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Katerpilla Fri, Feb-01-02 06:48

140 Anyone??

I am looking for a buddy to motivate me to my goal of 140.

Have been doing Atkins for two weeks almost, have been a bit naughty re eating sugar free chocolate and made my own almost-carb-free-muffins. Still staying strictly under 20 carbs and drinking 4 L of water a day. I only got the book in the last couple of days and realised I have not been fair to myself. So I will have to start induction all-over again!!

I have lost 8 pounds already (with such a long way to go ahead of me!) but hopefully this time I get there. I have been so close in the past, but got complacent and let all-hell-break-loose with my eating.

Anyway would appreciate a mate to talk to who has a similar goal.

Thanks so much for reading. I wish you all the very best for acheiving your goals.


jen&ben Fri, Feb-01-02 19:41

Hi Kat! I would love to be your buddy :D .

Congratulations on the 8 lbs. That is awesome and you weren't even doing full induction!

I am starting induction on Monday. In some ways I am dreading this because I keep reading about all the initial side effects but I need to get this weight off.

I am such a carb addict - in fact my entire family is a bunch of carb addicts.

I have put you on my buddy list. Wish me luck on Monday...and were off!


Tama Sat, Feb-02-02 08:16

Good morning, Kat! I am also going for 140! My stats say my beginning weight is 154, but that's not true. That is the weight I was when I came to this forum. My actual start weight is 184, so I know where you are coming from! Congrats on your initial loss! That is so great! And now that you are re-starting induction, the pounds will keep coming off. You picked a great place in this forum, there are so many kind people who are great supporters, whether you are doing good or bad. Also, the people here know so much! Any questions about low-carbing, they can help you out! Anyway, congrats on making this decision, you won't be sorry and I know you can do it!
Hugs, Tama

liss567 Sun, Feb-03-02 19:10

Hey guys ,

Wait for me!! I would be happy to tag along on our trip to 140 pounds. Before I had my kids i weighed a little less than that, and I loved it!! Took it for granted though! Can't wait to get back, I am tired of being uncomfortable in my clothes and in life in general.

I have been on and off induction for about two weeks( I get weak on the weekends), But I still managed to lose 8 pounds. I hope to start fresh again on Monday, maybe you guys can help me stick with it and watch the pounds fall away!!

Herald Mon, Feb-04-02 05:37

I'm going there too :)

10 pounds gone, good days and bad days, I' like to join in :wave:

jen&ben Mon, Feb-04-02 10:01

Great then we have a team :wave:

My husband and I started yesterday. He was raring to go.

I have had a low grade headache :( for two days now. Can't tell if it is the low carb or just my monthly cycle.

Other than that not too bad so far. I am taking the supplements and drinking water like crazy.

What is driving me crazy :spin: is the sensation of not having finished a meal. I keep getting this feeling like I am not done eating yet, you know maybe just a few crackers or a cookie would finish things off.

Although I did wake up less groggy this morning :thup: Or maybe that is just the excitement of the Super Bowl win for the Pats :cheer:

Glad to have some kindred spirits to share this with! Talk to you
all soon. How are you all doing today.
Regards, Judy

PS: You have all been added to my buddy list - now can someone help me with what that means and how I use it? :confused:

Herald Mon, Feb-04-02 10:07

I had the thing with "meal not finished".

A couple of solutions I came up with:
Go and wash up straight away (takes your mind off it), by the time the washing up is done, you feel full. If you still don't feel full, you probably didn't eat enough! Needless to say I'm so lazy this didn't last long!
Brush your teeth straight after a meal. You don't want to eat after that!

You _do_ get used to it after a while, especially if you're eating plenty of protein (after a 12 oz steak with peppercorn-cream sauce and a green salad, who needs crackers?? ;) )

Once induction is over, there's the ole staple, sugar-free jelly :)


jen&ben Mon, Feb-04-02 10:26

Herald - I am doing this with my husband and he mentioned last night that as we were sitting there talking about this sensation of wanting crackers or cookies his desire went away.

I find that I have the sensation of being full. I think it is more just being so used to having carb type food. Before starting induction if I was full I could always find room for a sweet, even just one little bite. I would not finish a meal in order to have dessert so I think that is where the sensation is coming from.

I had also been a big one for having a snack with tea around 9PM. Had been trying to stop doing that and found I had just moved the timing to dessert and tea right after dinner.

I think the teeth brushing thing is a great idea. I had tried it for a bit a few weeks back after reading it in a workout book but did not stick with it.

I am with you on jumping right up and washing the dishes...generally I am still finishing them up after the kids go to bed at 8PM!

Thanks for the suggestions though I will be putting a spare toothbrush/paste in the downstairs bathroom later today.

Regards, Judy

Tama Mon, Feb-04-02 14:17

Hey guys! How is everything in your LC world today?

Judy, that is so awesome that you and the hubby are doing this together! It sure is easier when you don't have to worry about 'his n' her' food. Less tempting too.

I have pretty much gotten past the 'wanting something sweet' feeling after dinner. But I still have my moments when I am overcome with a chocolate attack. I try to keep whipping cream in the fridge, that way I can whip up a chocolate mousse to indulge in! There are also some other good treat ideas in the kitchen forum. Karen's chocolate truffle recipe is especially yummy! Stuff like that gets me through a crisis. Not 'til after induction though!

