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jaykay Fri, Aug-02-02 16:45

Hills and hefting
(Hefting - north England dialect - lifting something to feel the weight of it. Especially of beehives, to judge if the bees need feeding)

Decided to start recording what I'm doing at the gym, plus my cardio.
Second workout at new gym below - more machines, fewer free weights than D's work gym. This is about 10th gym visit, but joined new gym now, so should be able to go x3 week now.
Will try to remember what I did at the gym yesterday - might have to edit it tomorrow when I get back there.

Thursday Aug 1st

lying chest press
set (8) 20 kg, 2 sets 25kg, failed at last rep of 3rd set, last set 20kg

biceps - machine
4 sets 15 kg (do 20 with free weights, but can't on machine)

Lat pulldowns
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg

triceps - machine
3 sets 15 kg, last set 10 kg

4 sets of 15, plus 15 each 'side sit-ups'

shoulder press
4 sets of 10kg

inner thigh (new exercise today)
4 sets 20kg

leg extensions (new exercise today)
4 sets 20kg

did Roseberry
which is 20 minutes uphill and 20 mins back, combination of downhill walking (where too steep to run) and slightly downhill and flat running, as go up one side, down the other and run round the base to get back.

jaykay Fri, Aug-02-02 16:47

Fri 2 Aug

Hutton village walk
15 minutes uphill (not as steep as Roseberry), 3.5 - 4 mph pace, 30 mins flat and downhill, maintained quick pace.

jaykay Sat, Aug-03-02 06:39


lying chest press
1 set(8) 20kg, 2 short sets (6) 25 kg, 1 set 20kg

3 sets 15kg, 1 set 10kg

1 set 10kg, 3 sets 15 kg

lat pulldowns
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35 kg

inner thigh
4 sets 20kg

leg extensions
4 sets 20 kg

dumbell row - back
4 sets each side, 20kg

dumbell lateral flys - shoulders
1 set, 4 kg each side, 1 set 5kg, 2 sets 4 kg

shoulder press
4 sets, 10kg

jaykay Sat, Aug-03-02 13:30

I wonder how long it takes before you can do more weights? Just got to keep trying to add them on I guess. I realise I know nothing about weight lifting. Hope I don't bulk up too much, though I want to build muscle to burn weight. Paradox. Supposedly women don't build big bulky muscles, hope so.
Can't afford to go til failure with the chest press, cos I'd get stuck under it! When D's there, I can try a full set at 25kg, when he's not, I have to stop at 6 at the moment, cos I'm really struggling by then.
Noticed today I'm doing the same exercises as the men, not the women, they generally do different things.
Not doing cardio either, except 5 minutes warm up on the rower.

jaykay Sun, Aug-04-02 02:42


Roseberry, rather slow, but OK
Cloudy and breezy but clear, good views.

jaykay Mon, Aug-05-02 14:46


lat pulldowns
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg

1 set 15kg, 3 sets 20kg

shoulder press
1 set 10kg, 3 sets 15kg

4 sets 15kg

leg extensions
1 set 20kg, 2 sets 30kg, 1 set 35kg

dumbell rows - back
4 sets 20kg

shoulder flys
1 set 4kg, 3 sets 5 kg

inner thighs
1 set 20kg, 3 sets 25kg

chest press
1 set 20kg, 2 sets 25kg, 1 set 20kg

A really good workout, supersetted with D and added weights to most exercises. Really pleased, shoulders especially felt well worked.

jaykay Wed, Aug-07-02 12:01


Hutton village walk, jogged (and walked where necessary!) the uphill and flat sections, so about 20 minutes.
Then lost Skye, so end of workout while I found him and he recovered from running madly trying to find us.
Another 30 minutes walking but this was pretty much strolling, jogged for the last 5 minutes. Felt really good.

Natrushka Wed, Aug-07-02 16:17

Originally posted by jaykay
I wonder how long it takes before you can do more weights? Just got to keep trying to add them on I guess. I realise I know nothing about weight lifting. Hope I don't bulk up too much, though I want to build muscle to burn weight. Paradox. Supposedly women don't build big bulky muscles, hope so.

Hey there Jay :) have you read through Dan's sticky post in the Exercise forum, The best weight training exercise and Advice for the beginner? Both will set your mind at ease re the bulking up (not gonna happen!) and give you an idea on what to expect and how to go about adding weight.

