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cartmanis Wed, Apr-02-03 20:59

Cartmans Torture Sessions
Well, figured I'd start this one to journal my BFL attempt.

Monday I started, with my upper body workout.

Chest: Dumbell Bench Press. 10lb, 20, 20, 35, 20 with the proper number of reps. Then 12 reps of dumbell fly with 10lbs. Figured 8 was my highest intensity
Shoulders: Seated dumbell press. 10, 10, 10, 20, 10. Dumbell side raises 12 reps at 5lbs. Figure a 9 on the last 2.
Back: One arm dumbell row. 10, 20, 20, 35, 35. Dumbell Pullover, 12 reps 20lbs. 9's for the last 2.
Triceps: Standing Dumbell extensions. 5, 10, 10, 10, 5. 9 on the last set. Lying dumbell extension, 5lbs, 8 intensity
Biceps: Seated Dumbell Curl. 5, 10, 20, 20, 10. 9 on the last set. Hammer curl, 12 reps, intensity 8 with 5lb.

So, I bought some more plates and dumbell handles to get a better distribution of the weights and to do the routine more accuratly. Know my weights a little better now and should be more accurate on the next UBWO.

Tuesday, 20 minute BFL cardio on a stationary bike. Was going well, but somewhere along the line I got mixed up and was counting my changes each minute wrong and ended up doing 21 minutes :) Got that now though I think :) Figure I was pretty close to a 10 on the 2nd last minute.

Tonigt, Lower Body Workout.
Quads: Dumbell Squats. 10, 10, 20, 25, 20. Dumbell lunge, 6 reps, 10lb. I figure if you get to the point where you just can't do anymore and fall over, that is probably a 10, so 9 on the last squat, 10 on the lunge.
Hamstrings: Standing Dead Lift. 10, 20, 25, 35, 25. Lunge again, 4 reps. I'll claim an 8 on the last squat, and a 9 on the lunge, though I couldn't do anymore, it was more that if I tried I would have fallen over, not because I didn't have the strength to push. If that makes any sense. (more of a losing balance thing)
Calfs: Standing Calf raise. 10, 20, 25, 35, 25. Angled calf raise. Again, losing balance at the top, stopped at 4. About an 8 for both
Abs: Floor crunches. got all the proper reps, a 9 on the Twist crunches for the last set.

Tommorow, more cardio.

cartmanis Thu, Apr-03-03 19:14

BFL cardio done. I'd say about a 9 on the intensity on the 19th minute. Resistance was cranked up, maybe I wasn't doing enough on the previous minutes. Still, heart rate of 174 at the highest, not sure how high I want to let that get.

cartmanis Fri, Apr-04-03 19:47

Upper body workout, Upped a few weights, a little more balanced than before.

Chest: Bench Press, 15, 20,25,35,35 with an 8 intensity on the last, then Dumbell Fly at 15lb, a 9
Shoulders: Sitting press, 5,10,15,20,15, 9 on the last. Side raises, 5lb, 9 intensity
Back: One Arm Row, 15,20,25,35,25, 8 on the last. DB pullover, 25lb, 10 on the 12th rep
Triceps: Standing ext, 5,10,15 Lost it on the 15lb 4 reps and just wouldn't budge, need to play with that for a bit. Did get in a lying Ext for another 12 reps at 10lbs for a 9 to finish
Biceps: Sitting curl, 10,15,20,25. Got 5 reps for a 10 on the last rep.

cartmanis Sat, Apr-05-03 20:38

20 minutes of BFL cardio, maybe a 9 on the 2nd last minute, not quite up to the 10 I should be hitting.

cartmanis Tue, Apr-08-03 19:00

LBWO yesterday, went well, but skipped the calves.

Cardio tonight, 9.5 intensity at the end, not quite 10 I don't think.

Lessara Wed, Apr-09-03 20:53

Holy Cow, Kevin!
I can't believe what you do to work out! Makes mine look like nothing! I just started understanding BFL, not able to do that yet.
So how is intensity measured? Do you have a scale?
I was curious. How long have you been working out, by the way.
I think you are doing an awsome job! :thup:
Take care :wave:

cartmanis Thu, Apr-10-03 07:10

Thanks for coming by Lessara, I answered in your log. I think I'm doing ok so far to, but still working out which exercises are best for me since I'm doing them all at home.

cartmanis Thu, Apr-10-03 18:13

20 BFL minutes, still not a 10 on the cardio by my guess, and I increased the pace and tension is up pretty high. I'll keep trying.

chysmith Sat, Apr-12-03 17:40

Originally posted by cartmanis
I can't recommend enough the simple crunch (and variations when you get more into it) for ab work. Everything I have ever read points it as the best/easiest exercise to do for your abs.

