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Rain Tue, Feb-05-02 20:41

looking for new CALP friends! Join me!
I just started CALP this week. Today was my second day and I love it. I'm not even hungry. I've been reading all the great advice you guys have been posting! Thanks! Hope you can join me here and help me out with comments and ideas :p

B- water (not hungry)
L- chicken, 1C LC veggies (spinach and muchrooms sauteed)
D- humburger with buns, 1C green beans with butter, small bowl of fiber with raisins and skim milk. 1 glass of grapefruit juice.

Treadmill: 1 hour

I should be getting the CALP book any day now! I can't wait to read it from end to end!!

I appreciate any comments, ideas or sharing that you'd like to post here! :D

borlisch Tue, Feb-05-02 21:21

Hi welcome aboard.

This is a great forum and alot of helpful people. I have just recently started Calp as Atkins was just to strick for me. I love knowing I will have a reward meal sometime during the day.

Keep up the good work, I know you will do well.

Have a great week.

BArb :wave:

Rain Tue, Feb-05-02 22:13

Thank you Barb! Tell me...! When did you start CALP and how much have you lost!? I'll check your journal later on to see what you're eating and to get some ideas for myself! Tell me, tell me more! :D

animaldoc Wed, Feb-06-02 10:28

Hey there! Glad to hear you like it Rain! My favorite part of this is being able to eat YUMMY LC during the day and then have a RM at night. I'm currently on a little stall because of some cheats, but this WOE has worked for me before so I know it will start again!

I made the mini-spinach frittatas that I found on this website and they were yummy (I left out the cottage cheese since it isn't allowed on CAD). I'm also into roasted red peppers right now, and last night we went out for Mexican!

Hope you have fun!
-animaldoc :wave:

Rain Thu, Feb-07-02 00:58

Thank you Animaldoc! I just went to read your journal and see how you were doing. It's so good to hear that so many people are doing well following CALP. I say this because I find it so easy to follow! It's almost like not being on diet! I get to eat bacon and all sorts of good stuff that I love during the day. And then at night I get my RM!

My hardest part right now is mental I think...LOL Some little part of my brain is thinking that this is too easy to be effective...that i'm wasting my time...blah, blah! Grrrr! (LOL!!) So, I'm holding on and hoping my best that I'll be able to show good results like you are guys! Please keep posting! It's so good to read whatever you care to share! :roll:

wawtigress Thu, Feb-07-02 05:41

Hi just read all your comments
I'm real excited this morning. I'm down to 180 which is my first goal. I've changed my profile to list my next goal of 170.Right now i'm steadily losing 1 1/2 lbs a week and never hungry . i've lost a total of 20 lbs. since 11/20/01. This is the easiest diet i've ever been on. So if you follow the book , you'll lose the weight but if you cheat it only sets you back. I plan in advance my meals and make sure i know what to look for if i'm caught out someplace. Like for instance, YOu can always find a weiner or sausage at a convenience store deli. Wrap in a napkin and throw away the bun and get a bottle of water and munch away.Then when you get home you can have your reward meal. You haven't ruined it with a quick hot dog or hamburger in a bun.Hope this helps . Keep on trying and the weight will go. Wawtigress

JoAnnAtkin Thu, Feb-07-02 07:19

Howdy Rain!
I too have started the CALP recently. However, I just bought the book yesterday. I was on the Atkins for one month and lost 10 pounds, but heard about the CALP and thought it sounded something I could live with, problem is, I am wondering if it really will work, or will I gain my 10 pounds back, I worked so hard to lose on Atkins? I need to lose another 25, at least! I do not need to be gaining or maintaining! :rolleyes:
Am I the only one who has worries about this CALP, being "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?"
A Diet Buddy in TEXAS Confused! :confused:
Jo Ann

animaldoc Thu, Feb-07-02 09:08

Good and True!
Don't worry guys-it's good and true!!! I lost 30lbs the first time I did CAD (several years ago) and then kept the weight off for two years until I graduated from vet school. During my internship and residency I stopped using CAD as my WOE/WOL and *surprise* the pounds came back!

Hang in there and you'll see results! Like wawtigress says though, you have to stick to the plan, cheats will make you stall. (I actually cheated on weekends when I was in maintenance and didn't gain any weight back as long as I stuck to it during the week, but that may not work for everyone!)

wawtigress- congrats on meeting your fist goal! :Party:

-animaldoc :wave:

wawtigress Thu, Feb-07-02 09:20

You're so right animaldoc
You do have to follow the book . It's the easiest thing I have done. But each person has to make up his own mind. No one can do it for them. I didn't regain any weight when I changed and have lost each week. Keep up the info and watch the lbs. go away. Wawtigress

Rain Thu, Feb-07-02 12:00

Oh guys! You don't have an idea how much I needed to hear your words! ;) Thank you for posting! I've come here every day since I started CALP on Monday, looking for advice and encouragement. Thank you for sahring your thoughts!

