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Erin4980 Thu, Aug-29-02 19:40

Erin & Rach's 2 Mo. to Tampa / Brit WO...
Okay I started the thread that will keep us modivated until November 1st...I know some people may be upset that this thread is not a WOL thread, but we have a wedding to go to on the 2nd and we have dresses to fit into by then...will cross the WOL bridge later - I can't even tell you what color my hair is going to be let alone my eating habits...

Here's my part of the deal Rachel - the LC PLAN

Tomorrow is out first weigh-in (even though we both know we're a bit high on the scale due to our friendly monthly visitors...), and we will weigh-in every week after that...however I have set an additional goal of fitting into my size four JCrew pants that I bought only weeks after I fell off the wagon...what are you dying yo put on Rachel?

Our weeks include the following dates:

WK 1: 8/30 - 9/6
WK 2: 9/6 - 9/13
WK 3: 9/13 - 9/20
WK 4: 9/20 - 9/27
WK 5: 9/27 - 10/4
WK 6: 10/4 - 10/11
WK 7: 10/11 - 10/18
WK 8: 10/18 - 10/25
WK 9: 10/25 - 11/1

Next are the rules of the game...
*Follow the Brit plan that you will design (that a rule for me, not you)
*Try to eat every three hours and stop eating 2-3 hrs before bed time
*Since we are both trying to los about 20 lbs...we have to drink 80 OZ of water A DAY
*This is for you Rachel - NO DC meaning NO caf or artificial sweetners for the FIRST TWO WEEKS
*Maintain fiber intake of atleast 20g
*Most importantly - only 20 carbs or less a day and only from eggs and veggies...
*NO alcohol for the first two weeks...except when you move into your new apt...and try to stick to the straight alcohols and stay crazy hydrated the next day...

Alright - those are the rulese for the next two weeks...

Here are the foods...
all meat...all fish...all fowl...all shellfish...all eggs...BUT TRY TO STAY AWAY FROM PROCESSED MEATS...
all cheese...ONLY A COUPLE OUNCES A DAY...
Use your CARB COUNTER to count the veggie carbs...

Drink over 20 oz of water each meal...
Have a salad during lunch...
Have a veggie and protein for dinner...

Now it's your turn for for the Brit WO...

Holly Wood Thu, Aug-29-02 21:55

ooooo size 4 here we come
Alright is the workout that i sent you. It's only week #1, just to get your muscles acclimated back to the real world, hehe. we'll build up the cardio/intensity and move the weights up as you get stronger. So here it is:

Friday, August 30:
5 min stretch/30 minute bike/5 min stretch
100 sit-ups (25 each: feet down, feet up, lay on left/right side)

Saturday, August 31:
·5 minute bike warmup
·5 minute stretch
·2 sets of 12 reps bicep curl with 5 pound weights
·2 sets of 12 reps tricep curl with 10 pound weights
·2 sets of lunges->each set alternate legs totaling 10 reps/set
·50 calf raises
·2 sets of 10 modified pushups (with knees on ground)
·2 sets of 10 side raises (10 reps each arm) with 5 pound weights
·200 situps (same as above, just repeat)
·10 minutes stretching

Sunday, September 1: REST DAY!!!!

Monday, September 2:
·5 minute stretch/30 minute bike/5 minute stretch
·10 reps of 10 second 6 inches (lay on back with hands by your side and hold feet 6 inches above the ground for 10 seconds)

Tuesday, September 3:
·5 minute stretch/15 minute bike/15 minute power walk on tread/5 minute cool down/10 minute stretch

Wednesday, September 4:
·Same lifting schedule as Saturday

September 5: REST DAY!!!! :Party:

Ok, so that's week one. Tomorrow I'll weigh myself for real (I just estimated for my registration) then off to the market to buy some fabulous lowcarb foods!!!!

Erin4980 Fri, Aug-30-02 06:51

Week 1: Start Weight - 157
In though flow is in the house...I managed to get on the scale (carefully) to see that I am 157...

