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ZoeReebok Tue, Apr-16-02 07:35

Weight Gain on Prozac
Looking for a little encouragement from someone who might have same experience as I. Is it always (usually) the case that if one takes Prozac or any other antidepressant that it prohibits weight loss even on a low carb diet? I was able to easily stay at a good weight on Atkins years ago but then in my mid-40s developed depression. Because I could not keep depression and mood swings at bay and at the advice of my doctor (she kept after me for over a year to try Prozac), I finally decided to try it (very reluctantly). I keep the dose at the minimum I can do okay with (20mg) and it has helped a great deal but I've also gained a considerable amount of weight (50 lbs. in a six-year period and still climbing!). I felt 'normal' for most of my life but the melancholy that developed a few years ago was so bad I was at a point of either losing every friend I had or trying meds -- I wasn't about to lose my husband to bad mood swings. I have tried stopping Prozac from time to time (and other meds - Paxil, Zoloft) so I could lose weight but symptoms returned with a vengeance. Has anyone lost weight on the Atkins diet while on Prozac (I don't care if it takes longer to lose weight/as long as I don't continue to gain and can actually lose some weight, I won't give up) but I do need some encouragement (Prozac seems to make me want carbs more). If not, any suggestions on what I can do would be appreciated (although depression is awful, being fat has not exactly helped with my self-esteem -- amazing how it has affected how some at work perceive me now / not looking 'the part' has taken it's toll there too (executive). Although I'm told I still look younger than I am and pretty, the fat body sure projects a negative image (to some, fat = stupid/lazy). Not fair but it's the real world.


Lessara Tue, Apr-16-02 08:25

I'm on Prozac
I'm on 20g myself and have lost weight.. slowly but its a loss.
(40lbs in 8 months)
I talked to many pharmasists and also psyciatrists and I found out that prozac doesn't make you gain in low doses like 20g and zolof and others have more the tendency to make you gain.
Now, You are smaller than me, maybe there is a ratio of meds to size but I'm not sure.

Trey Fri, Apr-19-02 12:53

weight gain on anti-depressants
Hi ... I have been on all kinds of medications and experienced weight gain with mosts.

i was on lithium for several years and gained about 30 pounds. I was then put on depakote and zyprexa (i was told both have side effects of extreme weight gain months later) and gained 100 pounds in about 6 or 7 months. I'm a little guy (5'4") and weighed 250. Talk about depressing! I stopped taking the zyprexa because it made me sleep all day and i eventually stopped the depakote because it wasn't helping and it seemed to me it was only making me fat (may 1998). I got back down to 165 pounds a year and some months later. A year and a half later though i was again severely depressed and was eventually put back on meds, first tegretol and lithium for about a month, then paxil for 5 months. at this time, paxil was the only medicine that helped my depression, but i gained another 40 pounds -- back to 200, which is where I am now. I was then taken off paxil and put on wellbutrin and seroquel about 2 years ago. This combination has been very successful for me! It has been the best anti-depressant and with the seroquel, I get plenty of sleep and takes the edge off the anxiety. From what I understand, welbutrin doesn't seem to have much weigth gain in people. The biggest problem is that if you have bi-polar like mood swings, the welbutrin can bring on manic phases. The seroquel keeps that in check for me (it is a very low dose of the seroquel). Additionally, there were some hormonal issues and I started taking testosterone in Sept 2000 and that has amazingly helped me as well! A new person with little depression!

From what I understood from my doctors, the Prozac line makes you crave more food -- and it's more carbs -- and that's what causes the weight gain. The doctors told me when you are taking these meds you need to be vigilante about the foods you are eating and the amount you are eating. also, paxil made me lathargic -- so i was doing less on top of eating more. Some meds like Lithium also mess up your thyroid.

I think doing a low-carb diet while on a Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil is a good idea based on what my docs have said!

But also, there are things you must do for yourself to help depression and mood swings, especially you have something serious like bipolar. I:

1) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep

2) Watch caffeine intake

3) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep

4) Drink lots of water

5) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep lol

6) Keep a very consistent and regular schedule. Eat at the same time. Take your meds at the same time. Go to bed at the same time.

7) No alcohol!!

8) Check other hormonal things -- low thyroid causes weight gain and depression

9) Exercise!! Very imporant too.

10) See a therapist who can reality check your moods

11) and most importantly, gettting 8 hours of sleep.

I found that running helped pull me out of some bad depressions.

Sorry this was long. Hope it helps!

