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Orang Sun, Jan-25-04 05:08

Protein Power Pals - Sunday - Jan 25
Welcome to the Protein Power Pals daily thread. All are welcome who are using, considering or curious about this WOE. We also welcome friends using other LC WOEs to drop by for some friendly conversation and a large glass of water.

BawdyWench Sun, Jan-25-04 07:20

Good morning! Spent yet another night crying and reminiscing with DH. This has been harder than I had thought it would be (not that it's ever easy). DH even said last night that he wanted to get another kitten. This from the man who has said more than once (and usually after a peeing accident or scratching furniture, etc.) "I hope you're enjoying this cat, because it's the last one you'll ever have!" Uh huh.

I think we'll wait until next Fall. We live in the country, and I'd rather get a kitten and have it inside until it gets some experience before letting it outside. Other people disagree, but I believe that cats and dogs need the outside. I don't believe in "indoor" cats, other than in extreme circiumstances (like if you live in the big city or on a busy road).

Anyway, back to eating better. I've done well since January 1, with only a few deviations, but it's time to re- re- re- re- re-commit.

Char, you said yesterday that you hoped it would calm down at work for me soon. Not likely. This is only the beginning. I was promoted to help lead a major conversion not only of our data processing center, but also the conversion of more than 50 other sites. We're gearing up now, and it will take us through 2005 (longer if we add additional sites, which it looks like we will).

Blu, you're doing great, as if you don't already know that! We all just have to find what works best for each of us. Looks like you've done just that.

Rob, how are you doing lately? You've popped in, but haven't stayed to chat or gossip or anything.

Here's something off-topic. I'm trying to find the web site for the "Hold Everything" catalog. I know that they are a subsidiary of another company, and that's the web site you need to access. I've tried searches with "Hold Everything" but came up with nothing. Ideas?

Have a great day! It's brilliantly sunny here today, but at 8:30 am, it's only minus 10 out there! Brrrrrrrr!

ewinpa Sun, Jan-25-04 07:27

Hi All.
(I have 2 Native American names-Eats Like a Horse and Born to Surf Google)

Eating is good, did about 1599 cal yesterday and around 40 gms carbs. Bfast this AM was Atkins pancakes with sf syrup and coffee-around 378 cal and 17 eccs carbs.

Made chicken breasts dredged in almond flour with italian herbs and a little shredded parmesan. Yummy!!!!!

BawdyWench Sun, Jan-25-04 07:51

Well, geezum crow! I tried that URL yesterday and it came up with nothing!


ewinpa Sun, Jan-25-04 08:48

Bawdy, I got it through going to the Google Catalog page. I figured if they were still in business there would be a link there.(PS It's a subsidiary of Williams Sonoma).

iwannabfit Sun, Jan-25-04 08:59

Goodmorning everyone! It is 2 degs here in Michigan, and overcast (whats new) Man I can't wait for spring.

My first full week back on PP plan and it was great. I can really see the energy difference. I may have to go out and get a job if this energy keeps up :hyper:
Of course I'm kidding!

Bawdy I agree the cats need the outdoors, we live in a busy area, so our cat is trained to stay in the back yard (like a doggie). He just loves going out.

Did a 30min workout between my Gazelle and totalgym this am. I just love the energy boost, hope it keeps up.

Have a great day! :yay:


smoothblu Sun, Jan-25-04 11:00

Blu, you're doing great, as if you don't already know that! We all just have to find what works best for each of us. Looks like you've done just that.

Bawdy - You are so right. I’m really new at this so maybe I’m just blowing a lot of hot air. But, finding the formula that works for each of person is the key.

I read where you went back in FitDay to evaluate your lose and compare then to now. I thought that was great. I see all over this forum people comparing themselves to each other. Why didn’t this work for me when it worked for you type of questions. Or, I haven’t lost in 6 months and I haven’t cheated etc.

I wonder why the people didn’t experiment with themselves to see where they may be needing adjustments. I took the suggestion that was given here and started to keep a personal journal on my feelings after I ate certain foods and I have noticed difference in how I feel. For instance, if I eat beef more than once a day I feel like sleeping. I get all drowsy and my speech is affected. Weird but true. It amazed me at how certain foods combined can cause you to feel certain ways.

I never liked water as you all know but now I love it. It feels so refreshing to drink it, like a cleansing.

Take care everyone and have a fantastic day.

katlynweb Sun, Jan-25-04 12:20

That DadBlame Stick Finally Changed Color!!!! :yay: I was beginning to think they didn't work! I am down to the last 4 keto-sticks in the bottle! Yesterday I checked twice and it was in the medium range both times! I also had what I guess is termed a "ketosis headache". First time after trying this WOE for almost TWO MONTHS that either has happened. Of course I expected to wake up this morning and find 10 lbs. gone on the scale :lol: :lol: ...needless to say, I was wrong :rolleyes: I keep sabotaging (sp?) myself after 8PM. I always get ready for bed and then read for an hour or so before I fall asleep. During my reading time I cannot seem to keep myself from snacking . I don't have high carb stuff in the house anymore, but I WILL get cupfuls of cashew nuts, olives,sunflower seeds etc. and really run up my carb count :bash:!! WHY do I keep doing this?!!!! I know I am not hungry...this is a HABIT! You'd think after stopping smoking I would know how to break HABITS! AARRrrrggggg :yawn: :stop: :stop: :stop: !!!!

Hi to all! It has been raining here in the "sunny south" nonstop since last night and the creek behind my apartment complex is flooding!

BawdyWench Sun, Jan-25-04 15:35

Blu, that's why I like this daily thread so much. No one tells you what you should or shouldn't do. Instead, each person is encouraged to figure out what works best for each person.

I've often wondered what it was I was eating when I lost the weight before, but never thought to look back to Fitday. I was actually amazed that they kept that much history out there. I've never been an avid user of Fitday (though I am now) -- I'd use it faithfully for a while, and then not use it for a long time. It just so happened that when I was down in the low 150s, I was using it almost every day. I have about 30 days' worth of menus to look at.

Kat, why do you even bother with those blasted sticks? I have never once registered on the things (and yet I went from 175 to 152), and finally threw them out because they were making me crazy.

Linda, where in Michigan are you? (Did we cover this before?) Both DH and I grew up outside of Detroit, in Livonia. All his family is still there.

Orang Sun, Jan-25-04 17:52

My menu was pretty good For Saturday - though lunch was more than a bit heavy.

Total calories: 1663
Fat: 94 gms 850 cal 53%
Sat: 24 gms 212 cal 13%
Poly: 23 gms 203 cal 13%
Mono: 41 gms 366 cal 23%
Carbs: 50 gms 147 cal 9% ECC:36 gms
Fiber: 14 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 153 gms 611 cal 38%

4 egg beater omelet with 2 ozs lean ham and 1 oz cheddar
1 slice LC toast with pat of butter and .5 T sugar-free blackberry jam
12 ozs coffee and 8 ozs sugar-free breakfast drink with 3/4 T pysillum power

Lunch (took parents to their favorite buffet)
1.5 cup ceasar salad with ceasar dressing
1 cup seafood salad
.25 cup cotage cheese
6 oz steak - broiled
1 small chicken leg / thigh - roasted
1 cup cauliflower w/ about 2 T cheese sauce
1 cup green beans - seasoned with fatback
1 cup sugar free pudding

None needed - see lunch!

About 96 ozs water, 12 ozs coffee

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