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Redeemed Mon, Mar-22-04 14:20

What are your goals this week?
So, what are they?

Mine are:

1) Hit every single rep on tricep work

2) Have more energy :yay:

3) Push my HITTs over the top

4) Cut out diet drinks


Arnie_g Mon, Mar-22-04 17:27

1) This week I'd like to be able to bench 115 lbs. for 5 reps. Last week I tried and only got 3 reps.

2) Lose two lbs.

Redeemed, your goal # 4 made me laugh. Last night I told myself that I was going to quit drinking diet pepsi, but here it is 3:30 p.m. on Monday and I've already blown that one. Oh well, I can still get two out of three for this week.


mikeqtoo Tue, Mar-23-04 06:40

Hi Redeemed,

I wouldn't worry too much about drinking diet drinks as long as you take in the equivalent amount of water for every diet drink you have (this is over and above the daily recommended water intake). The only bad thing about diet drinks is that they are a diuretic so as long as you top up with water you will be fine.


Sunski Tue, Mar-23-04 08:59

My goal this week is sadly just to get back to working out. I came down with a cold last week, but managed only to miss one work out. My cold has gotten worse, though and so I've missed every workout this week so far. Today my cold feels worse than ever. I feel like I can barely breath -- I can't imagine doing HIIT.

I know Bill Phillips says not to make excuses, which I interpreted as working out even if you're sick. But my own personal belief is that when you're sick, your body needs its energy to make itself well, so that's what I'm trying to let it do. Now if I could only stay home from work and give it the rest that I also thinks it needs . . . .

caverjen Tue, Mar-23-04 10:54

Great idea for a thread! My goals are:

1. Post my meals everyday in my journal
2. Plan most of my meals a day in advance
3. Stop in between meal/snack munching
4. No (more) diet sodas (had one on Sunday)
5. Green tea at least 1x/day
6. Hit level 10s with my workouts without injuries

Lyressa - if you're sick, rest. That is not an excuse, that is taking care of yourself. You're doing your body no favor by working out when you are sick. I know what I am talking about since I am an instructor and sometimes must work out when I am sick - it only prolongs your illness and inability to execise with good performance.


Redeemed Tue, Mar-23-04 15:35


Thanks for the info. I have a hard enough time drinking my water...but to add more? Whew! Doesn't seem worth it to me. Plus, diet drinks make my tummy feel icky...but they taste is so good going down...


Two out of three is better than non at all!!!!


hun, if you are sick. REST! Your body needs rest in order to recover. If you push yourself too hard, your body will fight back, and you might remain sick for a long period of time. Maybe try to go for a light walk, just to get your blood circulating. Please feel better soon!!


Great list! I wish I kept up with my food/workout journal, more often. Can't seem to set a time to do it. Good luck hitting your 10s!!! :yay:

I haven't had a diet drink in two days. My first workout was great. My HITT was so-so today. :rolleyes: PMS has hit BIG time, and I feel like hiding in a corner...with a big bowl of Ben & Jerry's icecream (doesn't seem fair that I get B&J icecream for free and cannot even have any :roll: )

Arnie_g Tue, Mar-23-04 16:47

Wahoo! I got goal #1 yesterday. 115 lbs for 5 reps, but just barely. On the 5th rep it stalled on the way up, but I was able to slowly muscle it up. Now I want to get all 6 reps on Friday.

Just to keep my ego in check the next two guys that used the bench press both warmed up with 135lbs. LOL.

Redeemed Tue, Mar-23-04 21:54


WOOHOO!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!! :yay: :thup: :yay: I am so glad you made one of your goals- it's a BIG one too!!! LOL about the 'warm-up' guys. That's why I love working out in a private gym- only my hubby has the key. I would hate to be screaming my heart out with what I feel is the heaviest weights in the world, only to have some 'buffy' show up and throw the same/more weight up like it is a small stack of paper. :rolleyes:

drinking my water right now...wanting a diet drink...won't give in, won't give in!

fridayeyes Wed, Mar-24-04 00:18

These are my goals for *next* week, the end of my Challenge (Holy cr~p = panic attack!! LOL)

* 29% BF - at whatever weight I am when I get there
* one-rep max the leg press, bringing my "machines maxed" count during this Challenge to 3 (I'm stunned at this one, btw. I never even set maxing ONE as a goal in the beginning)
* 24 lbs of fat lost, avg of 2 per week for a 12 week challenge



tholian8 Wed, Mar-24-04 04:53

My goals for the end of the week:

Get under 30% BF...just have to move those calipers a tiny tiny bit....

Do 1-rep max on Squat; ExRX says that's gonna be 154 lbs. I would also be happy with 2x 95% of 1RM, which is 146 lbs.

Do 1 x 50 kg (110 lbs) Bench Press

Hit all the workouts (3 down, 3 to go)

Abstain from booze until Saturday night when the challenge will be OVER!

Emily :yay:

caverjen Wed, Mar-24-04 07:46


check out this thread about diet drinks:

2 days without diet drinks and counting...

I like it when there are people in the gym who are stronger than I am. I find it inspiring, especially to see strong women like Friday and Emily. :thup: At one of gyms where I go there are a lot of older former cardiac rehab patients and retirees. It's so depressing to me when I am the strongest person in the gym. Personally even if someone is using light weights, if I see they are really putting a lot of effort into it I think they're doing great!


Redeemed Wed, Mar-24-04 09:09

Double post. My son pushed the enter button before I was done. Haha!

Redeemed Wed, Mar-24-04 09:12


Interesting article you posted about diet drinks. No wonder why I love them while they are going down, but hate the overall effect they have on my body.

Today is UBWO, hoping to get all of my tricep work in today. I had hubby massage my triceps last night because they were feeling tight. Does anyone have any good idea to relieve muscle tension?


WOW! 154lbs??? Whew, I would crush myself if I even attempted to lift that kind of weight. You must be very strong!!! Were you able to lift alot from the get-go, or did you work your way up to serious weights? YAY! You must be looking forward to the weekend. Great job making it all the way to the end!!! You should be very proud of yourself!


You are almost done too!!!!!!!!! One more week!!!!! I am sure you will reach your goals!!!!!!

Arnie_g Wed, Mar-24-04 09:36

Originally Posted by tholian8

Do 1-rep max on Squat; ExRX says that's gonna be 154 lbs. I would also be happy with 2x 95% of 1RM, which is 146 lbs.

Emily :yay:

Hi Emily,

Have you worked out what weights and reps you will use when testing your 1 rep Max? I don't think that a BFL pyramid would be optimal, too many reps to tire you out before you get to the single rep.


Arnie_g Wed, Mar-24-04 09:40

Originally Posted by caverjen

I like it when there are people in the gym who are stronger than I am.

I'll never forget one time when I went to the local community centre gym and in walked a group of about a dozen retired men and women in there late sixties and seventies. They were amazing. They were lifting such heavy weights, were all in great shape and were having a great time helping each other out. When I reach their age I want to be one of them. They were really inspiring.


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