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ewinpa Sun, Nov-30-03 06:14

Protein Power Pals-A "Wendiful" Sunday
Welcome to our Sunday thread.

OK, folks, started at 224 yesterday, down to 221.5 today."Wendy Works"-our unofficial cheer :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: !

Hugs and love to all.More later.

WendyOH Sun, Nov-30-03 07:54

Yay for Elaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

BawdyWench Sun, Nov-30-03 08:31

Elaine, that is WONDERFUL!!!!!!!! You too, Wendy!

I need to get back on board, too. Last night we had the whole turkey dinner again, except this time we DID have the stuffing, but NOT the candied sweet potatoes. Again, I ate what I considered to be normal portions of everything (ok, it was a bit heavy on the turkey), and felt fine afterward. And yet again, in the middle of the night I woke up feeling like my stomach had expanded to three times its size.

BTW (and this is weird), when I say my "stomach" I really mean my stomach (above the waist). Back in my old carb days, when I got full and bloated I was bloated further down, above the waist, the waist, and below the waist. In other words, if I unzipped my pants, there would be no way to zip them back up. Now, even though I get full and feel a bit "bloated," it doesn't affect me the way it used to. Is that weird? Anyone else feel this way?

I don't think I gained anything, maybe a pound or two of water, because my smaller pants still fit. Yesterday I was able to get into my size 10 jeans for the first time in about a year. Did I mention that I ordered some Ann Taylor size 10 slacks, and they fit perfectly?

So today it's back to normal. Starting tomorrow, I will do 2 or 3 protein days -- heavy on the dairy to see if that makes a difference.

Oh, and Rob had this to say yesterday because we lost power:

Bawdy--next time you attempt to dust...KEEP AWAY FROM THE FUSE BOX!!!!!

What? Me dust? What kind of a high-maintenance (albeit bawdy) princess would I be if I did my own dusting? :nono:

ewinpa Sun, Nov-30-03 08:59

Thanks Wendy and BW, I know it's just water weight today but at least it's moving! :) I was surprised because dairy usually bloats me up a little.
Do you folks exercise at all on protein days? I was thinking of yoga or tai chi today, nothing aerobic or weight training because I am not eating alot and not taking in a lot of carbs.I'm not changing my signature weight until I have at least 2 or 3 days of loss, even if it's just a half pound.

Why do I feel a Photoshop picture of BW dusting coming on..... :lol: Run now, before Orang wakes up!!

BawdyWench Sun, Nov-30-03 10:04

Elaine, I do remember a pic from Orang showing me in a French maid's outfit!


Alas, but yes, it is just water for now. But soon it will be the fat coming off! As for your question on exercise, no one can answer that but you. Try it. If you feel weak, stop. Light exercise won't be a problem. The only thing you might have trouble with is more strenuous workouts, like jogging or weight training. I've done BFL workouts on protein days, and didn't feel "off" at all. See what works for you.

Chamellie Sun, Nov-30-03 10:46

:cheer: Elaine - :cheer: :yay: :yay:!!!!!!! WTG!!!!!

I am also going to try the Wendy WOE this week just to cleanse my body from not eating well. Yesterday was better but still have a little more of an appetite than usual.

Rob - Sounds like a great recipe for Chili Mac, one of my favorites!! I will have to give that one a try next time I make Chili.

Bawdy - WTG on the size 10!!!

ewinpa Sun, Nov-30-03 12:19

A quick Wendy or Bawdy question-do you ever use a fiber supplement on your protein days? I have psyllium husks and Walmarts version of Metamucil SF orange in the house.

Lissette Sun, Nov-30-03 12:29

A Big :yay: :yay: :yay: to you Elaine!!! Has your appetitie gone down to ???
I usually am on the treadmill, it depends on my energy level of what I do, it could be walking, or interval training (walk, run, jog walk ect...) Or I just do a straight run up to 3 - 3 1/2 miles. Every once in a while I will do a pilates tape.

