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m0bster Wed, Feb-12-03 12:46

Is this normal?
Ok...24 hours into this thing, Im feeling terrible. I have had a total of 6 grams of carbs in 24 hours. My head aches, I generally feel bad, and my mind is wandering. I can NOT get rid of this headache no matter what i take. Is this too soon to feel bad, or is this thing kicking in on me hard now?

Lisa N Wed, Feb-12-03 13:01

It's not too soon to be feeling the carb withdrawals, especially since you've only had 6 grams of carb in the past 24 hours. I'd suggest that you get your carbs closer to 20 grams as going below that will only make you feel more miserable and won't help you lose weight any quicker. Headache and generally feeling cruddy are symptoms of carb withdrawal. Eat more veggies and drink plenty of water. :)

vbrowne Wed, Feb-12-03 13:03

Definately get some veg into you - increase up to 20 carbs, you'll still go through withdrawls, most people do, but it won't last - you're body is detoxing - don't give up the ship.


Carrollee Wed, Feb-12-03 13:09

Ahhh, my dear Sir---

Unpleasant, but oh sooooo normal. It is the last stand of the evil carbo devil.

With me it took about 24 hours to kick in and lasted about 48. Hang tight, DO NOT GIVE IN. Also, drown them little devils! LOTS and LOTS of water helps!

Of note, your carbs look a little low. Can you post your food/liquid intake for yesterday.

Best of luck,


ophion Wed, Feb-12-03 13:27

I tried Atkins for just over a month (surely long enough for any "withdrawal symptoms" to subside), and I never quit feeling like that. Add nausea to the point of vomiting. This way of eating is definitely not for everyone. I only started feeling better when I began taking in at least one hundred grams of carbohydrates each day.

m0bster Wed, Feb-12-03 13:30

I started this yesterday at 4pm. Since then, I have had one peice of boneless pork chop fried (no coating, just meat) in olive oil with spices to taste. Also about a cup of Green Salad with olive oil and venegar as a dressing ( few onions thrown in ). Also had two chicken wings from the roasted chicken that I made last night for todays meals. Oh, and one large can of tuna mixed with mayo. Thats it for yesterday.

Carrollee Wed, Feb-12-03 15:05

Your meal plan looks a little low to me. Perhaps a little more greenery would be in order. Variety (based on the *legal* foods you like) is the key to maintaining this WOE.

Have you considered starting a journal yet? I hear sometimes it helps. I have to admit I am the worst when it comes to keeping the thing updated.

I must be off and go to work, the natives are getting restless and and some get downrght vicious if I do not have the weekly envelopes ready by 4:00.



ljclowater Wed, Feb-12-03 15:26

Allen, I'm just eyeballing here, but that doesn't look lilke nearly enough food to sustain you. You are not on a starvation diet, you are on a life changing program... I agree with the other suggestions, journaling, posting your food intake, and maybe try or another program to get an idea of what you are taking in.

theresa113 Wed, Feb-12-03 18:11


Forget everything you ever thought about dieting in the past! On this program, it is OK to eat. Sometimes, the more I eat, the faster the weight loss.Now, I am not saying to have a free for all constant binge, but make sure you eat until you are full. And if you are hungry, eat. Do not deprive yourself.

Check out the recipes and all of the snack ideas. I love salami and cheese. So don't be afraid of fat. Fat fills you and keeps you satified! Hope this helps! :)

m0bster Wed, Feb-12-03 18:56

Here is my fitday journal for today...check it for me and see if I STILL am under eating, please...

I dont feel at all hungry at the moment. I DID have a big time potato chip craving as I was eating my Tuna and Mayo...I used to LOVE putting potato chips in it to give it some crunch. Still have this nagging headache that will absolutely NOT go away. Feeling a little better other than the headache.

wwdimmitt Wed, Feb-12-03 20:29

That looks pretty good to me, Mobster.

You might end up being a little light on fiber if you did that every day. But in general, that is a very low carb, and high fat. Your proportion between fat and protein is about right for good ketosis, IMO.

You actually could eat a few more calories, in order that your body will avoid starvation reactions. The general rule of thumb among folks here is that you should eat 10 to 12 times your present body weight in calories, each day. That would let you approach 3600 calories per day for your upper limit.

Personally, I tend to look more at what my basal and lifestyle calorie burn are projected by FitDay. Always try to eat more than the basal amount every day, and to stay at or below the sum of the basal and lifestyle total. In your case the basal amount is 2631, and the sum of the two is 4338, so your consumption should be between those two numbers, IMO.

Keep on, keepn' on!

sheaman Thu, Feb-13-03 07:50

I just had to reply....

1st, b/c I just loved your letter to "bread"..I, too, have a love/hate relationship with all things evil..(and especially potato chips!)

I quit the first attempt at Atkins at about 24 hrs in. I didn't expect the side effects that occured. I woke up cold & sweaty, faint, shaky and all around ILL. I thought I was in some kind of diabetic shock! Nothing 3 (yes 3!!) bowls of froot loops didn't cure! Then I did some research and realized I was just another junkie, drying out. 5 days later, I was at it again, and here I am. Day 19 and down 9 lbs!

I KNOW it will pass for you and that you will feel just GREAT in no time. It's to late for this advise, but for anyone else who is just planning on starting, I suggest having some meal plans ready and some ready to eat foods available for when/if this side effect strikes. I know on that 1st attempt, I cetainly didn't have the energy to clean celery or stand at the stove frying eggs!

Glad to finally talk to you! Hang in there!!


BarbCA Thu, Feb-13-03 07:58

Have you cut out caffeine? I say I haven't had any side affects but I have had a light headache since starting but decided it was caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine withdrawal often causes headaches.

m0bster Thu, Feb-13-03 08:16

Yep, used to drink tea and Coke every day...Now it is just water. I dont have a terrible headache today, but I feel one creeping up on me. I woke up non-pain and thought, OK...this is gonna be good. Now pain is setting in again. I just want it to stop!

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