I'm going to workout tonight after work...after that I'll post my menu and let you know how the workout went...okay "hollywood" - that so reminds me of the homeless guy in Pretty Owman that says "people comin' to HOLLY WOOD" .... :roll:

Anyway...My goal is to lose 2 REAL lbs...and whatever water weight decides to fall off too!

Remember HW - drink that water;)

Love Ya and have a good day and remember this is our FUN diet...

Have you browsed around on the sight?

Holly Wood Fri, Aug-30-02 10:25

day 1 so far
hey babe. well, so far I am doing great, whoohooo! I got up this morning and I weighed 164.5, which was fun cause I thought it would be more) Then I went to the grocery store and bought lots of fun this is what I had for breakfastey/lunch (I woke up late)

2 eggs: 1.2 carbs
1/4 cup cheddar cheese: 1 carb
1oz mushrooms: 2 carbs
2 sausage patties: 0 carbs
2 Liters of water so far:)
Total: 4.2

I have to drive Tal somewhere and Michael to work around 3-5, so I think that I'll do my work out after that. I am planning on running 3 miles and doing some ab work and pushups. so that's all. I wish you had a computer at work so we could chat...I am still struggling with should I go to ND for the game or should I work those three days. dammit. are we allowed to curse on this thing??

Holly Wood Fri, Aug-30-02 17:36

hey lady...well, its like 7:30 and I am about to get ready to go meet up with some peeps at Manayunk, but I just had a yummy's my day...what do you think?

breakfast/lunch: 4.2
snackies: some turkey and pepperoni: .8 (It says 0, but there's prob a little since its processed)
dinner: chicken breast: 0
8 cups lettuce: 8
salad dressing: 2 (It says 0, but there's prob some)
piece of munster cheese: 1

so my total is: 16! so good
I drank 4 liters of water, which I hope is enough
I didn't run, but I did tae bo and 100 situps

It really wasn't that bad at all today! didn't even have a sweet craving, not sure why, but whatever. I am going to the ND game tomorrow at Meadowlands, and I am going to try not to drink...but if i do it'll be nothing but diet tonics/vodka/gin....i know i am not supposed to...and i really will try not to, but what's a girl to do? I am driving tonight, so i'll just have some water all night, which is easy enough. so anyway, hope you had a good day baby!!!

Erin4980 Fri, Aug-30-02 19:22

Today was ROUGH...
I felt sooo sick all day, but not bc lc or anything - I think it was bc I didn't realize I was supposed to talk my pill when I first got TOM (that's what they call it on the site) - anyway, I took it at like 10 pm last night and the at 8 am this morning...of course I didn't eat breakfast (I was running crazy late)...and by lunch time I felt soooo sick I barely was able to put down my salad...after dinner (when I was finally able to get something down) I began to feel better...I didn't do my WO, but I'll do both tomorrow - I promise...hey you're drinkin' so I'm slacking a bit ...I really did feel horrible :(

I drank soooo much water all day...3 L
2 cups of salad w/ 1 tsp of ranch
2 eggs w/ 2 slices of ham
2 small chicken breats w/ a tiny bit of broccholi...

I'm thinkin my total is less than 10, but I'll probably be so hungry tomorrow after the stomach finally settles :confused:

Tomorrow when I wake up, I am going to eat something before I WO, but oh well atleast I'll be WOing...

I'm sooooo glad your day went well...I hope you have fun in Manayhuk...I miss it there so much...

B and I may looks at rings tomorrow, but who knows - he brought it up, but I don't want to torchure myself...I think we may looks at houses too - I'm such a grown up:D

Anyway, I'm crazy bloated due to TOM so...I'll be really suprised if the scale changes - bascially I have a butt in the front and the back ;)

So you were only 164...we're basically the same...and you thought you wouldn't be able to where my clothes when you were here...

Hey if you want to get really into this, go to - you can enter the quantities of food that you eat and it will give you a breakdown for cals, fats, carbs, ALCOHOLS,'s kinda fun!

Well, I'm off to pay my massive credit card debt...yes it's back...I never thought that payday would stress me out :p

Talk to you later!

