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Yaseruzo~! Sun, Mar-02-03 09:22

OMG 60g of carbs yesterday!
Yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday, and we spent just about the whole day eating! We went out to eat lunch at this Greek place and I had some pork shiskabobs (probably about 10oz of pork rib meat? with some onion and green peppers plus the marinade that was on the meat), about 2 cups of lettuce and about 1/2 cup of tomato with italian dressing. Then we went to go see a movie (brought 1oz of pork rinds with 1/2 cup melted cheddar on it, & sipped water) and then we went to this sushi place and I ate the largest sashimi platter they had (a whopping $60USD!). I would guess it was probably about 4oz of shellfish, 12oz of other fish, about 1/2 cup of shredded daikon, 1/4 tsp of wasabi, and probably about 2 tbsp of soy sauce. Ok, that wasn't too bad, right? Well, on the way home, we stopped at Walgreens and found those carbolite gourmet selections chocolates, sour citrus slices, and gummy bears. I ate 1/2 the box of chocolates (3 servings) and 1/2 the bag of the citrus slices (1 serving). I came home and added everything up at fitday, and OMG!!!!!! The total carb count was over 60g after subtracting fiber! I didn't subtract any carbs from the carbolite stuff because I don't know how (even though it says it only has 2g of effective carbs per serving). I got up this morning and checked the ketostix and thankfully still in ketosis. I'm weighing in at 166.5 this morning! I've got gas like you wouldn't believe, but I haven't gone to the bathroom yet because the fiber count was less than 10g. Well, I'm back on the plan this morning :) Thanks for listening to my guilt-ventilation!

red1cutie Sun, Mar-02-03 09:29

Awww Yas..hey you are still in ketosis. :D And you are back on the plan. Welcome :p Next time stop at the soy sauce.

I haven't gone to the bathroom yet because the fiber count was less than 10g

That should be interesting :rolleyes: 10 grams of


wesley101 Sun, Mar-02-03 09:55

hehe don't worry no big deal....

For me personally I have to eat alot moore carbs hehe

I am getting weaker by the day ... cuz i lift weights and run alot.

Lisa N Sun, Mar-02-03 09:57

Re: OMG 60g of carbs yesterday!
Originally posted by Yaseruzo~!
I've got gas like you wouldn't believe

That's the effect of all the maltitol you consumed. I hits me a lot faster than the next day (like within a few hours), so I've learned to avoid or at least greatly limit the foods that I eat with maltitol in them or know that I will pay the price for my indulgence.

gkeenan Sun, Mar-02-03 11:02

I'm impressed you can eat over 60g of carbs and still be in ketosis. How long did it take you to get there? I've been lc for about 18 months now and have not ventured off induction. I know I should but I'm afraid to...


amber lite Sun, Mar-02-03 11:40

extra carbs
Don't sweat it. That maybe what your body needed. That happened to me oneday. After eating about 25-30 carbs a day for about 4 weeks, I ventured off and ate about 50-60. Funny thing I lost weight.! I continue now to alternate between high and low days to keep my body guessing. It appears to working. Some days I have consumed upwards of 90 carbs and continue to lose. Now, those high carb days consist of extra servings of vegetables and fruit. No junk foods, although I did eat a 4 inch slice of pound cake. I think when people say they are stalled, I think all they need is a good carb kick. :idea:

spellbound Sun, Mar-02-03 11:52

Well at least you were able to check it out on fitday. That is a lifesaver isn't it?

Just think of where you would be now if you didn't know how many carbs it was? You might keep eating that way and fall off the plan all together.

Congrats for coming back.

BTW, those candy bars do that to me too. I stopped using them, and I feel much better now. DOn't even miss them.


Miss Melis Sun, Mar-02-03 11:55

....sometimes it happens!.... :eek:

But you are here and have great people to discuss it with....

take care, :wave:


Arrow Sun, Mar-02-03 12:16

So what?
Hi all,

Patty, sounds like a fun day. And you went over what you think should be your carb count right now. So what? Here's the way you are going to eat for the rest of your life, not one day, or one week.

I think you made intelligent choices through out the day. It was a special day so you treated it in a special way. And now you are going to keep following the path you've marked out, and the pounds are going to drop away. A future without some special days would be a pretty gray place.

Gail, in spite of my brave words above, I'm like you. I'm sorta' afraid to leave induction. I mean, it is only the fourth week, and, very very slowly, it is working.

Gail, I never subtracted fiber from vegetables. I figured that would allow for any "hidden" carbs that might sneak in. Now, I am so bold, I don't worry about carbs in lettuce, broccoli, etc. Sigh. Still finding my way.

Yaseruzo~! Wed, Mar-05-03 00:27

Thank you everybody :) I feel a lot better after I've vented!

I'm still stuck at 166.5 today, so I guess it wasn't water weight as I had hoped it would be! I'm ok with that though. I think I'm eating too much salty foods that is causing me to stall like soy sauce, pepperoni, pork rinds, and cheese. I'm using Morton lite salt, but I think I'm getting more salt from those other foods. I'm going to try to cut some of that out. I use soy sauce for everything, so I will just have to switch to low sodium kind, but I don't know if I can stop eating cheese though. No more pepperoni for me until I get around to making the pizza quiche, and no more pork rinds for a while. And most of all, no more maltitol! I thought I was going to poop my internal organs out!

Teuthis Wed, Mar-05-03 04:37

Too Much!
The truly negative aspect of what you did, was to eat too much. That is really what makes us fat. And that is what you must bring under control if you are going to lose weight and then maintain your goal weight. You could have eaten a lot less and still had an enjoyable day. 30% of the food volume you ate would have been reasonable. Certainly not much more.

Your episode should serve as a warning that you still need to work on self control. I think it is something we must all cope with on a daily basis; and learn to control our desire to overeat. Atkins makes it easier to do, but it still requires constant vigilance on your part.

Good Luck!

Yaseruzo~! Wed, Mar-05-03 09:42

You're so right about self control! I really don't have much of that when it comes to shiskabobs and sashimi! But, I'm down another pound to 165.5 this morning, so I'm getting it under control somewhat :) I think eating out is something I really need to work on. I can control the portions that I eat when I cook at home, and I eat every last bite of it too. The problem is that I'll eat every last bite of whatever is served to me at restaurants too! But I'm not too unhappy with the way I ate the other day except for the carbolite sweets. I think that was my undoing for sure. I'm staying away from that stuff and staying the course on this LC journey!

Thank you everybody! :wave:

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