Of course if you have any specific question I'm sure you'll post 'em.

How's the DOMS? ;)

jaykay Thu, Aug-08-02 13:32

Hi Nat, good reminder about those stickies, I read them ages ago before I started lifting but not since :rolleyes:
Yes, not shy about posting questions, oh well, I learn lots by doing it.
DOMS is a bit of an issue the next day, I seem to be worse the next day rather than two days afterwards. Can't brush my hair easily, not that I want to at the moment.

DOMS nothing like after my first fencing lesson at school though. I had a bottom locker and I was so stiff I couldn't get down to get into it for days :rolleyes:

Good workout today

lat pulldowns
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg

1 set 15kg, 2 sets 20kg, 1 set 15kg

shoulder press
1 set 10kg, 3 sets 15kg

1 set 15kg, 2 sets 20kg, 1 set 15kg

leg extensions
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg (ouch!)

dumbell rows - back
4 sets 20kg

shoulder flys
1 set 4kg, 3 sets 5 kg

inner thighs
1 set 20kg, 3 sets 25kg

chest press
1 set 20kg, 2 sets 25kg, 1 set 20kg (full 25kg sets on my own!)

jaykay Fri, Aug-09-02 02:10


Roseberry, bit slow again, legs ached from gym yesterday.
Cloudy at the top.

jaykay Tue, Aug-13-02 01:45


a very moderate walk up to Highcliff with D and the dogs. About 20 mins uphill, and the same back downhill, going fast enough for legs to ache, but not much puffing!

Need to get back into exercising after the weekend's painting marathon. Will try to get to the gym today.

jaykay Tue, Aug-13-02 14:43

Really good workout with D at the gym today.

chest press
1 set 20kg, 3 sets 25kg

lat pulldowns front and back
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg

shoulder press
1 set 10kg, 3 sets 15kg

leg extensions
1 set 30kg, 3 sets 35kg

dumbell rows - back
4 sets 20kg

shoulder flys
1 set 5kg, 3 sets 6 kg

inner thighs
1 set 20kg, 3 sets 25kg

1 set 15kg, 3 sets 20kg

3 sets 15kg

jaykay Thu, Aug-15-02 13:15

No cardio yesterday - getting lazy! Whole day taken up shopping etc.

Brilliant gym workout today

chest press
1 set 20kg, 1 set 25kg, 1 short set (6) 30kg, 1 set 25kg

lat pulldowns front and back
4 sets 35kg

shoulder press
4 sets 15kg

leg extensions
1 set 30kg, 1 set 35kg, 1 set 40kg, 1 set 45kg

dumbell rows - back
4 sets 20kg

shoulder flys
4 sets 5kg - D corrected my technique, harder doing it right!

inner thighs
1 set 25kg, 1 set 30kg, 2 sets 35 kg

1 set 15kg, 2 sets 20kg, 1 set 15 kg

1 set 15kg, 2 sets 20kg, 1 set 15 kg

Then ran on the treadmill, fast, slower, fast for 5 mins, just cos I had to!

And then we went straight up Roseberry!! cos the dogs needed walking. Very slow up, slowish down until flat, then ran back.

Protein shakes all round when we got back, felt like we'd better or we'd be burning lean mass.

Wore a vest and shorts to the gym cos it was really hot today and could really see muscles when watching myself doing shoulder flies and on the treadmill. Starting to feel proud of how i look, some work has gone into producing those muscles. :D

jaykay Tue, Aug-20-02 14:58

At the farm now for two weeks.

Not getting any exercise - in the cardio or lifting sort of way. I'm busy all the time, but I never get out of breath, nor lift things to failure. Worried I'm going to lose all that hard won fitness and muscle.
The water containers are pretty heavy, I suppose I could invent some sort of workout with them? Just not very easy to hold and can't exactly do lat pulldowns, but could do rows, presses, tri's and bi's and leg extensions maybe?
1 litre weighs a kg, might have to have a play tomorrow.

jaykay Fri, Sep-06-02 14:52

Didn't look for any more exercise, quite enought to do sheep wrestling, water bucket heaving etc. Poor body ached quite enough each day, without wearing it out on purpose.
Judging by the weight and inches loss, I did enough to keep my metabolic rate up.

Back at home now, have run Tues and Thurs and will again tomorrow.
Haven't got back to the gym yet, planning to whatever, on Monday.

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