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carebear53 Mon, Apr-28-03 09:33

Freaking out!! Day 5, gained 4 lbs..Why??
Okay, I am seriously freaking out, today is day 5 of Induction for me and I weighed myself and I gained 4 lbs, and when I measured my waist, I gained an inch since last month. I feel so much fatter since I have started this diet which really upsets me because I know this diet works, but why isnt it for me?? Help!! Any suggestions or comments to what i may be doing wrong,??
Thanks.....Carrie :(

vbrowne Mon, Apr-28-03 09:35

Can you post what you have been eating, that will help determine the problem, if that's where it lies. Also, are you drinking lots of water.


Alina Mon, Apr-28-03 09:37

I answered you in your other thread!
Wrote this:

don't get upset about this - NO WAY this gain can be fat. It's water - some people retain in the beginning of this WOE. Try to avoid too much salt, take extra C-vitamin and drink lots of pure water - this will help. The water gain could also be due to TOM (time of the month) approaching.
But the most important thing is - try to understand how this works by reading as much as you can. My link about the weight roller coaster is exactly about water fluctuations.

Skamito Mon, Apr-28-03 09:40

Okay, first of all... take a deep breath. It will be okay.

Now... can you tell us what you're eating? Is it possible you are retaining water from eating more salt than normal? Are you drinking enough water?

Did you weigh yourself at the same time of day? Weight fluctuates throughout the day and spans of 5-6 pounds are perfectly normal.

Also... on day 4 your body may not have kicked into ketosis/ lipolysis yet. Give it time.

Here are my suggestions: Post a typical menu. Maybe we will see something that you should avoide. Also, do one of two things with the scale. Either hide it and wait until the full two week induction is over to step on it... or step on it every morning and evening to get used to the normal fluctuations.

I have never heard anybody actually gain weight on this plan. It may be water holding on for dear life. :)

carebear53 Mon, Apr-28-03 09:51

okay, here is what I ate today which is pretty typical

Sausage & Cheese Omelette with bacon

monterey jack cheese, 2 cubes
2 celery with cream cheese

chicken salad rolled up in lettuce leaves

and I havent eaten dinner yet, but I am sure it will be chicken salad.
Also I had 1 cup coffee with 3 packets splenda,
I know he says to avoid caffeine, but I work from midnight to 800am so I need my caffeine to survive

let me know what you think! Thanks!!!

Skamito Mon, Apr-28-03 10:02

Pardon this thought... but have you been, um, regular? Looks like you're not really eating enough veggies to keep your system moving. Try adding more fibrous veggies (broccoli, spinach) and see if that gets things movin. Lots of water too!


DCMark Mon, Apr-28-03 10:13

sausage and bacon are super high in calories too.

paradise Mon, Apr-28-03 11:14

Is that chicken salad homemade or from a deli? Delis are known for adding sugar to their salads to bulk them up (so they weigh more).

carebear53 Mon, Apr-28-03 12:06

Thanks you guys...I think maybe you're right about not eating enough veggies, except the last 3 days I had salad at lunch time with cukes and toms and no carb dressing but I know that I havent been drinking enough water. I dont eat sausage and bacon all the time, I really dont even like them because they are so greasy, what else is good to have for breakfast?? Also the chicken salad is homeade with no carb mayo. Thanks!! I will try to stay focused and not get discouraged....Carrie :D

cardeda Mon, Apr-28-03 12:59


I found I wasn't losing weight when I had too much processed meat, such as sausage & bacon. I believe it was water retention.

I agree also about the veggies, ya gotta keep things moving!

Everybodies different, could be the sugar substitutes, some people are more sensitive to that also. The main thing is... don't give up! This life style change will be good for you! You may just have to be more patient than the next person.

RandiS Mon, Apr-28-03 13:29

I agree with others on the processed meats, I had to cut all processed meats out of my diet because the tend to make me hold water. Also another thought is that you may be eating too much cheese. Dr. Atkins suggest to limit cheese to 3oz per day.

Katana Mon, Apr-28-03 13:30

Not everyone loses weight right away, but if you stick with the program you will lose...

A couple of things:

Several people mentioned water, but it bears repeating. You actually retain water if you don't drink enough.

Are you exercising?

Cheese stalls some people, so if the situation doesn't improve, maybe cut back on cheese.

Calories - do NOT worry about calories. I don't know the quantities you are eating... but maybe you aren't getting enough? At your weight you should easily be eating between 1800 and 2100 calories... I doubt you are anywhere near that.

If you don't eat enough, your body can go into starvation mode, and holds onto your fat.

As a matter of fact, just a few days into induction I would hardly worry about anything at all. Your body is going through an adjustment period, it doesnt' know what is happening to it yet. Soon, it will find its balance, and you will begin losing the weight.

Hang in there!

orzabelle Mon, Apr-28-03 15:16

Originally posted by Katana

Calories - do NOT worry about calories. I don't know the quantities you are eating... but maybe you aren't getting enough? At your weight you should easily be eating between 1800 and 2100 calories... I doubt you are anywhere near that.

While I always think Katana's advice is great, her advice would not work for me. 1800 -2100 calories with exercize would cause either no loss, and maybe even gain, for me!

MsJinx Mon, Apr-28-03 18:50

Hey Orz,
Calories needs are based on current weight, so yeah, I would gain on 1800-2100 calories per day, too. 10 - 12 times your body weight IS less than that - we just have to adjust calories downward as we lose. I'm not losing much if any on 1200 per day but as I get closer to goal that's expected. Of couse I've been a super lazy boozehound, too. Could that cause a stall??? ;)

Still, I agree that counting calories is important just to make sure you're in the ballpark.


carebear53 Mon, Apr-28-03 22:28

I think ya'll are probably right, I think I wont eat any more processed meats and aslo the first few days i ate a lot of cheese. Now I am kind of used to eat, I dont eat as much cheese. Hopefully thats the only thing I have been doing wrong. Exactly how much is 3 oz of cheese?? Also how long does it usually take for Ketosis to kick in and is there any other way to test it other than those little strips because i cant get them over here.

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