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bigguyjonc Mon, Mar-03-03 22:03

sick of defending atkins...
Hi, :wave:

Is anyone else sick of having to defend atkins everytime some uneducated person asked you how you lost the weight. Everytime I mention the word atkins they always say "that diets really really bad for you. You're going to have a heart attack and die" I think i am alot more likely to die of a heart attack if I had the 77 lbs back i lost LCing. These same people don't run around to everyone eating nachos and french fries and say "you're going to have a heart attack and die." I know I eat alot healthier then most americans.i also have to explain the reason behind atkins and why it is good for you as apposed to bad for you. Also everyone always seems to think that anyone on atkins eats 6 steaks a day and nothing else. They don't understand that if you really follow atkins you eat alot of veggies. Sorry about venting about this, I just had 3 people say this to me last week, and I was wondering if you guys have the same experiences.Bye.


Kayceecan Mon, Mar-03-03 22:25


The tide is turning Jon. Atkin's has been getting a lot of good press lately and starting to prove to the public that he was right all along.

You should have heard the comments I got back in 1973 when I tried his diet the 1st time!....People really thought I was killing myself! :D But through him (and Dr. Stillman), I lost 40 # in less than 3 months!........

Save yourself some energy...just tell them you're watching your carbohydrate intake......Even if you spend hours trying to explain it to them, if they don't want to accept it, they're not going to understand!...........Just keep losing....and living healthy!....That will show them ;)

RCFletcher Tue, Mar-04-03 01:06

Hi Jon,

'Casting pearls before swine' comes to mind. Why bother to mention you're on atkins. You aren't trying to convert anyone. You can just tell them you've given up sugar and starchy foods. It's the word "Atkins" which gets people going.

Good luck,

lucyr Tue, Mar-04-03 02:48

That is exactly what I say.Robert. 'I avoid sugar and starch'.
'Are you on a diet then?' 'No, I just think it suits me better if I avoid sugar and starch.'
''You are not doing that terrible Atkins diet that kills people are you?' No, I an just avoiding sugar and starch..'
'Would you like some low fat yogurt, they're good for diets.' 'No thanks, as I am avoiding.....'

Another response I liked, from another thread is ' You may be right, I'll go straight back to the healthy high sugar and everything else diet I have been on for the last 20 years, and gain another 100lbs.'

Why do people think they should pass remarks??

Keep the faith.

Alina Tue, Mar-04-03 03:39

Hi all,

Oh, why bother? I just say I'm allergic....hehe, which in fact I am. Nobody will question that.

As Dr Atkins said: "If your mind wasn't so narrow, your waist would be"

Take care!


Teuthis Tue, Mar-04-03 07:36

The knee jerk reaction of people, most of whom have the intellectual capacity of cabbages, is just that. They parrot what they have heard. This unfortunately includes a large number of so called medical professionals. They don't stop to think that being thinner is the is the most important aspect of dieting.

I learned many years ago to ignore the intellectual bourgeoisie. I just smile inside and revel in the fact that I possess a functioning cerebrum. Do likewise:)

Good Luck!

UAGirl Tue, Mar-04-03 09:24

As Dr Atkins said: "If your mind wasn't so narrow, your waist would be"

I think this will now be my new response to people. :cool:

SmallerMe Tue, Mar-04-03 10:35

Why argue with them?
If they insist that the diet is going to harm you, then let them believe that. You probably won't convince them if they have such a closed mind. Just tell them that even if they were right you'd rather live until you are 70 being slim, fit, self-confident, and active than to live to 80 being overweight, depressed and unhappy. Of course, if you are 65 already this may not work but I am 30 and I'd much rather live another 40 years being fit and happy than live another 50 years being overweight and unhappy.

asugar Tue, Mar-04-03 11:01

I don't bother defending Atkins. All I say is that I'm just eating a lot more green vegetables and a lot less sugar and leave it at that.

If I were to be asked if I was doing, "that terrible Atkins diet that kills people" I would probably say something like, " Like I just said, I'm just eating a lot more green vegetables and a lot less sugar" and not even take the bait. :D

I also make a point to keep my comments to myself when I encounter lowfatters and fad-of-the-month dieters that feel the need to tell me more than I ever wanted to know about their various diets. :)
asugar :wave:

Lessara Tue, Mar-04-03 11:15

My recent experience
I started in my new job about June of 2002. I brought in my low carb things and immediately one of my co-workers started teasing me about it. When my boss found out I was on Atkins she was alarmed and told me I was going to die on this but I explained to her that I have been low carbing for over two years and have had physicals every 6 months, blood work included, and my body is healthier now than before. (My heart and liver are declared "younger" than I am!).
When they say "High Protein" I said no, its low carb, normal protein. When they said "High Fat" I said olive oil, butter, and nuts are now concidered very healthy if you read the papers.
Well I'm now have been here for almost 8 months. Two people are doing Atkins, one openly the other silently. I have the Atkins book where anyone can read it. Also I share articles supporting my eating style.
I can't eat wheat anyways and dairy is bad for me too.. they are allergies. So if someone gets nasty I tell them "besides I'm allergic to wheat and dairy, so this helps ME"
So far my work, home, and gaming groups are "Atkins friendly" with teasing sometimes thrown in. "Kassie, how about a donut, oh that's right its poison" "Yes, Danny, You are absolutely right."

upncomer Tue, Mar-04-03 11:53

I agree with Kassie - I have always been very open about my Atkins WOE. If someone starts yapping about how terrible it is, I usually let them know that through Atkins I found out how allergic I am to certain foods and now avoid them. My DH just EXPOUNDS on the greatness of Dr. Atkins and this WOE, and nobody is gonna question a 6'2" guy wearing camoflauge! :D

csj Tue, Mar-04-03 12:33

It is rude for people to comment or criticise in any way what others do or do not eat. I have worked on a non-response to such comments - just smile slightly and continue munching my spinach. At most I'll comment that avoiding certain foods helps me stay healthy.

Let your weight-loss and health be your testimony.
Good luck.

sharann Tue, Mar-04-03 13:10

If they ASK me, I tell them I am eating LC. If they start arguing the evils of it, I just shrug and say "You ASKED me". If they want to rant and rave then let them. The proof is evident in my at loss, so most people are awed rather than angered. They can just go on doing their lowfat diets and getting heavier.

gladehaven Tue, Mar-04-03 13:38

My response is simple.

I tell them I am diabetic and my doctor has decided that in order to stay off insulin I must stick to a diet that has no sugar, potatoes or bread in it. Then I just smile. Most people don't bother with a retort they just nod and keep going.

That is, until I start eating the pork skins and hot sauce. :D I just remind them that I can have them in place of the bag of potato chips they're munching on, and point out how much carbs-to-sugar danger there is in that little bag they're holding! Shuts 'em up every time.

Besides, most of the folks around me are dieting, too, and they're looking at my lunch every day quite enviously!


quietone Tue, Mar-04-03 15:42

I have found that most people...
that ask me how I lost weight, aren't really my friends that care anyway, because they already know what I am doing. They are usually acquaintances.

So, I just tell them the same thing I used to tell them when I was doing low calorie..."I just changed the way I was eating and started exercising." End of discussion. I didn't justify then, and I don't justify now.

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