Post the Brit Pic Holly Wood!! I need the WO modivation...

Holly Wood Sat, Aug-31-02 00:46

late night
hey baby...well, just got back from the bar good...water all night!! well, i was driving so it was a good excuse....i had a pepperoni and slice of cheese snack when I got home so hopefully that won't ruin anything. i swear when I did this before I started to gain weight, so I too will not be surprised if the scale goes up tomorrow morning, bullshit. I don't know how to post pictures, so you gotta show me, k? sorry you felt like ass today...maybe a little diamond shopping will cure any of your lingering cooties. hehe. anyway, tonight wasn't that fun...all PSU people, which are fun, but Keith was there and things with us are so wierd and i am just so over everything with him...why is it that the one time a girl just wants some ass the boy has to make it complicated. only me. anyway, i am off to best friend's wedding is on for the night...going to the ND game tomorrow...i have to be extra good since i'll be away from my kitchen with my low carb foods, ya know? but tailgating must mean hamburgers, so bring it on! oh yeah, i saw trisha tonight at the brew pub...skinny girl. she didn't recognize me at first, but i wasn' tsure if it was cause she was wasted or what. anyway, she and i exchanged cell numbers...we'll see about that. anyway, off to bed. hope you feel better tomrrow. i'll weigh myself in the morning and post it...hopefully it won't be terrible. k, night lady.

Erin4980 Sat, Aug-31-02 08:48

Water, wuerter, water...
So...I got on the scale and I'm stomach is much's because I was sooo bloated and you know how I never drink water - my body is like "see we like water...we'll make you look skinny it you drink it"...hehe...maybe it's still to early for me to be normal yet ;)

Anyway...I got to sleep in on a Sat, which is soo fun...B and I snuggled all morning - he may be crazy on his game but he is a great early morning snuggler...

Trisha was skinny? Skinnier than norm? She has always had really skinny legs. I told that you were going to be working at NM so she'll probably stop in...did you guys talk about CA?

I'm so proud that you stayed with wuerter all night...I'm sure a drink came calling when you saw sketchy boy Keith :rolleyes:

Do you normally drink water thur the day? Well, if you don't and you obviously did yesterday then I positive the scale will change...however, I did read something on this site that said if you drink water too late into the night, you can actually retain it...but I would say who cares as long as your drinkin it :D

Don't have a negative attitude about this HW - give it two weeks and then we'll talk about if it works :thup: But you may want to stay low on the cheese quantities just in case, I think a lot of people have probs w/ diary products...

Well I better run...I can't wait to hear from you...I'm off to have eggies w/ ham and water for brekkie! :wave:


By the way I make a lot of typing errors so don't tink I'm a idiot;)

Erin4980 Sun, Sep-01-02 09:29

Now I'm starting to worry...
The fact that you haven't been on in awhile're hungover or your internet connection is down...hummm :confused:

This is not a group journal if I'M the only one here;)

Anyway...more water weight off my bod...I'm now 152. My stomach is super flat, however obvioulsy nothing else has changed...I wish I didn't know this was water weight and then I would think that I'm really losing fat!!! lol

Yesterday's meals were as followed:
3 eggs scrambled w/ one piece of ham and 32 oz water
(B and I were out looking at rings for awhile, so we kinda ate a dinner/lunch I had a)
HUGE caesar salad w/ tons on dressing (yuk, I hate it when they cram it on), tons on chicken and some tomatoes (I forgot to ask w/o tomatoes and crutons - I ate some of the tomatoes, but I did not touch one cruton :) ) I also drank tons on water during the meal and nearly peed myself at one of the jewelry stores :p
I did cheat a bit...I had some sf and ff instant coffee (artificially sweetened) in the evening...that was about 5 carbs...

I think I stayed under ten overall, but I'm not sure...

