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rtjdk2 Sat, Feb-23-02 11:12

Sucess for me
Hello all,

I am happy to say that ive been on atkins for almost a month now and 13 happy lbs lower...I know I still have a ways to go.
But to me this is a sucess story... I use to feel tired and down all the time and my stomach just got in the way.. Well now I thank God that I feel like a normal person and now have more energy..
For me every lb and inch gone is a sucess.. Ive learned dont give up and have faith that it will work..

Ill report in another month with more sucess ..


LittleAnne Sat, Feb-23-02 12:04

Well done Tammy on your weigh loss over the past month. Its great that you are feeling so much better for it.

Keep up the good work and the pounds will keep disapearing.

Little Anne

ronnie Sat, Mar-02-02 12:10


I must tell you congratulations. I understand exactly how you
feel. I have been on atkins for seven weeks and have lost
27 pounds so far. I admire you for continuing on and having the
strength to realize that every pound is an accomplishment. I have
that problem sometimes, but I am working on it.

I have a difficult time occasionally because I have four kids and
a husband that must eat to and it gets hard to see them eat
a lot of the things that I can't.

I will continue to stick with it and keep you in mind every time I
start to think it isn't worth it.

Thank you,


rtjdk2 Sat, Mar-02-02 12:51

way to go ronnie,

Glad I said something that helped someone... Yes it is so difficult sometimes when I fix dinner for the family to see them eat corn, potatoes or that famous chocolate bar.. But I keep telling myself that Im going to do this no matter what.. It helps that I get great support from my husband who tells me to fix them the same thing I have to eat for dinner but I also add a carb on the table for them. They eat the salads and green beans or other vegie i decide to fix...

Congradulations on the 27lbs you have lost in 7 weeks that is so great to hear... Im now down 15lbs. But the inches are coming off as well, which is so great.. My hubby measured me again the other night and in about a week and a half I lost right arround 5-7 inches... I was more thrilled about that I think than the actual weightloss.. It seemed so good when I put on a pair of pants a couple of days ago I have never worn and a shirt that I havent never worn..

Keep up the good work you are doing!!! You are a sucess yourself and dont forget it..

Your friend

AngelaR Sun, Mar-03-02 06:41

Congratulations Tammy. You've done a good thing!

rtjdk2 Tue, Mar-05-02 08:09

Alright !!!!!! finaly hit the 179.5 mark out of the 180's and into the 170's.... Waiting on my mesurements next monday to see how many more inches i have lost.. Gone froma size 20 in pants to a 18 im tickled pink. :cheer: It seems great to finaly get into cloths I havent worn in a while.. I have a size 16 waiting on me. I will keep trying them on weekly till i can get into them.

Have a great day all.

tracys Tue, Mar-05-02 09:31

Way to go Tammy. What a great feeling to get out clothes you haven't worn in a while and be able to wear them. One thing that has helped me with temptation for goodies is remembering that when I eat the sugar and carbs, I get hungry. It's a visious cycle and not worth the short term enjoyment. I try to feel good about not feeling hungry - weighting the emotions of eating the junk or staying with it. Keep up the good work!

ronnie Sun, Mar-10-02 10:59

Thank You

Hello Tammy-

Thank you so much for the reply. Every positive statement helps
me to get through another day. I am going to keep plugging
away at it because I have gone to far to stop now, now matter
how difficult it gets.

I hope your progress is coming along as you would like it to. It's
nice to know of someone else who is going through the same
things as me. Let me know how you are doing and I will do the

I just wanted to tell you thank you and that your reply meant
a lot to me. I hope you have a great weekend and I will check
in with you again soon.


rtjdk2 Sun, Mar-10-02 11:34

You are so welcome Ronnie Here lately I have been down some due to a cold... Im tired of them pesky colds.. makes it so hard to get water and food in but I keep forcing it in... I take my measurements tomorow night again so Ill let you know the progress on that. I know it want be as great as it was before but Hey any inch gone is gone for goood... I can get them 16's on now but still to tight in the waist but i figured next month Ill be wearing inspire me to hit that 27 lbs mark... Im looking forward to the day I can say 27 lbs gone... then 30, 40 and finaly 50..... Only 48 lbs to go and I have thought about having my body fat percentage checked again... Last time it was 45 i like to of fell out .... Hopeing it has come down now.... I told my hubby I didnt want to be skinny like I use to be years ago but I want to be healthy and fit.. I have been so lazy about getting out and walking the last few weeks but Im going to get out again and start going again... I dont walk far just about a mile a day but I can tell the difference when I do it.. I feel so much better ..
Keep up the good work you are doing!!! :clap: :clap:
Have a great weekend also....

Your friend

Cougar Mon, Mar-11-02 19:32

You are doing a great job - keep it up!! You and I started at the same weight and have similar goal weights. I will keep watching you for encouragement. I hate to measure myself so I haven't yet but I think I will try what you do and have my husband do the measuring - what a great idea. I always second guess myself wondering if I held the tape too tight or too loose etc...

Best Wishes!


j. mcadams Thu, Mar-21-02 17:11

Tammy, I was just looking through the succcess stories and I am so glad I found yours. I do believe yours is a success story. I wish you continue success. I began the Atkins on MOnday of this week and weighed in at 277 and today Thursday I am down to 268. I have not measured myself either it seems I never get it right, but I do have a pair of those smaller size pants you were talking about. We can do this, 'cause we have each other to lean on. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. JOAN :wave: :thup:

rtjdk2 Thu, Mar-21-02 18:01

Hello all,

Well i have hit the 20 lbs mark and can wear my 18's with so much ease in fact they are to baggy now.. and can fit into a 16..
took my measurements the 11th... and wow more inches gone... finaly going from my stomach and less in the arms and legs but thats alright...

I did get over my cold I had the last time I posted anything in here. My weight has come to a small platue.. which is fine this is when I burn the most inches.... YEAH I look at each platue as inches gone ...... But Im confident that I will have a loss next week when I weigh in....

Everyone keep up the good work you are doing.... And remember keep up the faith... in your self as well as everything else...

Your friend
Tammy :wave:

j. mcadams Fri, Mar-22-02 09:47

Tammy, congrats. on the 20 pound that is soooo cooool!!!!! Don't you just love the baggy pants. You have done great keep up the good work. joan :Party: :thup: :wave:

rtjdk2 Sat, Apr-27-02 19:12

Yes I love this new way of life.. 3 months in and 28 lbs down... Its great... Had my blood pressure checked the other day at school and great.. it has never been bad but its still good to... 110/70 Have had a great week this past week had some energy and felt like walking and playing with my children... What a greta feelign ot be able to get out and play with them and actualy good doing it.. Success is great... and I still have more successes to go.... YEAH


j. mcadams Sun, Apr-28-02 07:07

:) :) :) WTG GIRL, Tammy that is so great 28 pounds in three months, I have gotta read your journal and talk about a good blood pressure. Whatever you are doing seems to be working. I just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are to those like me who have trouble staying low carb. But, I have done much better this time. You are doing great, keep up the good work, Joan. P.S. I am going to subscribe to you journal so I can keep up with you. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: :cheer:

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