Trey Fri, Apr-19-02 12:59

weight gain on anti-depressants
Hi ... I have been on all kinds of medications and experienced weight gain with mosts.

i was on lithium for several years and gained about 30 pounds. I was then put on depakote and zyprexa (i was told both have side effects of extreme weight gain months later) and gained 100 pounds in about 6 or 7 months. I'm a little guy (5'4") and weighed 250. Talk about depressing! I stopped taking the zyprexa because it made me sleep all day and i eventually stopped the depakote because it wasn't helping and it seemed to me it was only making me fat (may 1998). I got back down to 165 pounds a year and some months later. A year and a half later though i was again severely depressed and was eventually put back on meds, first tegretol and lithium for about a month, then paxil for 5 months. at this time, paxil was the only medicine that helped my depression, but i gained another 40 pounds -- back to 200, which is where I am now. I was then taken off paxil and put on wellbutrin and seroquel about 2 years ago. This combination has been very successful for me! It has been the best anti-depressant and with the seroquel, I get plenty of sleep and takes the edge off the anxiety. From what I understand, welbutrin doesn't seem to have much weigth gain in people. The biggest problem is that if you have bi-polar like mood swings, the welbutrin can bring on manic phases. The seroquel keeps that in check for me (it is a very low dose of the seroquel). Additionally, there were some hormonal issues and I started taking testosterone in Sept 2000 and that has amazingly helped me as well! A new person with little depression!

From what I understood from my doctors, the Prozac line makes you crave more food -- and it's more carbs -- and that's what causes the weight gain. The doctors told me when you are taking these meds you need to be vigilante about the foods you are eating and the amount you are eating. also, paxil made me lathargic -- so i was doing less on top of eating more. Some meds like Lithium also mess up your thyroid.

I think doing a low-carb diet while on a Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil is a good idea based on what my docs have said!

But also, there are things you must do for yourself to help depression and mood swings, especially you have something serious like bipolar. I:

1) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep

2) Watch caffeine intake

3) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep

4) Drink lots of water

5) Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep lol

6) Keep a very consistent and regular schedule. Eat at the same time. Take your meds at the same time. Go to bed at the same time.

7) No alcohol!!

8) Check other hormonal things -- low thyroid causes weight gain and depression

9) Exercise!! Very imporant too.

10) See a therapist who can reality check your moods

11) and most importantly, gettting 8 hours of sleep.

I found that running helped pull me out of some bad depressions.

Sorry this was long. Hope it helps!

ZoeReebok Sat, Apr-20-02 06:42

Prozac/Low Carb
So true about getting enough sleep! Trouble is, I've never been able to sleep well and still don't (often wake up during the night and when I do sleep, it's very light so never feel well rested in the morning). I'm very reluctant to take anything to help me sleep for fear I'd get hooked/make things worse but when tossing/turning goes on for hours, I will take a Dramamine which does help. I have been losing (though very slowly) on low carb so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't drink or smoke / quit both several years ago but now this weight thing has become a real issue. I did try Wellbutrin last year but after about a month on it (probably after Prozac was out of my system), I started getting same old depression as before so returned to Prozac and don't dare stop (not as effective this time around but still better than going without). Doc told me that for some, once med is stopped and then taken again later, it is no longer effective(?). Thanks so much for sharing your experience/helps to keep me on right (I hope!) track :)

Talon Sat, Apr-27-02 13:20

I've been on Prozac since 1989 fluctuating between 20g and 40g -currently 40g and staying. I started this WOE on January 20th, 2002 - to date (about 3 months) I have lost just about 29 pounds, I weigh myself on Sunday mornings, so hopefully it will be more as of tomorrow! :D

ZoeReebok Sat, Apr-27-02 18:58

Thanks. How many carbs do you allow in a day?

Talon Sat, Apr-27-02 20:22

I have anywhere from about 18, to 25 on a regular day, little higher once in a blue moon (love the cabbage lasanga hubby makes!) On weekend though, I find having to force myself to eat something besides ham slices and cheese. I have found recently if you take an almost and smoosh it into colby cheese... yummm.

I drink only water, no coffee or coke - that was so hard to give up, but well worth it When we go out, I may have an occasionaly glass of iced tea, and I feel really jittery after that. :daze:

And as far as going off prozac, in 89 the dr had me on it for 6 months (I was going through a divore) and then he took me off of it for 6 months to see if anything had changed. Nope. When back on it for a year, then off for a year. Been on it steadily since, I will be taking it for life. Taking it I am friendly outgoing-type person. Without it? The wicked witch from Kentucky. :)


SiZzLE Wed, May-01-02 13:57

I lost before with this WOE while taking prozac, but now it seems that I gained every bit of it back and then some. I still feel depressed even though I am taking the prozac, but that could be the "fat me" factor here. I am bitchy, upset, weepy, irritable, can't sleep at night/want to sleep all day, eat at night, and generally feel blah all the time. I hate this it sucks.

Saweetie Thu, Nov-20-03 23:18

There are so many variances with this WOL and what works for everyone.

Thanks everyone for being sooo open about your experiences! It really helps everyone out!

Saweetie Thu, Nov-20-03 23:19

Originally Posted by SiZzLE
I am bitchy, upset, weepy, irritable, can't sleep at night/want to sleep all day, eat at night, and generally feel blah all the time. I hate this it sucks.

its funnny sizzle cuz you've pretty much described every feeling I've been having over the past couple months!

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