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Lessara Tue, Oct-23-01 05:43

Macadamia Nuts
Why is it bad to eat Macadamia nuts? It has 1.5g of digestable carbs (2.5 are fiber) as long as you don't eat a whole jar (and even if you do, 10carbs) you should be fine. Right? :confused:

madpiano Tue, Oct-23-01 06:36


Macadamia nuts are fine. They are not bad. Peanuts are bad, as they are not a real nut.

The only problem with Macadamias is, that once you pop, you can't stop ;)


Natrushka Tue, Oct-23-01 06:45

Re: Macadamia Nuts
Originally posted by Lessara
Why is it bad to eat Macadamia nuts? It has 1.5g of digestable carbs (2.5 are fiber) as long as you don't eat a whole jar (and even if you do, 10carbs) you should be fine. Right? :confused:

It's not bad to eat them, Lessara. But moderation should always prevail. 1 or 2 ounces is one thing, a jar is another matter. While 10g of carbs is only 10g of carbs it's 10g you didnt get from green veggies or salads, which is where you need to be getting them. Macadamia nuts in combination with a balanced low carb meal plan are prefectly fine.


Karen Tue, Oct-23-01 09:51

There are no "right or wrong" foods. What is "right or wrong" is our relationship to food, mentally and physically. If compulsive munching assisted you in becoming fat and you're not happy with being fat, then it's "wrong". So, if you are compulsively eating a whole jar of macadamia nuts, I would say that it's "wrong", even if it's low-carb.


Lessara Tue, Oct-23-01 10:08

I use nuts as snacks at my work. I eat 2oz about twice a day. I came from an eating plan where I ate 6-7 mini meals aday. My stomach is "small" and I get hungry every 2-3 hours. I don't eat when I'm bored... I'm rarely bored.. a blessing for being ADD I think ;)
I used to eat when I was upset and if you know me, that was quite often ;)
I have sinced been given a gameboy advance and I play on that to calm myself down, that is, after I get a hug from everyone in my family. :D
Its working so far. I guess to everyone their own.

nsmith4366 Tue, Oct-23-01 10:42

Peanuts? Bad? Define Bad.
Peanuts/unsalted eaten raw would be no different than MY peanut butter!

Okay MY peanut butter/I make it myself. Take peanuts/in mixer until just the right consistency...done.

1 tablespoon
sodium 0
sugar 0
carbs 6
fiber 2
protein (aprox 9gms)

Okay, so I eat a tablespoon of peanut butter...tell me specifically what is BAD about that? So it's not a nut, so? It DOES have a high amount of monounsaturated is NOT hydrogenated, no salt, no sugar, low carb (if you don't pig out) and some fiber...WHAT IS BAD?

Karen Tue, Oct-23-01 12:46

For me, it's a personal choice. I don't eat beans - except tofu occasionally - so I don't eat peanuts as they are part of the same family. I'd rather eat macadamias or almonds. Lower in carbs too.


madpiano Tue, Oct-23-01 16:45

Hello nsmith4366

Sorry if I have offended you. You sounded annoyed. :(

I know there is no bad food as such ( apart from maybe sugar ;) ), but a handfull of peanuts contains much more carbs, than a handfull of Almonds or Macadamias. So it is nicer to snack on Macadamias or Almonds. That's all.

Peanuts are definitley a bad food for me, as I can never stop after eating "just the one". I have to have the whole packet and defend it like a lion against the rest of the family :p

I like the idea of making Peanut Butter myself. I think I will do that, as soon as our Shop Bought Glass is empty. Let's just hope, I get any peanuts into the butter and don't eat them all beforehand ;) . Do you add any butter or fat ? Or do you just put the Peanuts in the mixer ?


nsmith4366 Tue, Oct-23-01 17:49

Good idea!
Thanks for the idea. I just cut my peanut butter carbs in half/mixed 1 cup peanut butter, no salt, no sugar with 1 stick of unsalted butter until mixed well. Now I can have my peanutbutter flavored butter - without all the carbs of peanut butter. :)

No, not offended, - just surprized...and curious!

I have NO control with raw nuts/none. With a nutbutter, I take my one tablespoon or even teaspoon as I did tonight, just to take the edge off my afterdinner/need ice-cream now/munchy feeling (not hungry, just munchy)...and I'm fine, no need for more.

