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swsunny Mon, Nov-17-03 12:16

Any TEACHERS out there????
Hello fellow teachers! Just curious to hear from others in my profession to compare/contrast experiences. I know that as a first year teacher, I am having a lot of trouble finding time to keep up with this diet! I don't have time to cook anything and I don't have time to exercise. So, if there are any teachers out there, I would love to hear some tips and advice. Maybe we can start some sort of "Teacher's Challenge" or something too! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Mossling Mon, Nov-17-03 22:35

OOOH, I remember that first year! Can't take the time to take a deep breath, much less get in the exercise! Oh, wait, that's the way I feel every Monday! :lol:

Be delighted to communicate with you! What do you teach (what grade and or subject?) And be delighted to add to your support group (and add you to mine!)


katwoman Tue, Nov-18-03 08:41

Hey, great thread! I teach JH & HS computers--been doing this for 8 years, and it is easier than the first year, but I still have 5 preps for the six hours I teach each day. I'm also a graduate student working on my school counseling certification, and have two college-age daughters (and a husband and three cats).

So far as cooking--I do a lot of crock pot dishes (roasts, chicken, etc.)--steam frozen veggies in the microwave to add to it--or fix a salad. Normally I have leftovers that I can bring to work the next day--our cafeteria has NOTHING low carb except salad. I like salad, but not every day.

I think one thing that helped me is that I started this the week before school let out last spring, and had all summer to really get used to what I can eat before returning for this school year.

Oh, another lunch idea is creme cheese rolled in ham slices. I do that on my lunch duty days because I don't have to take time to heat it.

Hope that helps.

sjkling Tue, Nov-18-03 09:04

i teach hs computers and business classes. i also started atkins last spring, so i have had time to make adjustments. i have a son in high school and another son in college. on sundays, i slice peppers and boil a bunch of eggs; then salad making is a breeze every night! on sundays, i also make a bowl of sugar free jello and then whip it up with some whipped cream for lunch time dessert! sometimes i cook a few chicken breasts ahead of time, too, but i'm usually not THAT organized, so i cheat and use the tyson southwest breast strips....i too, like dried beef and cream cheese rollups for something to go with the salad....tuna salad, egg salad--both can be made ahead of time and then wrapped up in a La Tortilla tortilla--hope that gives you a few ideas!

swsunny Tue, Nov-18-03 09:49

Good to hear that are other teachers out there! :)

--Jude-- I teach grades 5-12 Vocal Music in a small school district in northeastern Kansas. And yes, I really don't feel like I have time to breathe sometimes! Hehe...

--katwoman and sjkling-- Thanks for the great meal ideas! Part of my problem right now is that it's time for the fall musical and it is going to be performed this coming weekend. So, I've had rehearsal everyday during the week and don't get home until usually between 10 and 11pm. We've also had weekend rehearsals the last couple weeks. So, I've literally been home for 5 hours (not including sleeping time) in the past 2 weeks and the last thing I want to do with my free time is cook! So... after this weekend I think things will finally calm down and I'll actually have a life again! (I can't wait!)

What do you all do to get exercise?

katwoman Tue, Nov-18-03 10:44

I walk. Some weeks I have time to walk 3 or 4 times, other weeks I'm lucky to get in 1 mile.

etoiles Sun, Nov-23-03 15:24

Hello all!!

Nice to meet other educators!

I am a high school art teacher in my fourth year of teaching. I just moved to Chicago and so it is my first year at this particular school and so I have a lot less time than in the past! Also the school is very far away so the commute is super long.

To make meals faster I pick meals that can bake in the oven so I dont' have to watch the stove and those that will last for more than one day so one day is just heat and eat! Also I am lucky my husband enjoys cooking so he helps out and makes a meal a few days of the week too!

for exercise I try to do videos at home usually tae bo (40 min) or when I have less time there are tae bo videos for 25 min and even an 8 min tape that can make you sweat!

one problem I have teaching is drinking enough water. I get caught up in walking around the classroom helping students I don't ever seem to drink enough! any suggestions?

