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LaZigeuner Tue, Jan-03-12 01:05

Zig's Zag
My ueber-goal is to pursue Physical Fitness. I don't know what that is, but since I need to define it to pursue it, I've stolen my first set of goals from PB Total Body Transformation (p. 130):
  • 20 (real) pushups
  • 5 pullups (overhand grip)
  • 50 squats (thighs parallel to ground)
  • Plank for 2 minutes (forearm/feet position)
I'm adding to this:
  • 30-second* sprints, 6* times, resting as needed* between each (*I might change these to be more realistic and/or specific, later when I know more)
My ultimate goal is be able to to jump up to a tree branch, catch hold of it with both hands, lift my legs up to hook around it, and pull myself into the tree.

LaZigeuner Tue, Jan-03-12 01:23

Starting inches (Sunday 1-Jan-12):

R. biceps..................19
L. biceps...................19.25
R. forearm................12.25
L. forearm.................11.5
R. wrist.....................7
L. wrist.....................7
Over boobs...............51
Under boobs..............41
2 in. above navel........48
At navel....................47.75
R. thigh.....................36.5
L. thigh.....................35.5
R. knee.....................22.5
L. knee......................22
R. calf.......................16.25
L. calf.......................16
R. ankle....................9.75
L. ankle.....................9.5

Min. walked previous wk = [update at end of week]
Min. walked in 2012 = [update at end of week]

LaZigeuner Tue, Jan-03-12 01:24

Daily Log for Sunday 1-Jan-12:
  • 90 minute stroll outdoors

Daily Log for Monday 2-Jan-12:
  • 30 minute stroll outdoors

LaZigeuner Tue, Jan-03-12 18:47

Sprints (ET)........................15 sec+45 sec rest, 4 times / 3 times
Leg lifts..............................60 seconds/40+10+10 seconds
Pushups..............................6 times / 4 times
Chinups..............................7 times (150#) / 7 times (150#)
Pullups...............................5 times (150#) / 5 times (150#)
Toe raises...........................12 / 11
Squats (all the way down).....8 / 8 (right knee was VERY sore at end of both)
**Baker-analyzed................5 times 60# / 5 times 60#
**Hauling...........................4 times 100# / 4 times 100#

**I forgot to do these today, so these numbers are what I remember from last time I did them, which may not be very accurate, we'll see. I'll adjust the start numbers on Friday, even though the days won't be the same, that's okay.

LaZigeuner Thu, Jan-05-12 15:37

Wednesday was a rest day.

I'd really like to take a walk this afternoon. My problem is overcoming the inertia of putting on the walking clothes. That is so lame, but really that's my problem, and that inertia is BIG. :(

LaZigeuner Thu, Jan-05-12 17:51

I called around, no one wanted to take a walk with me due to the black rain cloud hovering over town (and already raining in some neighborhoods).

So I decided to go to the gym, which closed in 1 hour. Just enough time for me to change, get there, have about 30 minutes on the ellliptical with some music.

I went to change my clothes, decided I was too lazy to go to the gym and wanted to take a walk after all. So I went to my favorite park which has a huge wide open area, bundled up ready for rain.

I walked 45 minutes.

The last 43 minutes of those 45---brilliant sunshine! Fresh air, no clouds between my face and the sun. I was as happy as a cat in a sunbeam. :D

LaZigeuner Fri, Jan-06-12 18:43

Earlier today, I wrote:
INERTIA!!!! I don’t want to go to the gym---AGAIN. :( I have to 1—go upstairs to pee, 2—change clothes, 3—go outside where it’s COLD, 4—walk into the office to get the key, and 5—go there alone, while worrying whether 6a—I’ll work out totally alone, or 6b—someone I don’t know will be there. :( :( :(


No want to go.

No no no no nonono nonononononononono

But now really need to pee…

LaZigeuner Fri, Jan-06-12 18:52

... Then I got dressed, hemmed, hawed, drove to the gym, checked in and got the key, then exercised for ~30 minutes:
  1. "Hauling"--120# 6 times (this felt quite easy)
  2. Baker-analyzed--50# 10 times (little less easy than above)
  3. toe raises--12 on 1st round, 11 on 2nd round (ouch! calves!)
  4. chinups--140# 10 times on 1st round, 9 times on 2nd round
  5. pullups--140# 8 times on 1st round, 11 times on 2nd round
  6. squats--8 of them (ow, poor right knee was :( )
  7. leglifts--59+10 seconds
  8. sprints--15 seconds, 4 times (each followed by 45 seconds resting)
I had intended to do everything twice, but ran out of time. No pushups today :(. I just have to get my act together and leave at least 90 minutes before they close.