Bw, :thup: on your size 10s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellie., So you have become one of us "Wendy converts????" :lol:

We got back this morning from our visit, for some reason I am more exhausted and feel like eating everything that is not nailed down! :confused: I do not know if it is the lack of sleep or the long days shopping, but I did NOT give in to my Dh's perkins pecan pie! Now if I can just curb my cravings to eat so my calories won't be to horrific I will be alright! I just better get the yerba mate out I guess! :roll:

Hello to Orang, Rob,Marnie,Robin,Rebecca,Kristine,Black,Dreamer and everyone else! Have a great Sunday!!!!

BawdyWench Sun, Nov-30-03 12:56

Yes, I do take 3 capsules of Metamucil morning and evening for (as Karen so graciously calls it) backlog problems. :rolleyes:

sasquatch Sun, Nov-30-03 13:19

Good Afternoon Everyone!!
just a quick stop in... :)

had some of the leftover chili-keto macaroni cassarole for breakfast this morning- it nukes well :thup:

ewinpa Sun, Nov-30-03 13:25

Hi Lissette, welcome back and a high five for skipping the pecan pie!!! :yay:
I have not experienced appetite supression yet doing this, I seem have a low grade constant hunger (probably because I am eating half to a third of what I was eating daily before). That's one of the reasons I asked about taking fiber, maybe it will fill me up a little more.

Thanks, Bawdy and congrats on the size 10! I would like to be a 14 eventually, I would be comfortable with that. Right now I wear anything from a misses XL to a 1 or sometimes even 2x depending on the manufacturer. I was just about into a misses 16 on WW when I started gaining again.

Hey, if we all go on this WOE, Wendy will have to make an infomercial to run on New Year's Day when everyone orders their diet/fitness stuff :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Boy am I getting cocky about 2.5 lbs, heehee.

Hope Orang is ok, haven't seen her on the board today.

BawdyWench Sun, Nov-30-03 14:55

Elaine, you mentioned that you're "anything from a misses XL to a 1 or sometimes even 2x depending on the manufacturer." I do hope you understand the the misses XL is the accurate size. Those other are aberations! At least that's what I always think!

It's ok that you feel giddy about your loss. It's wonderful! When was the last time you had a loss like that? You go!

And where is Orang anyway? Ya think Nurse Ratchet is hiding the computer so Orang won't tire herself out?

My new Bowflex is scheduled to arrive on Thursday, which is great because DH gets home from his trip Wednesday evening and I'm working from home Thursday. First we need to clear some space in our workout room. (You'd think that two people who have a dedicated workout room would be in better shape than us! :rolleyes: )

ewinpa Sun, Nov-30-03 15:06

RE: the Gallery
Wow, two pictures of Bawdy and neither of them are from Orang :lol: :lol: :lol: !

Bawdy, were you hungry when you did your first protein days? I feel like I'm doing an Atkins induction but I'd be eating more on that. Do you think 1 more protein day will do it?

About to go do some Tai Chi after watching the Eagles win their seventh!

BawdyWench Sun, Nov-30-03 15:21

Elaine, I think I remember being hungry the first day, but not after that. Definitely not after three days. And even though I had two days (Thanksgiving and again last night) of eating way more than I was accustomed to, today again I have virtually no appetite.

Personally, I think I need to address this. All I've had to eat today is some LC pound cake (ok, half the cake, but it was only like 15 carbs and 15 grams of protein), some iced tea, a handful of almonds, and . . . well that's about it. Hmmmm. Maybe I better go throw a drumstick into the oven and have some real food for dinner.

See? I don't feel like eating. The thought of actually fixing something to eat just turns me off. I know, I know. Tomorrow I'll be better. I know I have to eat more. I'm not losing pounds (at last check at least), but my clothes are getting bigger. Still, it's not healthy to not eat good food. I've probably thrown my body into starvation mode, which causes it to hang on to every last calorie instead of losing more fat. Not a good thing.

Please excuse me. I have to go eat something. I'll be back later.

Chamellie Sun, Nov-30-03 15:21

Elaine, Of course this is just an educated guess on my part but I would imagine it will take a few days for the appetite supression effect to kick in as your body goes into a state of ketosis. What is your daily carb intake on protein days?

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