I'm trying to hold on tight right now and stick to it...Not because of cravings or wanting to cheat, since like you all say; this is the easiest diet for me too! The thing is that I started Feb. at 132 lbs, then TOM came and I started CALP during that time (not a good idea...I know). Now that TOM is gone, I'm at 135 lbs :mad: So, I'm trying to ignore this and foregt whatever happened during this -window time- (??) and just move ahead. I don't have a problem NOT cheating. I just need to work on "trusting" this diet and know in my heart that it will work. That's why I keep reading your posts, from those who have been in my shoes and have been enjoying success with CALP/CAD.

Wawtigress, thank you for checking my journal. I hope I get the book today so I can be more confident about what I'm doing. Today I wasn't hungry, so I'm skipping breakfast and lunch (maybe not a good idea...but I'm not hungry). In the afternoon I have a BD party to go to with my husband, it'll be like a buffet. I plan to do this my RM, since I remember you saying NOT to skip the RM. If this works for you, it'll work for me!! One way or another!!LOL You betcha! :p

Thank you for visiting my post, please keep posting! :thup:

JoAnnAtkin Thu, Feb-07-02 19:52

Hello Rain!
...your stats show you have lost over 40 pounds. May I ask......was it from Atkins for CALP? I lost 10 on the Atkins, and now am trying the CALP......I just hope I don't gain it back with the reward meals.
I too, just got the book. So, I am reading it now and sounds like something I can live with, if it will work? :confused:
I was just wondering how you lost your first 40 pounds?
A diet buddy in TEXAS
Jo Ann

wawtigress Fri, Feb-08-02 06:26

Hang in there everyone
hi, this morning , I had a thrill last night. I was walking from the living room to kitchen and my pajamas bottoms slid right down to my knees.That means weight loss. I'm still maintaining my 180 so I'll show a loss this week of a lb or more when I do my averaging. Keep reading the book over and over so you'll know what to do. I take my book and as i read it I underline the very important facts from beginning to the end of the book. Then I can go back and read the highlighted or underlined portions only for a quick refresher. This helps tremendously to keep you on track.Hope these little hints help. And don't expect to lose more than 1-2 lbs a week on any diet to be healthy. More than that on any diet except the initial big loss is unhealthy and you will gain it back.It takes a lot of patience but now I don't even think about the diet except to make out my meals in advance so I won't cheat by not having the right thing in the house.Hope this will help. Wawtigress :roll: :daze: :)

JoAnnAtkin Fri, Feb-08-02 08:37

Good for you, Wawtigress!
I am proud for you Wawtigress! Wish my pj's would fall off of me! LOL LOL
You posting like you do, really helps all of us!
I will report in as I do my journey on the CALP!
Jo Ann in TEXAS :wave:

cogin Fri, Feb-08-02 20:36

Congrt's to all of you on theweight loss!!!
I have been on CALP for 6 months and have steadly lost. My average is 5-6 lbs a month on the long haul. I did haave one month that was basically a stall. I just didn't follow the rules closely eneough. Even then I didn't gain, I just didn't loose. For me this is not a fast plan but these numbers are healthy. Hope this works for you!!! I'm sure if there has been a mistake possible to make, I've been there done that and survived.

My best piece of advice is "drink your water!!"and average your weight or the scales will drive you crazy. :daze:

Rain Fri, Feb-08-02 23:11

Hi Cogin! Thank you for posting. It's good to know that you too, are having such good results! I'll be very happy if I can lose 5 pounds a month :cool: Especially because of the lack of cravings and the freedom I feel I have with this WOE (it's wonderful!)

Wawtigress! That was funny! LOL! Me too! I wish my pj's can soon fall down like yours! :D Isn't that wonderful!

JoAnn, to answer your question, I lost 30 pounds doing low calorie/low fat. The cravings were really driving me totally insane! So I started experimenting with low carb diets, but without making a commitment to any in particular. I finally decided to do CALP and started it this week. I've been reading about many people having great success with it. I got the book yesterday and read it all as I was taking notes to review them later. I'm VERY excited! Today I was able to use the next little hole in my belt! :) It's not like the pj's story from Wawtigress! LOL But it still puts a smile on my face! :D

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