Good luck all!

Katerpilla Tue, Feb-05-02 07:03

Hello Everyone

Wow - what incredible support!! I started the induction again yesterday and after a really good eating day, I feel quite enthusiastic. A group of us have joined a gym together so we are all going to classes, swimming and working out on different nights - great feeling. Although only one of those is following in my footsteps of low-carbing ;)

I was a little disappointed over the weekend to discover I have gained back 2 pounds :( . I am not too sure why exactly. I suspect my scales are a bit out and that I didn't really lose that extra 2 pounds in the first place. But I also know that I have not been eating correctly (salted nuts being the main culprit!!). Problem is a I really do like salt but have figured that I undo all the good work I am doing by drinking 4-5 litres of water a day, by dehydrating myself with all that salt.

Also, my partner joined me on the diet as of yesterday, only to confess this morning that he had a work launch party yesterday and he ate all the wrong foods and dranks pints of larger!!!! He told me he was starting again today, but without having had breakfast and no packed lunch in his hand as he left for work and a trip to the rugby tonight - I don't think he will make it. Bless him though, his intentions were good in that he wanted to support me (and getting to eat my creamy chicken dinners!! ;) )

Anyway, I will look forward to conversing with you all, sometimes I don't feel that I am doing the right thing and am tempted to go back to low-fat diets which I know how to follow (after years of unsuccessful practice!). But then I come in and read what other people have written and feel supported knowing that I am not alone.

Thanks for listening again. Hugs to you all.

jen&ben Tue, Feb-05-02 19:26

Kat - know how you are feeling about that one special food. I am crazy about nuts and find it hard to believe I am going to go a whole two weeks without them.

I already have a mental list of the things that I will be trying to add back in slowly. Somehow just writing that makes me realize I may be setting myself up for failure. My sense is there are going to be a couple of things that I am just not going to be able to put back into my diet - at any quantity - nuts won't be one of those items.

What great news that you have some friends to exercise with. That is the part I am going to find the hardest. My problem is getting time to myself to exercise. I have two little ones so when I do get out for a walk it is at their pace and not mine. But I have some videos and such that I had been doing in the evenings after they are in bed. Hope to get back to that soon enough.

As for your partner - even if he is only LCing around you at least you won't have his foods as temptation. You can keep the house free of all those bad carbs and he is supporting you, in your presence.

So far this induction phase has not been too bad. I am still dealing with this naggy type headache. Besides that I feel very good. My biggest worry at this point is that I am not getting enough to eat - even though I walk away from every meal feeling full. It just does not seem like enough food. But I am not hungry and really not craving anything...YET! Will keep my fingers crossed.

Well I am off to pick up the house now that the kids are down. Will call that my exercise for today ;)

Take care and talk to you all soon!

jen&ben Tue, Feb-05-02 19:50

Tama - how are you doing? Can you send me the chocolate mousse recipe you referred to below?

I had already printed out that truffle recipe because it did look yummy. It is in my pile of to try once induction is completed.

Thanks for all the support!
Regards, Judy

Tama Tue, Feb-05-02 21:59

Hey Judy and the rest of you ladies -
I am doing well. The scale surprised me this week by inching downward. Made my year! Haven't seen those numbers since before my last baby! I'm even going through my closet and wearing clothes that have been 'off-limits' for a while!

About the choco mousse recipe - I wish I could tell you who gave it to me, but I can't. I stumbled across it in someone's journal when I first came to the forum, and for the life of me can't remember who it was! My memory moved out when the kids moved in. Anyway, here it is. You can adjust the amounts of cocoa and sweetener to taste. (I like a little more ;) ).

1 sm. container whipping cream. (can't remember the oz.)
1-2 T. cocoa
1-2 t. artificial sweetener (I use Equal)
Just whip it all up til it is nice and fluffy. You can chill it or eat right away! I luv it.

Sounds like everyone else is doing well. Keep it up ladies, 140 is closer than you think, believe me!

Hugs all, Tama

Herald Wed, Feb-06-02 03:58

Choc mousse
Oooh, I mgiht just have to try that chocolate mousse recipe!
It's a bit of a pain in the UK, as we can't get Splenda and Stevia is extremely rare, so we're stuck with sweetners that you can't cook with. This recipe I don't need to cook :)

Have to be careful though, or it'll start chocolate cravings :rolleyes:


jen&ben Wed, Feb-06-02 13:32

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yeah Tama!!!

How great to be back to a pre baby weight. It must feel wonderful to put some of those clothes back on and be comfortable in them.

Now go throw out the larger sizes going back now :thup: Those fat clothes need to be in the trash or at Good Will fast.

Thanks for the mousse recipe. It might be the first thing I try once induction is over. I have been thinking of doing induction for 21 days. All the reading I have ever done says 21 days makes a habit. I sort of already feel like I don't ever need to eat bread again. Don't find it tempting at all.

I am struggling with fruit. Man would I love a strawberry or an apple right now.

Again CONGRATULATIONS what a wonderful milestone!

Herald - I would be more than willing to ship you some Splenda. The boxes are fairly light so I can't imagine it would be all that expensive to ship. Just say the word - we can do a private email for your address and a package will be on the way.

Have a great LC day!

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