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chemlady Fri, Sep-06-02 18:40

my sweat to a better body
I have been exercising for about 3 weeks steady so I think since I am really serious about changing myself both physically and emotionally I should post for all the world to see. Here goes.

Stationary bike for 20 minutes in the am before breakfast.
after work: 30 minutes nautilus immediately followed by 15 on the treadmill at 3.0 mph. Today I actually boosted the mph up to 3.4 for awhile and added some incline for a few minutes just to up the intensity.

Its been 10 and 1/2 weeks so far since i began my lc journey and I can boost that I have lost 45.5lbs and 10 inches off my waist. I am still doing induction and only cheated once when I had baked stuffed shrimp on vacation in july. I try to eat around 1600-1800cals a day mostly fat with protein around 25-30% and minimal carbs..

So far so good. :wave:

chemlady Sat, Sep-07-02 18:44

another day another crunch
Today I got up at 7 and started right in with some stretches followed by 20 minutes of aerobics and 10 minutes of ab exercises.
Protein shake for breakfast.
I took billy to soccer and was busy helping out the whole hour.
In the afternoon me and the kids went swimming and I got some laps in.
It was a good day and I had energy to burn.
Trimmed the hedges and cut both the front and back grass.

chemlady Mon, Sep-09-02 09:34

Sunday "day of rest"
Yesterday was my rest day although I did 20 minutes of the stationary bike. I spent the day at the beach with the kids, swimming and playing in the sand. Went looking for shells in the surf. Energy has never been hirer. I think back to 11 weeks ago when walking from my car to my office was a chore. Thank god those days are gone. I feel like my I am taking my life back.

15 minutes on the bike before breakfast. Strapped for time have to take the dog to the vet before work for spaying.
After work billy has a soccer game and then plan on hitting the gym for nautilus and 15 on the treadmill. down 47 pounds this morning. I have never lost weight so fast in all my life. The nautilus is really kicking it all in and I feel so much stronger.

chemlady Tue, Sep-10-02 10:47

Yes yesterday I stuck to it and did go to the gym for nautilus and the treadmill. I am determined.

20 minutes on the stationary bike.
Plan on swimming at the Y tonight with the kids.
Need to do crunches after work for those flabby abs.

slimchance Tue, Sep-10-02 10:51

Hey chem! :wave:

It sounds like you have things under control! Good for you!! :thup:

It is amazing how much exercise can empower a person! :D

Keep up the great work!! You're an inspiration to many.

KC :)

chemlady Wed, Sep-11-02 19:53

today wednesday:
I think this exercise thing is getting addictive. thats a good thing.
15 mins on the bike before breakfast.
tonight i went to the y and did the nautilus. I upped the sets from 2 to 3 and I also did 17 minutes on the treadmill. slowly working up the time in order to get to 25 minutes.

I also lift cylinder tops in my laboratory. It may look funny when someone sees me doing it but it all counts toward the new me and when Im finished they won't be laughing they will be borrowing those cylinder tops which are cheap weights.

chemlady Fri, Sep-13-02 10:30

Yesterday was thurday and I took the day off from exercise kinda of.
last night I went for a 30 minute walk with the dog or should I say the dog took me for a walk, did a few sprints here and there and the dog loved it. I can see when I am ready we will be able to run together. Well shes ready and I need to lose a little more before Im ready. the kids rode there bikes along beside us.

15 minutes on the stationary bike before breakfast.
after work I am going to the gym to do nautilus and 15 on the treadmill. Still fighting a cold and taking extra C for it.

chemlady Sat, Sep-14-02 06:38

Yesterday I followed through plus I took a bike ride at night.

Today, Saturday:
10 minutes step aerobics - thats all I could take. Ran downstairs and did 15 minutes on the stationary bike after which I ran back upstairs and finished off with 10 minutes of crunches all types.

Plan on taking the kids to swimming after lunch at the Y and maybe tonight a bike ride. I seem to not be able to stand still and I try to make every moment count. I feel so much better.

chemlady Tue, Sep-17-02 07:34

Lets see to begin with I did go swimming for 45 minutes on saturday and I did go around the block once on the bike at night but I had the trailer hooked to it with billy(40+lbs) and the tires were almost flat so it was a bit much and decided to get more air in the tires for next time.

