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Orang Mon, Dec-01-03 07:03

Protein Power Pals - Monday - December 1
Welcome to the daily Protein Power Pals thread. All whe are using, considering or would like more information about the PP WOE are welcome to join in.

ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 07:04

Protein Power Pals-Monday
Good morning, looks like it's me again.
I was .5 up this AM but I hadn't, ahem "processed" yesterday's Metamucil so I am probably ok. I know my breath stinks so I must be in mild Ketosis. Anyway, hanging in with my last protein day.
I still seem to have an appetite. Do you think I need to add more fat ala Atkins or eat a slightly higher calorie range?? I am having mostly cottage cheese, lowfat yogurt, chicken broth with chicken thighs in it and some sliced turkey. Also added in a hard boiled egg or two. Feedback is welcome.

How is everyone else? Turns out Orang's ISP was down yesterday, glad she's ok!

ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 07:25

Hi, I just have started mine at the same time as you did! I will not be wounded if we post on yours :lol:

ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 07:29

Here's what was on my thread. I posted a note in the title to use your thread.

I was .5 up this AM but I hadn't, ahem "processed" yesterday's Metamucil so I am probably ok. I know my breath stinks so I must be in mild Ketosis. Anyway, hanging in with my last protein day.
I still seem to have an appetite. Do you think I need to add more fat ala Atkins or eat a slightly higher calorie range?? I am having mostly cottage cheese, lowfat yogurt, chicken broth with chicken thighs in it and some sliced turkey. Also added in a hard boiled egg or two. Feedback is welcome.

Chamellie Mon, Dec-01-03 09:34

Only have a minute, I am beyond swamped! Elaine, I would not eat more fat, I would eat more protein in the form of lean meat. Will sustain you longer and will not add as many calories as a high fat would. Ham is an excellent lean meat, you could get lean ham steaks and cube them to snack on when you are hungry.


ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 10:09

Thanks, Ellie. I think the appetite supression is finally kicking in this morning. I had a HB egg and cottage cheese at 5 AM, same thing again at around 8:30 AM. I am ok to go until lunch at 12 and will have broth and chicken .I brought extra cottage cheese in case I need it and I have yogurt for later aft if I need that then. This is the first time I ever tried to get into Ketosis with a little success. Last time I never turned a Keto stix anything but tan . I'm just going by the yukky breath, etc.not even using those things this time around. I also drank two big cups of water (these are thermal mugs they have at work.They're big.) :)

BawdyWench Mon, Dec-01-03 11:29

Elaine, glad to hear the appetite suppression is kicking in.

So far today, I've had my protein shake with cream and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Also, I had a large Dunkin Donuts hazelnut coffee with cream and sweet&low. I'll have a bit more in a few minutes. No appetite.

I'm in the office today, so I don't have much time to talk.

Orang, the pics are in my Gallery. They're the same ones that were on the old board in my old signature, so you've seen them before. It sounds like you're getting your strength back. That's wonderful. Take it easy, though. Don't overdo it!

Orang Mon, Dec-01-03 12:49

I'm OK - have been at docs most of day -- I don't have a feeding tube anymore :dazzle: :wiggle: :dazzle: -- more later -- first, I'm going to take a real shower -- the sponge baths of the past week just weren't enough....

sasquatch Mon, Dec-01-03 15:27

WAY TO GO ORANG!!!!! :yay:


Like we could have stopped her before?? :lol:

ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 15:50

OK ORANG!!! :dazzle: :dazzle: :Party: :Party: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: Tell your DH to get out of the way, you're hittin' the kitchen :lol:

Marnie, how did your test go? I just came home from the MRI with a splitting headache, more because I had to take an unexpected road detour to get there than the noise from the actual machine.

Haven't eaten since lunch since I went for the MRI, so dinner will be the yogurt I had left and maybe a protein shake for a change of pace. I cannot look at cottage cheese or turkey again today. :eek: Glad I can start to add some fruit and veg back tomorrow.BUT I MADE IT THRU 3 PROTEIN DAYS and I am still standing (well, sitting right now).

Hi to everyone else!! :wave:

Orang Mon, Dec-01-03 15:56

As I mentioned yesterday - before nurse Rachet made me go to bed last night - I got to go to the mountains over the weekend -- not once, but twice. Nurse Marshmellow - young and easily led astray :devil: - was on duty this weekend. Drove the entire Cherohala SkyWay on Saturday Cherohala Skyway pics and went to Tremont in the Smokey Mtns yesterday -- snow in both places. Walked (slowly and carefully) up the river trail for about a mile. Just what the doctor ordered :angel: - well maybe not :devil: , but sure was good for my spirits.