Mossling Sun, Nov-23-03 16:18

Exercise: I go to Curves 3x per week (well, except for last week. Last week was conferences. I left school, went home, and collapsed every afternoon [20 conferences/day in 2 hours after teaching all day] or night [Thursday the conference time starts at 6:30].) Typically, though, I head out at 4:30, reach "my" curves at about 5, and get home by 6--exercised, relaxed, and refreshed.

Water: 2 glasses (at least!) before you go to school. Get there, pee, another 2 glasses. A glassful BETWEEN each period. An extra one at "lunch hour", and 2 after kids leave. Bathroom as often as possible. If you have a 7 period day, you'll drink 13 8 ounce glasses that way before you get home.


swsunny Sun, Nov-23-03 17:42

Wow! Sounds like you definitely get your fill of water, Jude! I'm just not used to drinking that much... do you find that you have to force it down sometimes? And when do you have time to use the bathroom?? That would probably be my biggest problem.

Etoiles-- Where in Chicago do you teach? In the city or in the suburbs? I grew up in Naperville, which is a western suburb. Anyway, gotta love the Tae bo... I have a couple Tae bo videos and boy, they really make you work up a sweat!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break... I still have teacher inservice on Monday and Tuesday, but at least I don't have to deal with crazy middle schoolers for a week! Hehe...

fern2340 Mon, Nov-24-03 16:15

Hi teachers!! :)

I teach Phys Ed to grades Pre-K through 8th grade at 2 different schools. This is my 2nd year. I am also in grad school so my exercise has been slacking lately. I ref basketball so that is great and when grad school isnt that hectic, I try and go to the gym right from teaching or else it is hard for me to get there!!

Nice to meet some fellow teachers!

Mossling Mon, Nov-24-03 21:56

MOST of the time my body is on a schedule (hit the bathroom before school, at break--after 2 classes, at lunch--2 more classes, and IMMEDIATELY after school.) SOMETIMES, though, I have to give my LA kids a break between periods so I can go--and other times I leave my best class busy doing something they LOVE so I can zip across the hall to the office and the bathroom there. No accidents yet.

Of course, today, having said how to get in all the water you need...I didn't drink enough. :lol:


katwoman Tue, Nov-25-03 09:42

For the water--I joined the water drinking challenge last week--and it has been a challenge. I have a small refrigerator in my classroom--and I keep bottled water there. When I empty one bottle, I grab another. I carry it around the room with me.

Bathroom breaks have been a challenge, but fortunately there is a bathroom very near my room and I've about trained my bladder for between class trips. It is getting better, I'm making fewer trips every day.

etoiles Tue, Nov-25-03 18:21

all of these suggestions about water are good ones!! Thanks! I have brought a big bottle with me to school and when it is empty I fill it up at lunch and then again after school for the ride home.

I have to be trained on a bathroom schedule also. Our passing periods between classes are only 2 minutes so by the time one class leaves another is about to come in ! I have to make sure all the art supplies from one class are put away before the bell rings! :)

Anyone have any influence with anyone at your school? There is one other teacher who has been on a low calorie/low fat plan but I have been talking to him about low carb. He just can't fathom the whole fat is not bad thing though...

Mossling Wed, Nov-26-03 20:02

Nope, not yet--but people are beginning to notice there's a lot LESS of me than there used to be! Of course, it doesn't hurt that I'm pulling out clothes (like the school logo sweater the previous principal gave all of us one Christmas about 10 years ago) that I haven't been able to wear in YEARS!! I have persuaded people to try Curves, though!


swsunny Mon, Dec-01-03 10:24

Hi! I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving breaks! I know I did... but it was WAY to short... I think that was the shortest break I've ever had! Ok, today I'm trying two things now that I actually have time after school again:

1. Drink more water!!
2. Start an exercise regime.

Wish me luck! (I'll need it...) I'm not great at remembering to drink water, so this will be a huge challenge for me. Hope everyone has a great day!

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