Sunday I did 25 minutes on the stationary bike and made several trips up and down the stairs get all the fall stuff out and decorating the house. It rained on and off all day.

Monday: I did 15 on the bike in the am and after work I did 30 min nautilus and then 15 on the treadmill.

Today teusday I did 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I hope I am motivated enough to do some thing tonight.

HerbNurse Tue, Sep-17-02 08:08

You go Chemlady!!

Got a good thing goin' on, keep up the good work.

chemlady Wed, Sep-18-02 09:33

Yesterday I walked at lunch with my boss for 20minutes. Last night I was busy with the kids. I took the dog to the vet to get the stitches removed and that was an ordeal getting her in and out of the car. She is petrified of the car and weighs 48 lbs. When I finally got her in the car she jumped in my seat and wouldn't get out.

Wednesday; I did 15min on the stationary bike this morning first thing. I plan to go to the gym after work for the nautilus and the treadmill.

chemlady Thu, Sep-19-02 10:51

Today is thursday and I got in about 7 minutes on the bike this morning. I woke up late and no time.
Yesterday I went to the y with the kids after supper and did 40 minutes nautilus (3 sets on each machine opposed to the regular 2 sets) I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and then took a 45 min swim with the kids. I think I did a bit too much because I was a little short tempered by the time we got home and wasn't in the mood to put up with thier stall tactics about going to bed. Today I am taking it easy and plan on taking a walk around the building outside in awhile when my boss gets back from lunch. He calls me the amazing shrinking woman. Tonight I am going out to eat with my sister and of course will stick to my new way of life. She promised me a lobster dinner when I lost 50 pounds. I wish a had a couple like her. Ha Ha!

chemlady Fri, Sep-20-02 11:37

Yesterday I did take that 20 minute walk but at night I had calamari when I went out with my sister. I looked it up on fitday today and I guess it wasn't so bad because I had few carbs the rest of the day. Then we walked the mall. Can't wait till I can finally shop in express and limited instead of just look at the cool new clothes out. Its been so long since I have been a regular size and the styles have changed so much. I bought ashley a cool outfit in limited too. Its a lizzie maguire, her favorite program on disney.
When I got home the house was trashed because the babysitter lets them do what ever they want and they don't pick up. I spent an hour picking up and straightening. I get my exercise any way I can.
Today I did 20 minutes on the bike and I am getting out a little early so I can go to the gym and do nautilus and 15 on the treadmill before I pick up billy.

chemlady Mon, Sep-23-02 09:05

Lets see.
I did the treadmill and nautilus on friday.
Saturday I did 15minutes step aerobics immediately followed by 20 minutes on the bike and 10 minutes of intense stomach exercises.
I walked about 40 minutes with the kids in the afternoon while my car was being fixed.

Sunday: 20 minutes on the bike. 45 minutes in the pool and at least an hour of intense yard work and boy can I feel it in my shoulders today.

This morning I did 20min on the bike and will head to the gym later for nautilus and treadmill.

I was a little depressed because when I got on the scale this morning I gained a pound but my TOM at least I think thats what you call it is coming within a week from now or at least it is supposed to by all calculations.

I didn't measure myself yesterday because I am trying to space that out to every two weeks in order to see a measurable difference.

Let hope that as the week progresses things get better.

chemlady Wed, Sep-25-02 14:14

first of all I did go to the gym on monday and did the nautilus and the treadmill for 15minutes. I wish I could have done more but billy had a soccer game at 5:30 so there was little time. I did two sets on each machine and increased the weight by 5lbs on the second set.
Teusday: I rode the bike for 15minutes before breakfast and went shopping with ashley at the mall at night.

Today, Wednesday: I did 15min on the stationary bike and took a 20minute walk with my boss around 2:30. Tonight after supper I will go to the Y and do nautilus 3sets and 15 on the treadmill.

I do have TOM and I still am carrying that extra pound around. Oh well. I guess I have to expect some stalls and set backs.

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