cafeteria

someone please help me. my mom says eating so much isnt binging/bad because i am very active and using a lot of brain power or whatever but i feel like such a hefer. oh...i also chew lots of gum and drink diet coke which i am trying to cut out. please, any help would be appreciate. yesterday i consumed 2660 cals and today like 2960. :(

AzureMoon Fri, Nov-07-03 21:21

If you had more fat in your diet you'd not be so hungry. In addition to making food tasty, the fat is what tells us we are full -- and keeps us feeling full since it takes a while to digest. Fat is our friend on Atkins; don't be afraid of it.

Also, where are your veggies? The good portion of your carbs should be coming from veggies. They seem to be lacking in your diet.

Are you taking vitamins?

ucscslug Fri, Nov-07-03 21:35

i do eat a lot of fat...there is a lot of fat in the cottage cheese, cream cheese, the sausages...the bars i end up for vitamins, the bars (which are low carb, sorry if i forgot to mention this) are full of vitamins. also, sometimes i eat low carb pesto which has a lot of fat too. however, if this ISNT a lot of fat...also, for ways to increase fat without the bars, what are some foods i could keep in my dorm? i have a fridge...thankls so much!

CindySue48 Fri, Nov-07-03 22:23

how are your measurements? How about your clothes? are they getting tight? If you've increased our activity level you may be gaining muscle weight.....especially all the hilly walking!

Just a thought!

maryc Sat, Nov-08-03 06:15

I agree with AzureMoon.

I don't see any veggies in your diet!

You should be able to keep some in your fridge. Lettuce, Celery.

You could replace some of your cottage cheese with a salad or something like that.

I don't know about the lean cousine it may have a lot of carbs in it. they are usually low fat and high carb.

Have a great day!

LadyBelle Sat, Nov-08-03 07:49

There is a low carb frozen dinner. Le Chef. Super Walmart carries it.

The thing with all TV dinenrs though is they are extreamly processed and very high sodium

ucscslug Sat, Nov-08-03 10:02

Thanks so much for your responses... I do eat veggies...cauliflower is my absolute favorite... I agree with the person who suggested I am not getting enough fat... I used to get a lot of fat from the low carb bars, but now I am working on reducing the amount of them that I eat because they have recently made me crave more of them. This has greatly reduced the amount of I ended up eating the bars anyway. Also, taking a multi is an excellent idea...I used to do that, but I thought with all the bars it wasn't necessary.

As for clothes, my clothes still fit and I am still the same size...however, I used to be able to see a lot of definition in my abs and that has decreased somewhat, even though I still workout like a demon. I also feel bloated a lot, but this could be due to the diet coke I drink (which I am also working on reducing)

Thanks again, and I am going to take a multivitamin (Costco brand) as well as talk to my parents (who are also on Atkins) about ways to increase fat! Have a great day!

potatofree Sat, Nov-08-03 11:34

I checked out the lean cuisine frozen dinners...and most of them are PACKED with carbs!!! Which ones do you eat? There may be a kind I missed, but the ones I saw were in the 80-100 or MORE gram range...:(

Chipperoo Sat, Nov-08-03 11:47

Diet Coke is bad, bad, bad
Water is good, good, good
Diet Coke is bad, bad, bad
Water is good, good, good

Oh well, don't really mean to sound so dorky, but you would be surprised what drinking a lot of water does to enhance Atkins! MOST people do not drink anywhere near the amount of plain ole' water they are supposed to. I know it does not taste as good when you are addicted to diet drinks (which ARE bad, aspertame is a KNOWN neuro-toxin), but after a few weeks drinking mostly just water, guess what? I starts tasting pretty good!!!
My $.02 worth

maryc Sat, Nov-08-03 11:56

I agree about the water. If you could get some bottled water to carry around with you instead of the Diet Coke, you would probably drink more water because that is what you have at hand. I found that it works for me! :)

adkpam Mon, Nov-10-03 15:09

More water!
More veggies!
CAN the lean cuisine! I agree with potatofree, it's got WAAAAY too many carbs. And while low carb bread is low carb for BREAD, it's not what I call low carb. At 6 grams a slice, 4 slices would cost you 24 grams right there. And your cottage cheese three times a day, at five grams a cup, that's 15.
So we are at 139 for just those three items.
That is not low carb.

Jbbrennan Mon, Nov-10-03 18:34

atkins bars
I agree with the "drink more water" chants that are starting up from the successful, here. Also, whenever I ate Atkins bars (I bought a case very early on) I would be craving more atkins bars for the rest of the day. Don't know why that is, but once I stopped my hunger/craving stopped, too. Maybe that'll help.


Scarlet Tue, Nov-11-03 07:27

Gte rid of the lean cusine. Full of additives, sugar and carbs. I say that's the problem.

KoKo Tue, Nov-11-03 11:10

Originally Posted by potatofree
I checked out the lean cuisine frozen dinners...and most of them are PACKED with carbs!!! Which ones do you eat? There may be a kind I missed, but the ones I saw were in the 80-100 or MORE gram range...:(

Potatoe Free Which ones did you check? I just stocked up on Lean Cuisines on sale and the ones I got are between 20-35 carbs which would be high for anyone doing Atkins - but pretty good for someone trying to lower calories and carbs. The Chicken in Wine Sauce is 20 carbs and 172 calories, the chicken and vegetables is 34 carbs and 274 calories - . I realize that frozen dinners are not the best choice but they work for me because the portions are controlled and I'm too tired after already cooking one thing for my husband another for my son to do something else for myself - sometimes I add an extra veggie to the lean cuisine. They are also surprisingly filling (and actually pretty tasty).

uscslug - if you upped your carbs from what you were eating over the summer the 5 lbs could be water gain - especially with all that cheese which also has a lot of salt.

Edit - I should state that I don't eat them every night if what I'm making for one of the others is something I like that is low in carbs and calories I'll have some of that and sometimes I make large batches of low carb/calorie soups etc and I unfreeze some of that.

LisaUK Tue, Nov-11-03 13:46

Stop the diet coke.
If you have bread then don't have a lean cuisine on the same day as you may well be pushing your carbs over the limit.
If you're on Induction you have to stop the cottage cheese as well I'm afraid.

Add grated cheddar cheese onto your salads.
Eat things like mushrooms or zucchini as well - mushrooms have a bit more body to them than plain old lettuce.
Drink more water.

2 sausage (or keto hot cereal)
turkey breast
low carb bread - cut this out and maybe have 1 LC tortilla if you must have bread.
cream cheese - How much here?
cottage cheese Again, how much?

lunch time hits
low carb bread How many slices of this?
cream cheese again, how much?
cottage cheesesame question

then here is when i get ravenous and i devour like 3 low carb bars and then i feel sad and fat I'm not surprised after 3 of them! My stomach would be in knots.

for dinner i eat
a lean cuisine check your carbs on these and check the sugar added too.
cottage cheese You know what I'm going to
cheese Yup! again with the how much.

Are you on Induction or OWL?

A lot of questions I know but have a go and see if we can help at all.

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