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atiaran Wed, Jul-23-03 09:46

No will power - need some motivation
It's one of those days. I rarely have these - the ones where you're too tired to give much of a damn, and you want to eat every high carb thing in sight. Yesterday was also like this. I had these arguments with my parents all day because they think I shouldn't be doing Atkins period let alone while pregnant (Maintenance). In addition to all the stress I had from other things, this pretty much drained away what willpower I had left and I binged once I got home. Ended up at 170 g carbs, I have been staying around 100g.
Usually I am ok the next day ready to restart, but I don't today. I feel so sick of dealing with the negativity and feel like caving in and eating whatever the heck I want. It feels so hopeless right now, and I need to feel better soon or else I will start binging again. :tears:
I'm hoping to find some inspiration here.

Thanks for listening to me vent.

Skamito Wed, Jul-23-03 09:52

Take a breath. What you're doing is very hard. I can't imagine willpower while pregnant. Of course, I've never BEEN pregnant, but still. ;)

You can do this. Why you should give a damn: Your health. Your baby's health. Your sanity.

Remember how much better you feel when you do things right. We are all here for you and I hope you regain your good feelings. We all want you to feel at your best.

Wishing you the world. :)

btdude Wed, Jul-23-03 09:57

have a nice big dill pickle, followed with an atkin's bar at the same time. That'll kill it. Also, ditto Skamito. Trust in yourself, look at your goals, look at yourself, inside mostly, and tell yourself you can and will suceed. If that won't work, just think of all theose pissy nay-sayers who would be chomping at the bit to know you slipped. Do yaa want that? HELL NO!!

max Wed, Jul-23-03 10:02

Remeber that everything you eat, is also eaten by the beautiful baby inside you. Don't start bad habits early. Plus, do they really need the junk?

I undsertand those days, just find things to distract yourself from food, eat as much protein / fat as your body will tolerate and remember that there are people out here who understand what you're trying to achieve.

You can do it, we believe in you.

BTW : How far along are you?

atiaran Wed, Jul-23-03 10:27

Thanks everyone, it's helping. I grabbed a fried egg & bacon for bfast and I'm staying away from the people's offices where I know there are baddies. I'm still feeling on edge though and I just keep telling myself to focus on one meal at a time today.

To Max: I am due in January. I see you are in Jamaica. I was born in Montego Bay but left when I was 2, so I don't remember very much about it.

Skamito Wed, Jul-23-03 10:45

Atiaran, it's always about one meal at a time. :) It's so much easier to think of things like, "I will make a good choice for breakfast," as opposed to, "I will never eat (insert favorite evil carb here) again."

Hope you have a good day!

josiemcdoo Wed, Jul-23-03 10:58

I have days where I do the same thing; I do feel better and have more energy and am less depressed when I am on low carb, but do not beat yourself up. Yesterday is passed, and you have today and tomorrow and tomorrow. You will feel better if you have a "successful" day. I have to get out of the kitchen when I want to cram carbs into my gut!!! I have to go to another part of the house and get into something else. Good luck and hang in there! :agree:

usedtobero Wed, Jul-23-03 11:06

Stick with it kiddo!

I am so impressed that are you doing this while pregnant - all i wanted during my first pregnancy was gummy bears, mashed potato and jalapeno poppers - not very healthy at all! Just remind yourself that when you have to do your glucose test a little later in your pregnancy - you know you are going to breeze it as your blood sugar will be so healthy!


MommyMo Wed, Jul-23-03 11:39

My 2¢ for whatever it is worth... Drink your water, give yourself some space from your parents and trust yourself that you can do this!!
I'll be thinking about you! Let us know how you're doing!

red1cutie Wed, Jul-23-03 14:43

Hi Atarian! :D You can do this! We know you can and you will feel better mentally and physically when you get back on track. Everyone gave you great advice so there's not much I can add except you just had a bad day. Stay away from those who are pressuring you or explain to then right now you need their support and not their criticism. And if you need to vent come in here!

I hope you and the :angel: inside you have a great pregnancy. You have our full support. GBU.


LadyBelle Wed, Jul-23-03 15:08

One thing that can really help is to just get outside and take a walk. When I was pregnent I found walks helped with stress, blue feelings, and other problems and really helped to get my circulation going. You can also look into prenatal yoga tapes. They help with keeping the muscles limber and the one I had also had pelvic exercises and others to help with the delivery. Having crunchy snacks at hand such as celery or nuts can help keep the hands busy. I tought myself knitting to keep hands busy at temptations time. I never got good, but I could do it eventully.

Just keep thinking about the baby, and how good it is going to feel to have a wonderful healthy baby. It's not hopeless, you are hormonaly on edge and have somewhat the equivalent of a small parasitic invasion (SO used to hate when I compaired being pregnant to that ;p ). Between the water retention, the loose joint waddle, and everything else there will be days you feel out of sorts. Remember though you have support here and from hubby, and when it's all over you will probably actually miss being pregnant :)

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