Ellie's talk of outdoor decorations almost sent me to photoshop... as did the thought of putting our high-maintenance BW in a french maid outfit with a firey feather duster... I was too busy -- I just ate a few bites of cottage cheese - and I'm getting some veggie soup in a bit :dazzle: :wiggle: :dazzle:

Guess I'll be joining the ranks of those who run out of cottage cheese soon. My endo says I have to have a minimum of nine 160 cal protein 'mini-meals' with at least 55 gms of carb per day. They won't let me drop below 8 calories per pound of body weight (I'm at 180 right now per doc scales - not surprising I gained given the amount of carbage Nurse Rachet has poured in my tube this week :rolleyes: )

I'm with Ellie - more lean protein instead of fat if needed. Sounds like it may not be needed after all.

Hope you can share some this evening - I've missed you.

Rebecca (OneEye):
Great news re: FarSide -- keep us posted on when and where.

Sounds like you hit a bump or two over the holidays, but are back on track -- that is great. Are you still working out at Curves?

Glad the idea of just eating clean for today helps - this sort of idea works for tackling all sorts of difficult problem. None of us are perfect - we all make mistakes or choose not to follow our plan sometimes - it is not what you do on a single day that will get you to where you want to be -- it is the fact that you keep moving toward the goal and you get back on the path as soon as you can when you sumble or stray. Progress not Perfection - as Karen's sign. line encourages.

You're giving out some pretty great advice yourself - water, exercise and think before putting something in your mouth. :thup:

Yikes re: power outage -- it's too cold for that sort of thing in ME.

I think the pic of you in the French Maid outfit should be in the Gallery :lol:

Lissette - Shelly
Glad you are back on track. Hope you've gotten over the trip.

:bash: re: the description of the renigade hunting practices - The independent mountain folks don't take kindly to hunting practices that would endanger other hunters, people living near the woodlands or livestock. they would likely 'take care of' that problem with a bit of mountain justice - there was a tourist/hunter shooting at everything that moved a couple of years ago just outside the Smoky Mountain Park - he actually shot at mother & child walking down their driveway to catch the school bus. They found that hunter beat half to death on the side of a major highway about six miles from where he had been hunting with his deer rifle bent and broken -- nobody up in Hatcher Hollow saw or heard anything out of the ordinary :eek:

Hope you will share soon - are you still having connection problems?

Know you are reading - poke your head in and say hi or join in the humor. The humor we share has gotten us thru a lot of rough times - both with our WOE and our lives.

Where are you hiding? Talk to us :D

Prayers rising for mammo results

To Reverend Yeti

The Julia Child cooking award

for making Keto pasta edible

I thought I saw a Yeti tongue... I did, I did saw a Yeti tongue :lol:

Orang Mon, Dec-01-03 16:08

:bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug:
Glad MRI is over Elaine - I thought it was next week :blush:

I've got some of Ellie's Asian chicken legs simmering - I'll have to dice them up, but I know they will be awesome. It seems weird to be ready to do cartwheels over getting to eat soft foods.

BTW - no more full time Nurse Rachet !!!! The nurses will be stopping by to do IV meds and check me over, but I'm going to be on my own for the most part.

One of my grandsons was just here - he was mad 'cause the gross tube was gone - little boys think anything gross is kewl.

BawdyWench Mon, Dec-01-03 16:27

Well, so far I've eaten everything I entered into Fitday for the day except the tuna. I just didn't seem to have the time to eat, which is a stupid excuse. I'm going to re-read the LFL chapters again about the protein days and then the weight-loss days. Wendy, if I remember correctly, was pretty good about doing it by the book at first. I remember one post in which she said she had a stare-down with a half grapefruit at breakfast one morning.

As expected, I was up a couple pounds this morning, but expect them to be gone by tomorrow or the next day after the water from the carbs leaves my system.

That's about it for me tonight. I'm a little tired so I think I'll just take it easy and do a little light reading tonight and then turn in early.

I'll be working from home tomorrow, so I'll try to check in more.

Where's Rob been, by the way?

BTW, I posted a thread called "Confession Time" on the general board (not the newbie board -- the general board that is under "Daily Low-Carb Support"). I haven't checked it yet today, but I'm going over there now. Just curious what people are saying.

Also, did you really post a comment on one of my gallery pics, Orang? I got an email notification that you had, but then when I clicked the link it didn't look like there were any comments there.

ewinpa Mon, Dec-01-03 17:33

Courtesy of Orang the Computer Goddess, I now have my fave Pink Floyd album as my avatar :yay: PS, the smaller one worked
I take lousy pictures, you're not missing anything. My hair color is Feria # 51 in case anyone goes to the drug store :lol: Maybe someday I will buy a digital camera, etc. and join you in the 21st century.

I didn't eat the yogurt as that would have put me at 1151 cals for the day but I might need to eat a little turkey before bed.At least the headache is gone.

Bawdy, have a good night, we'll see you tomorrow :yawn:

sasquatch Mon, Dec-01-03 17:54

"there Is no dark side of the moon, really,,it's all dark"

Bawdy ...try looking up!! LOL

weird day...Today comes in at fat- 43%, protein- 52%(227gm) ECC-22gm Calories 1800(?)

Orang- With enough garlic, chili powder & cumin...EVEN keto macaroni!! (Believe it or not!1 :) )

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