Hi Kevin! :wave:
I was reading some of Lessara's gym log and read what you had to say about BFL. Very insightful!
I have a question for you about ab work. Do you think it is better to do regular crunches/situps instead of the ab machine? I've tried to do the basic Scarlet O'Hara from Matthew's Method , but I'm having a difficult time isolating the correct muscles. It's been so long since I've used them, that I don't know how to purposefully use them (does that make sense?).


cartmanis Tue, Apr-15-03 10:58

Well, missed my first workout, will make up for it tonight. Sigh, gave into sleepyness last night, and a good book. More dilligence from now on.

Lessara Wed, Apr-23-03 10:40

Hi Kevin!
Just dropping by for a quick hello. Because I was ill, its been tough going to the gym in the morning because I rather sleep in. My whole sleep pattern was mixed up. :daze: But we know what fixes that don't we, exercise :cool:

cartmanis Wed, Jun-23-04 07:12

Okay, well, I guess it has been well over a year now with no exercise. LOL.

But, back to the gym today, and have my workout planned. Hopefully since I'll be paying for it, I'll have better inclination to keep the gym up, and won't be so limited, since I can use machines for some of the exercises where I'd like to go to failure and not have to worry about safety.

So, planning a 3 day split routine. I figure I can get to the gym M/W/F after work and be back to get supper cooked at a decent time.

Shooting for a standard 3 set for each exercise, 6-8 reps, lifting heavy. I'll probably do a warm up set as well but that won't count. Wanting to do 3 exercises per muscle group as well, though a few body parts a bit more or less.

Day 1: Chest and Triceps.
Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Dumbell fly, Tricep extensions on the bench, Cable Tricep pulldowns, Bench Tricep kickbacks.

Day 2: Back and Bicep/Forearm
Cable pulldowns, Cable rows, Dumbell rows, barbell curls, concentration curls and forarm curls.

Day 3: Legs and Shoulders.
Squats, Leg extensions, Deadlifts, leg curls, Leg press, Calf raises, Military press, side dumbell raises.

We'll see how this afternoon goes, as I want to start with the chest. I'm also not sure if I'm doing too much on the legs, and should settle for either the squat or the leg press, and not do both. Figure I'll try both starting off, see which I prefer to keep, and alter from there if it is too much.

cartmanis Thu, Jun-24-04 04:22

Exercise was good yesterday.

I did 5 minutes on manual on the elliptical, getting use the to machine. Then reset it, and timed it for 15 minutes on the Hill Climb setting. Did that, and my heart rate through it ranged from the 150's to the 170's depending on the resistance. Then another couple minutes of cool down. Not bad actually, given I haven't done it in over a year. Better shape than I thought.

Weights were good. Did a few warm up sets figuring out my weights, which I'm sure exhausted the muscles a bit so we'll see next week how those weights workout, but I was benching around 105 for 3 sets, which isn't as bad as I thought it might be. I have never had a strong bench press. Did incline presses and dumbell fly's as well. Then Triceps with 90lbs (or at least I think 1-9 means 10-90 on the plates) on the cable pull downs with a flat bar I did. Then another 2 exercises with dumbells to finish them off. They were feeling pretty tired by the end.
Feeling it this morning though, that nice muscle soreness is there.

Tomorrow will be Back and shoulders. Man, I hate shoulder exercises LOL :)

mischa Fri, Jun-25-04 08:56

looking good:) I am starting Sunday again.


cartmanis Fri, Jun-25-04 09:00

:) Thanks Mischa.

I like to lift heavy, low rep, so that is what I'm doing, but I guess my real goal would be to strengthen what I have, maybe increase its density if that is possible, versus gaining size. Not sure what I really should be doing for that, but I'm guessing probably higher reps. This will get me by for a bit, and then I can tailor things a bit better once I'm warmed up to all this a bit.

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