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yvonne326 Thu, Sep-18-03 03:47

Was Off...Back on...Experiment failed
I won't drag this thread out but in summary:

Went off LC for 2 weeks. Stress and just that "giving up" feeling took over. I will admit for the first week I truly enjoyed eating the foods I gave up 17 months ago. Then food took over...literally. I thought I was obsessed with food on low-carb....well...I was totally controlled by food off low-carb.

I could not control myself. I would eat...then eat...then eat. I plugged in everything in fitday and although my carb counts were between 100-200 on most days...the calories were high. I did, however, stay away from sweets. Granted, I gained 3 lbs, pants started to tighten, felt "pudgy", face broke out....just plain "blech".

Decided yesterday that this is not the life for me. Back on induction today....I know it will be rough till I am in ketosis....I asked my hubby for his total rid of most temptations and hope my carb-withdrawal symptoms are minimal.

So I know that I can never eat normal again....or what society has called normal. For me, low-carbing is normal and I will not stray again.

Wenzday Thu, Sep-18-03 04:00

Here-here! It's sort of hard to see and feel the reality of that isnt it? I wish ppl didnt act like it was a death sentence to never eat bread or pasta or I think that my life would be easy as far as eating is concerned if I didnt have ppl hanging over my shoulder saying "why arent you eating the crust?" "what a waste" uh..hello! This is MY body and I choose what I put in it!

Sorry you had to learn a tough lesson but most of us do and then things seem better!

serrelind Thu, Sep-18-03 06:29

Don't worry too much about the slip up.. it's better that you found out after a 3lb gain now than 30lbs later you know?

stacysheil Thu, Sep-18-03 07:01

Hey you did good by only gaining 3lbs. in 2 weeks. I gained 10 in only a few days. I have already lost all but 1lb in a week so it will come back off pretty fast. Good luck to you and welcome back.

siara28 Thu, Sep-18-03 07:02

Don't look back, and you will be in ketosis in no time, LESSON LEARNED :)

vbrowne Thu, Sep-18-03 07:35

I learned the same lesson, only I gained 10 pounds. NEVER AGAIN!!!


yvonne326 Thu, Sep-18-03 07:55

You know...I think the only reason I only gained 3 lbs is because I have been exercising throughout and staying away from high-sugary foods. Most of my carbs came from things like beans, potato, pasta, oh...and my worst one yet....Doritos. Otherwise I am sure I would have gained a lot more!

Thank you guys for your support and if anything, I hope this shows others that low-carb IS THE WAY TO GO :)

yuckycarbo Thu, Sep-18-03 08:05

I went out of ketosis and gained about 7lbs in only 2-3 days. So consider your 3lbs in 2 weeks good! It looks like if you wanted to, with a few modifications, you could probably live a low-fat WOE if you wanted to and maintain your health, but think about all the stuff you'd be giving up. The bottom line is that any way you cut it (the meatloaf, not the cake) low carbing is easier than low fat on any day :)

angieK Thu, Sep-18-03 08:06

Congradulations on being back on track.

Leenie Thu, Sep-18-03 08:28

Some times the only way we learn is to go thru it ourselves. You get an A+ for effort and realizing what needs to now be done. A failure by who's definition ? Not mine, your a winner :)

BRAVO !!!!

Us Jersey Girls are Awesome Aren't We !! :D

Archie Thu, Sep-18-03 08:40

Welcome Back!
Thanks for breaking the rules, learning & returning! It lets us all look and see that it's not worth it and hopefully it will help many of us avoid the same error.
As for me I don't think I could go back now. It would mean giving up too much. It either has to be LC or low fat (doing both is what got me here) and there's no way I'm giving up all the good stuff I can eat now. Quiche & Omelettes, Chicken Parmesan & Big Thick Steaks, Butter, Whip Cream, Uuuuuhhhmmm..... :yum:

Gimmpy Thu, Sep-18-03 08:41

Glad that you've seen the Light. But when you say that you can never eat normal again. I must disagree with you there. I think that the way we are eating is the normal way our bodies were meant to eat. Not the way most of the world is eating now.
I feel so good eating this way. No depression, So much energy. Maybe what I'm really feeling is the way we are suppose to feel all the time...Normal.
Oh and yuckycarbo I'd have to disagree with you to. Without a doubt you can lose and maintain weight loss eating low-fat. But I really believe that eating LC is far more healthy. Just look at the blood work of those who LC compared to those doing Low fat. Look at effect this WOE has on diabetes and those with high blood pressure.
Obesity, Diabetes (type 2), High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol Levels are all improved with any weight loss program, but most programs just treat the symptoms, LCing treats the cause of most of these problems....too much insulin. When it come to being more healthy, Low Carb eating has them all beat.

potatofree Thu, Sep-18-03 08:58

Eating "normally" is what got a lot of us to the point of needing to lose!

You make an excellent point, that lc is normal from now on! That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. To many people still see it as a diet they can go on or off, losing the weight, then going back to what they were doing before. They then start crying when they gain it all back and then some, and say "It didn't WORK!"

<hopping off soapbox>

Bravo to you, and welcome back!

yvonne326 Thu, Sep-18-03 09:16

So I know that I can never eat normal again....or what society has called normal. For me, low-carbing is normal and I will not stray again.

Gimpy and all those who "misread" my first posting :)

NORMAL is Low Carbing....for me.

Just wanted to clarify that.

yuckycarbo Thu, Sep-18-03 11:00

Originally Posted by Gimmpy
Glad that you've seen the Light. But when you say that you can never eat normal again. I must disagree with you there. I think that the way we are eating is the normal way our bodies were meant to eat. Not the way most of the world is eating now.
I feel so good eating this way. No depression, So much energy. Maybe what I'm really feeling is the way we are suppose to feel all the time...Normal.
Oh and yuckycarbo I'd have to disagree with you to. Without a doubt you can lose and maintain weight loss eating low-fat. But I really believe that eating LC is far more healthy. Just look at the blood work of those who LC compared to those doing Low fat. Look at effect this WOE has on diabetes and those with high blood pressure.
Obesity, Diabetes (type 2), High Blood Pressure, and High Cholesterol Levels are all improved with any weight loss program, but most programs just treat the symptoms, LCing treats the cause of most of these problems....too much insulin. When it come to being more healthy, Low Carb eating has them all beat.

Might want to read my post again. I never said it wasn't possible to lose weight on low-fat. And whether or not atkins is more healthy than a regular diet is still, in my opinion, something that needs to be proven. I think that if you follow a low-fat diet to a tee, then it can be a very healthy way of living. However, the problem is, 99% of people don't eat correctly on a low-fat diet. The atkins diet is more forgiving in my opinion, where as a low-fat diet is more strict. But just because low-fat diets have caused lots of obesity does not mean that it is a bad diet, it just means that most people don't follow it properly.

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