Nuts to nuts, but thumbs up to home made nutbutters.
I may make my own macademia nut butter soon! Thanks for the ideas.

I'm really thinking NOW...there has to be something just wonderful to be made with the combination of coconut milk, home made macademia nut butter and butter! Recipes please!

Allymich Tue, Oct-23-01 19:12

Ok now I am the one confused
Ok I dont get it .. i thought a tbs of peanut butter was not a bad thing in terms of losing weight here in the atkins plan, and I mean bad. on the bases that girls th at have los t the weight dont use it. uhmm should i also mention that I have given the title to members like Karen , and Tamarian in my mind the role of veterans sisters in this weight lost thing. so if you dont do it there most be a reason for it just as like many of the veterans sis here dont get ever, let say aspartame.... uhmmm like they
must be something, you know that I might not know that I should be doing, and why not think that way, veteran sis have lost weight, so they most be doing something right.
and therefore I get SCAred!!!! shut should i throw away my peanut butter.. ahhhhh !!!! I am confused please help

nsmith4366 Tue, Oct-23-01 19:36

know yourself
I think its an individual thing.

If you are eating a no sugar brand/all natural and CAN stop at 1 serving (most people can't), then I think it's fine. I can with nutbutters.

If you are like me and there is no such thing as eating ONLY one serving of raw nuts/then raw nuts of any kind are out...

count your carbs...know what triggers you to eat more and more...

no food stalls everyone across the board...unless it's SUGAR.
Your mileage may vary.

Deirdre Tue, Oct-23-01 20:11

Re: Ok now I am the one confused
Originally posted by Allymich
Ok I dont get it .. i thought a tbs of peanut butter was not a bad thing in terms of losing weight here in the atkins plan, and I mean bad. on the bases that girls th at have los t the weight dont use it. uhmm should i also mention that I have given the title to members like Karen , and Tamarian in my mind the role of veterans sisters in this weight lost thing.

uh oh! Tamarian's a guy! Don't think he'll appreciate being a "sister"! I've lost weight and I eat peanut butter occasionally, I use Kraft no sugar / no salt. I also eat peanuts if I'm out and am hungry I will get a small package of flavoured ones.

Natrushka Tue, Oct-23-01 20:13

Re: know yourself
Originally posted by nsmith4366
I think its an individual thing.

Nancy is right, Allymich. It definitely is an individual thing. My issues with food and your issues with food will not be the same. Heck one of us may not even have issues with food ;) It was mentioned before; Moderation is the key. Knowing when to say 'when' can be difficult for some people, can be difficult for some people when it comes to certain foods. What works for me may not work for you. Having read much of your Journal and many of your posts, Nancy, I think we have approached this WOE similarly; I refuse to cheat, I just cant let myself do that, I dont want to do that, not doing it has become quite the big thing for me, so much so that I make a point of not talking about it, or thinking about it too much ;) I will cut out dairy if I think i'm indulging too much, stay away from sweets if that seems to be getting a little out of hand, work out harder if I feel i've been slacking off. Enough about me ;) If peanut butter isnt a problem for you enjoy it.


tamarian Tue, Oct-23-01 20:34

Re: Re: Ok now I am the one confused
Originally posted by Deirdre
uh oh! Tamarian's a guy! Don't think he'll appreciate being a "sister"!

Thanks Deirdre, I knew someone will stand up for me! :agree:


nsmith4366 Wed, Oct-24-01 03:24

Lots of guys
Tamarian, yeah, I even felt a little "tug" when the assumption was made that it's all women here. I KNOW that not to be true. I don't think any harm was made in grouping you with the "sisters" however, it was just an expression...but funny to think of you a "a sister"...nope, can't do it - Oh BROTHER! ;)

Nat, I agree and do just as you do. People on other boards have accused me of "not being human" or "bragging", thinking I'm "better than they are" because I never cheat. I resent that terribly. I expected great support for this accomplishment, something other people strive for - this never cheat accomplishment going on 2 years now - that I don't even think about anymore. I like you philosophies/eating style and
relate to your exercise habite. Keep fighting the good fight and never apologize for not cheating! :0

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