I'm glad I went. I feel good about myself for going, in spite of the fact that my gym buddy called and cancelled at the last minute (grr). I actually prefer lifting days when alone, so since he's only going Tu and Fri, I'll make my lifting days now be M, Th, and Sa. Then I can keep him company on Tu and Fri, when I'm supposed to do elliptical slow and prolonged stuff (very boring, but I vary the resistance and incline then pretend that I'm slogging up a mountain that's really muddy! lol :lol: ).

I'll have to see how 3 lifting sessions per week works---will that give me enough recovery time in between?? We'll see...

LaZigeuner Sun, Jan-08-12 14:12

Saturday 7-Jan-12 was a rest day.

Sunday 8-Jan-12 will be also, unless I take a walk, because the sun is shining and it looks beautiful outside (though chilly). Will update if needed.

ETA: needed! :D That sun was too enticing. So I went for a walk, intending 15-20 minutes (to spare me the achilles pain of last week) which was more like 40 minutes. :thup: yay me!

LaZigeuner Sun, Jan-08-12 14:23

Weekly Summary:

-----------------------Start-------Week 1
R. biceps..................19.............19
L. biceps...................19.25........19
R. forearm................12.25.........12
L. forearm.................11.5..........11.5
R. wrist.....................7...............7
L. wrist.....................7...............7
Over boobs...............51..............51
Under boobs..............41.............41
2 in. above navel........48............48.5
At navel....................47.75........47
R. thigh.....................36.5.........36.5
L. thigh.....................35.5..........36
R. knee.....................22.5..........21.75
L. knee......................22............21.75
R. calf.......................16.25........15.75
L. calf.......................16.............16
R. ankle....................9.75...........9.75
L. ankle.....................9.5............9.5

Min. walked previous wk / past week = na / 135
Min. walked in 2012 = 135

LaZigeuner Mon, Jan-09-12 21:22

Rest day today (Monday 9-Jan-12)

LaZigeuner Tue, Jan-10-12 23:57

Lifted weights today, when I went to the gym with dad. I've decided I don't like lifting on the days he does---he's less focused than I, and SOOOOOOOO chatty (chatty daddy? lol). So on days we go together, I'm switching so I do a program on the ET, or my mountain climbing in the mud, instead. Then on days I go alone, I can lift in silence (unless someone is there and is playing music, which I hope has only happened the once it ever will).

  1. "Hauling"--100# 8 times (last time was 120# 6 times)
  2. Baker-analyzed--50# 8 times (last time was 50# 10 times)
  3. toe raises--13 on only round (last time was 12 on 1st round, 11 on 2nd round)
  4. chinups--140# 10 times on only round (last time was 140# 10 times on 1st round, 9 times on 2nd round)
  5. pullups--140# 10 times on only round (last time was 140# 8 times on 1st round, 11 times on 2nd round)
  6. squats--4 of them on only round (last time was 8 of them)
  7. leglifts--70 seconds (last time was 59+10 seconds)
  8. sprints--none today. I've decided to dedicate one day to them, instead of including them on a weight lifting day. (last time was 15 seconds, 4 times, each followed by 45 seconds resting)
  9. pushups (knees)--did 6 of them before my form fell to pieces (start date I did 6 on 1st round, and 4 on 2nd round)

LaZigeuner Wed, Jan-11-12 23:46

Wednesday 11-Jan-12

Another rest day today. I kept chastising myself for not going outside (beautifully sunny, but COLD) or not going to the gym (had planned to do a light 30 minutes on ET). I just couldn't make myself do it.

Tomorrow is a new day! :thup:

LaZigeuner Thu, Jan-12-12 17:15

Thursday 12-Jan-12:

Another rest day today.

I have figured out why I felt so BLAH yesterday and today: I've caught 1.5-year-old nephew's cold.

He feels fine, of course, other than when mom or dad tries to wipe a booger off his face! :p

Anyway, if I'm worse tomorrow, I'll go to the gym with Dad, and just stroll on the ET and/or do some leg lifts. If I'm better, I'll see what I feel like doing. :thup:

LaZigeuner Fri, Jan-13-12 22:25

Friday 13-Jan-12

I went to the gym with Dad, and spent 20 minutes on the ET, nice and slow, basically a "stroll". I'm glad I did it, but I'm definitely still fighting the cold. :( It has moved out of my throat, and is in my nose now. Hopefully the fact that it's moving quickly means it will be short-lived! :thup:

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