I think I'm going to start drinkin protein shakes for a couple of for this morning's brekkie...

talk to you soon - I hope ;)


Holly Wood Sun, Sep-01-02 16:07

oh tailgating
hey you...sorry for the break, I decided last minute to go to the ND football game cause they were playing in maryland and a ton of my girls were i drove to Jersey early on saturday and we all crammed in one of my teammates' dad's RV's and met up with everyone at the was the best time ever, soooo good to see everyone it was a night game so we got to tailgate for like 8 hours....then alissa and I ended up going out to a bar and then back to the Marriott by the stadium where my roommate Natalie's family/friends had 3 so fun...def had a snuggle buddy for the night and got into some trouble, but i'll leave that for the phone...don't want to get to specific on this thing, hehe. ok, so it was the funnest day ever, however, i did have to break the drinking is impossible to tailgate without drinking. i did bring my own vodka and diet tonic water, so i was so good in that department...however, the evening does get quite fuzzy, and i do believe i remember some goldfish in the picture and perhaps some bbq chips. :thdown: dammit dammit dammit. sooooooo, that didn't go that well...i am going to have to work on some way to keep myself away from shit when I am wasted...not so easy. buttttttt, i've been good today....woke up feeling like shit so just had a little salad with ranch dressing from McDonalds for lunchish (5 carbs)....then when I finally got home i decided that i should go spend$117 dollars at target (love that place)...still feeling shitty...but after my spree igot hoome around 5ish and was way I had a mushroom/cheese omlette with some sausage (5 carbs) feeling a bit better, but still not recovered. annnnnnd, alissa and I decided since this is my last week before I start working for real that we are goign to drive out to pittsburg to pick up rola, our roommate and then drive to chicago tomorrow to stay with our roommate Nina who is out there but not working yet....and then I'll stop back in South Bend to visit chris and some other girls and boys on Thursday and then drive back home on Friday then it is time to move into my apartment!! so fun! def excited. i'm gonnna bring all of the groceries that i bought the other day with me so that i have my supplies. i am just going to struggle with the drinkign thing...very hard...annnnnnyway, my mom and tal are in chicago until tomorrow, so i have the house all to myself...i took a shower, shaved my legs, and I am going to curl up on the couch with the new Vogue and do nothing and watch sex and the city so that hopefully i'll feel like a normal person tomorrow. I am very envious that you are losin that water weight...i wasn't around a scale for the past two mornings, so i have no numbers to report, but I do not have a good feeling about it. tomorrow morning will probably not be my proudest moment :roll: oh well, sometimes you just gotta live and worry about the rest later, ya know? i did tae bo on friday and am still sore as shit...prob wont get a chance to workout tomorrow cause we'll be driving all day, but hopefully alissa and i can get out asses in gear and go run out in chicago, so fun...anyway, I am going to try so hard to be good :D anyway, call me i have a great story about last night!!!!!

Erin4980 Sun, Sep-01-02 18:07

Well I'm glad to hear that you're alive...
I figured something like that was going on and that's why you haven't posted...

off the diet subject...have you check your ND email...I sent you a couple more dresses and I don't know which one to get so I need to know which ones would work with yours...

well...I had a little episode with the honey buns from Hops I guess we're are today's food...

hot dog for breakfast (5 carbs) and 32 oz H2O
4 1in meatballs w/ tiny bit of ketchup and 32 oz H2O
chicken ceasar salad...dc and the honey bun:(

So I blew it for today, but hopefully I'm be okay...tomorrow B and I are going to go to a BBQ so I may have some probs...but nothing that won't keep me from going strong until Tampa...

By the way are you in ketosis? I probably threw myself out of it with the HB, but it will be the last thing I'll eat...

Have fun with the Vogue and Sex and the City...I just finished reading the new In Style and wathching the Sweetest Thing - which is a very strange movie by the way...

Call me later...I'll be home,


Holly Wood Tue, Sep-03-02 17:50

from chi town
hey you....i love chicago just for the record. however, I am being very very good while i have been here so far....chix caesar salads and pork chops and eggs and lots of water. good girl. no scale here so i don't have any numbers to report. haven't worked out either :( but alissa and i are supposed to go run tomorrow. so we'll see. anyway, hope you week is going goooooood and work is bearable. love you!!!!!! rach

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